Maintenance Operations (Beta) User Guide
The Maintenance Operations page simplifies Work Order Management by streamlining your maintenance processes and ensuring the longevity of your assets. Use it to access summarized and organized data for Work Orders, and upcoming Scheduled Maintenance.

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User Guide

January 2025


The Work Order Management is designed to streamline your maintenance processes and ensure the longevity of your assets. Use it to access summarized and organized data for Work Orders, and upcoming Scheduled Maintenance. You can create and modify preventative maintenance schedules to easily keep track of your fleet’s needs and identify potential issues in advance.

This feature provides a seamless experience for completing maintenance tasks and ensuring that your vehicles and assets are always in top condition. Whether you are dealing with routine maintenance or more complex repairs, the Maintenance feature can help you stay on top of all your maintenance needs.

In addition, this feature also surfaces engine faults and predictive maintenance issues that may not be immediately apparent to your fleet, giving you quick summaries of potential issues before they become major maintenance issues.

Find Work Order Management by navigating to Maintenance > Maintenance Center > Work Order Management from the main navigation.

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Maintenance requires the Maintenance Admin to be able to create, edit, delete maintenance entities, and Maintenance Viewer to view the pages. Granting these permissions will depend on what level of access a user is supposed to be assigned to use. Any user account with these permissions enabled can use the Work Order Management feature.

Work Order Management workflow

The Work Order Management workflow includes four stages:

  1. Maintenance Schedules
  2. Work Request
  3. Work Order
  4. Job

After you set up Maintenance Schedules, on the Work Order Management > Work Request tab new Work Requests will appear alerting you that scheduled maintenance has become due. Alternatively, remember on the Schedules page you may set up emailed alerts for when these become due. See Maintenance Schedules for details. After review, you may turn a Work Request into a Work Order. When a Work Request is assigned a work order, they become a Job and appear as such within both the Work Order you have created and the Jobs tab. Once the Job is completed, the Work Order is closed. A Work Order will remain open as long as there is work to be performed on the asset. Work Requests can also be created based on other sources, as the diagram below details:

Maintenance Schedules

Maintenance Schedules, formerly known as Maintenance Reminders, are recurring or one time reminders that one or multiple assets require work.

To create a Schedule:

  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Maintenance Center > Schedules from the main navigation.
  2. Select + Schedule from the top menu on the Maintenance Schedules page.
  3. Enter a Reminder name.
  4. Enter a Category.
  5. ✱ NOTE: Categories are additional types of labels that can help you with reporting purposes.

  6. Using the checkboxes, specify if the reminder repeats by Time, Distance, or Engine Hours. Enter the reminder frequencies related to the selected metric.
  7. ✱ NOTE: You can select more than one value (for example, every six months AND every 10,000 km). A reminder is sent when the asset reaches any one of the criteria.

  8. Select the Add Assets tab to search for and add assets to the schedule.
  9. Select the Notifications tab to set up notifications for this Schedule.
  10. Click Save to finish and return to the Maintenance Schedules page.

Data Insights (Predictive Maintenance)

There are two types of automated Maintenance Schedules that display based on the availability of data from your assets:

  1. Electrical System Rating (ESR) – Alerts users when the Electrical System Rating of an asset drops to or below 15 out of 100, indicating a potential need to inspect the asset’s battery and electrical connections.
  2. Oil Life Remaining – Estimates the remaining oil life based on asset-specific data and driving behaviors. Oil Life Remaining calculates the optimal time for an oil change, aiding in maintenance planning and asset care.

NOTE: You cannot adjust when these insights will trigger, as they are based on data models created by Geotab. In the future, you will be able to select the users that receive the notifications associated with these alerts.


We are currently developing the creation of Work Requests based on Faults. Check back for future updates!

Asset Inspection - Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)

In the future, Administrators will have an option to automatically create a Work Request on the Work Request page based on an Asset Inspection (DVIR) reported as a Major or Minor defect by a Driver using Geotab Drive. Fleet Managers and Mechanics will then be able to view and create Work Orders to start the work to get the asset back on the road. We will empower drivers to be able to see the open Scheduled Maintenance, as well as Data Insights, on Geotab Drive and be able to create a Work Order or make use of Roadside Assistance. Features related to Asset Inspection are still in development, so check back for updates.

Manual Work Requests (Defects)

Sometimes, maintenance must be done on an asset that is completely out of scope and not routine. For this, you may want to create a Manual Work Request, which we make use of the DVIR Defects Lists to create a list of items that could appear to be repaired. Review Using Defect Lists to edit what could appear in this list then come back to see how to create a Manual Work Request.

