Routing & Optimization — Mobile User Guide
Support Document
0 mins to read
February 2025
This document functions as a guide for Routing & Optimization – Mobile. This application allows you to manage your assigned appointments for the day, contact your customers, add notes, and more.
! IMPORTANT: A subscription to Advanced Routing is required to use this module.
It is recommended you use Geotab Drive, which must be installed on your mobile device, and you must be subscribed to Advanced Routing.
For more information about device requirements and setup instructions, refer to the Driver’s Guide to the Drive App.
Alternatively, Routing & Optimization – Mobile can be accessed through MyGeotab, and navigating to Mobile, by logging in with the same Driver credentials as those configured for the Resource in Routing & Optimization.
Getting Started
Routing & Optimization – Mobile can be accessed from Geotab Drive. If you do not have login credentials to Geotab Drive, contact your Administrator.
Log in to Geotab Drive, then select Advanced Routes to get started with Routing & Optimization – Mobile.
Using Routing & Optimization – Mobile
Setting your status and preferences
Setting your status informs your Dispatcher about your working status. Tap the status, then select one of the following options:
- Ready — Select Ready when you are ready and available to take appointments.
- Not Ready — Select Not Ready when you are finished your work day, or not available to take appointments.
- On Other — Select On Other when you are on a break, or working but not on an assigned appointment (for example, at a team meeting).
- Alert — Select Alert in the event of an emergency, or a dangerous situation. This immediately sends an urgent notification to Dispatch, allowing your dispatcher to respond promptly and provide assistance.
When you update the status of your appointment, your status changes on the app to let your Dispatcher know your current status, and how that might impact your response time.
Additional preferences
You can also set the following preferences:
- List view — Displays a list of your appointments, depending on your filters. This view is useful to see an overview of all your appointments.
- Calendar view — Displays your appointments on a calendar. This view is useful to determine if you are running behind schedule.
- Dark mode – Tap the moon icon to turn on dark mode, or tap the sun icon to revert back to light mode.
- Location services – Tap the location icon to turn on location services.
Filter your appointments
By default, Advanced Routes (Routing & Optimization – Mobile) displays all your assigned appointments in the list view.
You can use the following filters to adjust your view:
- All — View open and closed appointments
- Opened — View appointments assigned to you that are active or pending.
- Closed — View appointments assigned to you that have been Completed, Cancelled, or Not Done (incomplete).
View appointment details
Each appointment displays the following information:
- Appointment ID — Displays a unique ID number for the appointment.
- Order Type — Displays the type of work to be completed.
- Appointment Time Range — Displays the appointment time window.
- Planned Duration — Displays the amount of time scheduled for the work to be completed.
- Address — Displays the customer’s address.
- Phone Number — Displays the customer’s phone number. Tap Call to use your device’s dialer to call your customer.
- Customer — Displays the customer’s full name.
- Arrival Time — Displays your estimated time of arrival based on your route and appointments.
You can also perform the following actions for each appointment:
- Notes — Add important notes to your appointment.
- Verify Appointment — Add a Home Verify event to your appointment to document your communication with the customer.
- Contact Dispatcher — Call your Dispatcher directly with one tap.
- Add Picture — Upload a picture from your mobile phone for proof of delivery.
- Appointment Status — Update the status of your appointment.
Get driving directions to selected appointment
To help you safely and efficiently navigate to an appointment, choose from two driving direction options:
- Open Geotab Drive, then select Advanced Routes
- Select your preferred navigation method:
- Depending on your device type, click on Google Maps or Apple Maps for device app directions
- Regardless of device type, click Navigate for in-app directions, and choose from Truck Safe or Car navigation
- With Truck Safe selected, you can then toggle on Transporting hazardous materials? option for further safety navigation.
Update appointment details
Adding notes to your appointment
Adding notes can provide important information for your Dispatcher, or another driver. For example, use Notes to indicate that you were only able to partially complete an appointment and what is left to be done, or you’ve made arrangements with the customer to return later in the day.
To add a note to an appointment, follow these steps:
- Open Geotab Drive, then select Advanced Routes.
- Tap Notes on an appointment.
The Notes popup window is displayed.
- Write a note, then tap Add. Repeat to add more notes.
You have successfully added a note to an appointment.
Adding an Appointment Verification event
Verify Appointment allows you to document the outcome of your attempt to confirm the appointment with the customer before you arrive. This can help prevent unsuccessful appointment fulfillment, improve your route, and enhance the customer experience. The event is also displayed for your Dispatcher, allowing them to follow-up as needed.
To add an Appointment Verification event to an appointment, follow these steps:
- Open Geotab Drive, then select Advanced Routes.