Creating Work Requests

From the Work Request tab on the Work Order Management page, you can create a Work Request for unexpected maintenance that might be needed for a single asset and was not scheduled for:

  1. Select the + Work Request from the top right of the page.
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  3. Select the Asset, Defect, Severity, Due on Date, and Service Due on the Create Work Request popup.
  4. Enter a Description with details related to the request.
  5. Select Add.

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The Work Request will display on the Work Requests table along with all others for your fleet. You can select it and proceed to create a Work Order.

Creating a Work Order from a Work Request

From the Requests tab, select multiple Work Requests by selecting the boxes to the left of each asset. The + Work Order button will display at the top of the table, along with other bulk actions: Skip and Snooze.

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Work Request actions

Skip - Automatically creates a Work Order for the selected assets and their associated Work Requests. You will need to add a note as to why these Work Requests were skipped. Once completed, your user name will be assigned to the Work Order, the Work Order will be closed, and the individual Work Jobs will have their status labeled as Canceled.

Snooze - Automatically removes the selected Work Requests from the Work Request page, and asks you if you would like them to come back to the Work Request tab within 1 day, 7 days, or 30 days. Your name will only be recorded in the Audit Log that you performed this Snooze, as no Work Order is opened for this action.

+ Work Order - Groups all selected Work Requests by their matching asset, and creates Work Orders for each asset. Creating a Work Order transforms the Work Request into a Work Job, and will be referred to as a Jobs going forward.

Work Order form and terminology

By selecting + Work Order after selecting your list of Work Requests, a work order form displays. Then, you have data available to fill out related to the Jobs being completed. The Work Order form includes the following information:

  1. Reference – The name at the top of the Work Order starts with 001 and continues to automatically increase for new orders, but you may rename it to any combination of numbers and letters you want.
  2. Opened Date & Time, Creator – The form always displays the time the Work Order was created and by who. These details cannot be changed.
  3. Last Edited – Automatically updates date and time after anyone saves the Work Order.
  4. Work Order Overview
    1. Asset Information – Asset Name, VIN, Make, Model, Year are all prefilled at Work Order creation if they are available. A Work Order cannot be assigned to a different asset, you must create a new Work Order for that asset if it is the case. The displayed Asset details can only be modified in the Assets pages.
    2. Due on date – A manually entered date that controls when the Work Order becomes overdue. It can be referenced when a mechanic or service provider offers an estimated date of completion and if the work has gone beyond this time.
    3. Status – A drop down list controlling the overall status of the entire Work Order. Statuses include: Open, Scheduled, In Progress, On Hold, Completed, and Canceled. See Closing, Deleting and Saving Work Orders for details.
    4. Priority – Controls the filtering and ordering of this work order on the Work Order page. Priorities are: Low, Medium, High, Critical.
    5. Assigned to – When a name is first assigned to a Work Order, they will receive an email notification that the work order has been assigned to them. If this name is changed, another notification will be sent. The assigned user is responsible for the Closure of this Work Order.
    6. Repair site – Geotab has integrated Zones into Work Orders. The Repair site dropdown displays a list of Zones already in your database. Selecting the Zone where your workshop or service provider is located can assist in data analysis related to total vehicle down time and repair costs analysis over time.
    7. Reason for repair and Repair class – Select the repair information related to your Work Order.
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  6. Engine Hour and Odometer Reading – Both values are automatically included, if available, when the Work Order is created. These values will not change automatically. If the vehicle moves while the Work Order is Open, you can manually edit the information. When you Close the Work Order, these values will directly impact the recurring Maintenance Schedules created for the assets, so keeping them accurate is important.
  7. Total Costs – This section automatically sums up depending on the costs entered in the individual Jobs. The Currency may be changed if you are charged in a certain currency for the repair, but if another user reviews it, they will see the Currency in their correct currency exchange rate.
  8. Notes and Attachments – Add any relevant notes or files (e.g., diagrams, photos). Ensure attachments are clearly labeled. You may upload up to 10 files per work order, however each file must remain under 2 MB.

Defining Work Order Jobs

The Jobs section of a Work Order has all the assigned Jobs to be done within the Work Order, that originally came from the Work Request page. There are several functions in this section:

  1. + Add – Look up open Work Requests that could be tacked onto this Work Order, or create a new manual Work Request to assign as a job on this Work Order.
  2. All pending – Add all pending Jobs for this asset.

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Editing a Job

To edit a Job, select the job name from the Jobs list.

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The Maintenance job details page displays the following:

  1. Overview
    1. Displays the Asset and VIN of the asset getting the job done.
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  3. Job Detail
    1. Job name – This section is automatically named based on the name of the Maintenance Schedule or another source that originated the Work Request.
    2. Source name, triggered date and time Displays which source from the Work Request page created this Job, along with date and time.
    3. VMSR system code – Based on Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) a standardized system of alphanumeric codes used to track and categorize maintenance information for vehicles and equipment. Geotab will be bringing in System, Component, and Assembly fields to assist with much larger data analysis of maintenance data.
    4. Service work accomplished Another VMRS code, that you can enter manually.
    5. Job status The status of the specific task of this job. It could be either Open, Scheduled, In progress, On hold, Completed, or Canceled. To close a Work Order, the final Status per job must be either Completed, or Canceled, signifying that the job was done, or not done.
    6. Job started / Job completed – These help capture the amount of time the job took for later data analysis, and comparison to labour hour costs.
    7. Priority – How critical the repair is. Options are Low, Medium, High, and Critical (highest priority).
    8. Description – Enter any specific details about this Job.
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  5. Costs
    1. Labor – The Cost of the mechanic or service site for performing the work on the asset.
    2. Hours of labor – The total hours spent on the Job.
    3. Parts cost – The total sum costs of all parts within the Job.
  6. NOTE: Labour, Hours, Parts all sum up together on the Work Order that the Jobs are connected to, giving you a total on the Work Order itself.

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  8. Notes and attachments - Details written out for mechanics or others to review separately, like a note that this is a recurring issue, or that the part replaced was not the normal part, etc.

Closing, Deleting and Saving Work Orders

From each Work Order page, you can choose to Delete, Save, or Close it.

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  1. Delete – Select to delete a Work Order, then select Delete on the confirmation message if you are sure you want to delete. When a Work Order is deleted, the Jobs assigned to it are automatically Canceled. The Audit Log will register the user who deleted the Work Order the date and time it was deleted.
  2. Save – Select to save the current progress and any changes made to the Work Order. If you accidentally try to close the page with an unsaved work order, a confirmation window will remind you to save before closing.
  3. Mark as closed – When a Work Order has had all its Jobs completed, it is time to mark it as closed. It could also be closed before all Jobs are marked as Completed, but in this case a confirmation window will pop up asking if you want to mark remaining Jobs as canceled. When A Work Order is Completed, the Work Order becomes logged on the Work Order page for review in the future. The Audit Log will register the user who closed the Work Order the date and time it happened.

Bulk importing Work Orders

To bulk import Work Orders:

  1. Select the Jobs tab from the Work Order Management page.
  2. From the top menu, select Bulk import maintenance.
  3. Before creating your file, select Download template file, and review the excel file to organize your maintenance information on your own file.
  4. Add your file to the Drop file here or click to browse, then select Import.
    1. If you receive an error message, double-check the formatting of the template file and try again. The popup window should inform you about the errors.
  5. Your maintenance data will be logged as closed Work Orders with all the data you put in your Excel file.
    1. Use the status Completed, and filter by a specific asset on the Work Order page to find your uploaded record.

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Help us improve the feature!

Feel free to give us feedback directly by navigating to Support > Send Feedback to Geotab, or via Live Chat!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

API & Integrations - Is the Maintenance Work Order data available in a public API?

We are still working on adding the API Endpoints into our SDK documentation and testing all connections currently.

Can I download a report of all my Work Orders?

Yes. On the Work Order tab of the Work Order Management page, select Reports from the top menu to download the Work Order report. This will only download the data for all the Work Orders you have loaded in total while searching on that page.

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Where are my old Reminders, Upcoming Maintenance, and Maintenance Records reports?

The old pages for these reports no longer work, and have been replaced on MyGeotab. The Work Request tab is the new Upcoming Maintenance Report, while the Work Orders tab is the new Maintenance Records page, and the Reminders page is now the Schedules page. The current pages use new API and coding, so the old reports for the pages do not work. New reports may be made off any of these new pages.

For those who used the old system, any Maintenance Records on your database were made into Completed Work Orders, one Maintenance record to one Work Order. No data has been deleted from old records.

Can I go back to the Old Reminders, Upcoming Maintenance, and Maintenance Records Page ?

No. These pages have been deprecated and are no longer accessible.