- Tap Verify Appointment for the selected appointment.
The Verify Appointment popup window is displayed.
- Tap the home icon, then select one of the following options:
- No action required — Indicates no action is required.
- Left a message — Indicates you left a voicemail, or left a message with another person.
- Wrong number — Indicates that you confirmed the phone number on the appointment is incorrect.
- Verified — Indicates that you successfully reached the customer, and confirmed that they will be available for the appointment.
- Customer contact not required — Indicates that the appointment does not require communication or confirmation from the customer.
- No response — Indicates that you tried to contact the customer, but did not receive a response.
- (Optional) Comment — Write a note associated with the selection made in step 3.
- Tap Add.
You have successfully added an Appointment Verification event to the selected appointment.
Adding a picture to your appointment
For appointments that require proof of delivery, you can upload a picture from your mobile device.
✱ NOTE: You can add multiple pictures for each appointment.
To add a picture to an appointment, follow these steps:
- Open Geotab Drive, then select Advanced Routes.
- Tap Add Picture on an appointment.
The Upload an Image popup window is displayed.
- Tap Browse for file to locate and select the picture on your mobile device.
The thumbnail for the uploaded picture is displayed.
✱ NOTE: To delete an uploaded picture, select the thumbnail, then select the delete icon.
You have successfully added a picture to an appointment.
Update the status of your appointment
Updating the status of your appointment lets Dispatch know of your route progress in near real-time, while also ensuring your safety, allowing your Dispatcher to assist you if needed. By default, the status of your appointment is Assigned.
To update the status of your appointment, ensure you are in Ready status, tap the Assigned appointment status, then select one of the options outlined in the following table.
✱ NOTE: You can tap Undo to revert back to the previous status.
Assigned is the default status. This means that the appointment has been assigned to you, but no other action has been taken.
From Assigned, you can select one of the following options:
- En Route
- In Progress
En Route
En Route means that you are driving, or on the way to the appointment address.
From En Route, you can select one of the following options:
- In Progress
- Undo
In Progress
In Progress means that you are actively performing the required work.
Completed means that you have completed the required work..
Cancelled means that you did not begin the required work because of the following reasons:
- Customer denies the appointment
- Additional work or changes requested from the customer require a new appointment be created instead
Not Done
Not Done means that you began the required work but were unable to complete because of reasons that were out of your control (for example, the customer needed to leave unexpectedly).
Closing an appointment
When you close an appointment, you can include details about the work that was done at the appointment.
✱ NOTE: Your current status must be In Progress to be able to complete this.
To close an appointment, follow these steps:
- Tap the appointment status (In Progress), then select one of the following statuses:
- Completed
- Cancelled
- Not Done
The [Appointment ID] popup window is displayed.
- Confirm the correct status is selected under Status.
✱ NOTE: Close Codes and Work Codes are configured by your company. Close Codes are typically general work services, and Work Codes are typically specific work services performed. For more information, contact your Administrator.
- Under Close Codes, select the appropriate option, then tap Add. Modify quantity as needed (+/-). Repeat for any other close codes. Tap the delete icon to remove the code.
- Under Work Codes, select the appropriate option, then tap Add. Modify quantity as needed (+/-). Repeat for any other work codes. Tap the delete icon to remove the code.
- (Optional) Add a comment or note about the close code(s) and/or work code(s) that were added.
- Tap Next.
The Signature step is displayed.
Signature and Review
- If applicable, have the customer sign their initials or name in the signature box. Tap Clear to reset.
- Tap Next to continue or skip step 1.
The Review step is displayed.
- Review and ensure the status, Close and Work codes are correct, then tap Save.
You have successfully completed an appointment.
✱ NOTE: If the selected Status is incorrect, or you missed a Close or Work Code, tap Previous until you are at the first step and modify as needed. If any incorrect Close or Work Codes were added, tap Close or X in the top right corner to cancel the closure event, and start again.
When you complete an appointment, your status is automatically updated to Ready, letting Dispatch know you are now available and the appointment has been actioned.
Modifying a completed appointment
Once an appointment has been completed, you can modify the codes and/or comments.
✱ NOTE: The Signature can only be added or modified during the initial completion of the appointment. You will not be able to modify this later.
- Open Geotab Drive, then select Advanced Routes.
- Tap Edit Codes under the completed appointment you want to modify.
The [Appointment ID] popup window is displayed.
- Under Close Codes, modify the appropriate option, then tap Add. Modify quantity as needed (+/-). Repeat for any other close codes. Tap the delete icon to delete the code.
- Under Work Codes, select the appropriate option, then tap Add. Modify quantity as needed (+/-). Repeat for any other work codes. Tap the delete icon to delete the code.