Routing & Optimization — Territory User Guide
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This document functions as a reference guide for the Routing & Optimization – Territory module in the Fleet Management Application. The Territory module provides a geographic visualization of data, allowing you to manage and optimize your territory to allocate resources effectively, save costs, and identify growth opportunities.
January 2025
This document functions as a reference guide for the Routing & Optimization – Territory module in the Fleet Management Application. The Territory module provides a geographic visualization of data, allowing you to manage and optimize your territory to allocate resources effectively, save costs, and identify growth opportunities.
! IMPORTANT: A subscription to Advanced Routing is required to use this module.
Getting started
Territory can be accessed directly from the Fleet Management Application. To access the Territory module:
1 | Login to Fleet Management Application. |
2 | Navigate to Productivity > Advanced Routing > Territory from the main menu.
3 | The Territory Plans page displays. |
Creating a Territory plan
To create a Territory plan, follow these steps:
1 | Launch Territory. |
2 | Click + Plan. The Create New Plan popup is displayed.
3 | Enter a unique name for the Plan name field. ✱ NOTE: If this field is left blank and a CSV file is uploaded, the name of the file will be automatically inserted as the Plan name. |
4 | Optional: Click Add note to enter notes about the territory plan. Notes are shared with other users under the same account. ✱ NOTE: Click Remove note if you do not want to add a note anymore. |
5 | Select one of the following options for detailed steps to import data into Territory:
6 | Click Create Plan. ✱ NOTE: Click Create Pplan without using an import upload function to create a blank plan. Recommended use: Create territories manually then visualize how orders are allocated.
Orders that are mapped within the manually created territories will be automatically assigned to them, and those outside will be Unassigned. |
Upload from MyGeotab
The Upload from MyGeotab option allows you to import existing zones in your Fleet Management Application account as orders or territories.
1 | Click Upload from MyGeotab. The Upload zones from MyGeotab popup displays.
2 | For Upload zones, select Orders (not assigned to a Territory) or Territories. |
3 | Navigate to the area the zones to be uploaded are on the map, then use the Selection tool(s) to select the zones. |
4 | Click Upload zones. The Create New Plan popup displays. |
5 | The number of zones to upload is confirmed. Click Create Plan. |
Your territory plan has been successfully created and is displayed on the Plans page.
Upload CSV File
The Upload CSV File option allows you to import existing data from a CSV file. You can also select Download template if you want to build a plan from scratch, then upload it.
1 | Click Import CSV file. |
2 | Locate the file on your computer, then click Open. The name of the file is displayed. ✱ NOTE: You can click Change file to replace the file, or Remove file.
3 | Optional: Select Standardize territory names to apply title case and spacing to your territory names. |
4 | Click Create plan. |
Your territory plan has been successfully created, and is displayed on the Plans page.
Upload from Route (Future Release)
The Uploadfrom Route option allows you to import order data from Route.
1 | Click Upload from Route. The Upload orders from Route popup displays. |
2 | Select an option from the Branch dropdown. |
3 | Select a Start Date and End Date. |
4 | Optional: Select Set territory to assigned Resource to automatically create the Resources as a territory with the assigned orders as planned in Route. |
5 | Click Upload orders. The number of orders and Resources to be loaded are confirmed. ✱ NOTE: Click Remove Orders if you want to remove orders loaded and choose a different import option. |
6 | Click Create Plan. |
Your territory plan has been successfully created and is displayed on the Plans page.
View your Territory plans
The Territory Plans page is displayed when you launch Territory.
The Plans page features a table that displays your territory plans with the following information:
- Plan — Displays the name of the specified territory plan.
- Branches — Displays the branch ID of the specified territory plan.
- Revenue — Displays the total revenue of the specified territory plan (*if revenue values were provided for the orders).
- Duration — Displays the total duration of all orders in the territory plan.
- Resources — Displays the number of unique Resources added to the specified territory plan (see Load Resources for more information).
- Territories — Displays the number of territories in the specified territory plan.
- Planned — Displays the number of orders with an Actual Resource assigned for the specified territory plan.
- Unplanned — Displays the number of orders without an Actual Resource assigned for the specified territory plan.
- Date Created — Displays the date and time the specified territory plan was created.
Each territory plan also has two icons for additional information and options:
- Optimize territory plan— Allows you to create optimized daily plans. Refer to Optimize a Territory plan (Future Release) for more information.
- Notes — Indicates whether the territory plan has notes.
- If the territory plan has notes, click the shaded Notes icon to view the notes.
- If the territory plan does not have notes, click the Notes icon to add notes.
- Additional Options — Select the ellipsis (…) to open a menu with additional options. Refer to Additional options for each territory plan for more information.
Additional options for each Territory plan
The Additional Options menu is accessed by selecting the ellipsis (…) on each territory plan.
This opens a submenu with the following options:
- Open plan In new tab — Open the selected plan in a new browser tab.
- Download — Download territories, or territory plan data.
- Export and download the specified territory plan data in a JSON or CSV file.
- Export territories data in individual KML files, or a compressed KML file.
- Compare — Compare your territory plans side-by-side. This allows you to select up to four territory plans, and compare territory plan data.
- Share Territory — Feature coming soon.
- Load orders — Load order data from the Fleet Management Application, a CSV file, or Routing & Optimization - Route.
- Load branches — Load branch location data from a CSV file.
- Load resources — Load resource Begin and End location data from a CSV file.
- Archive — Archive the selected territory plan(s). These plans are eventually removed.
- Hide — Hide the selected territory plan(s). You can view hidden territory plans through the Visibility filter
✱ NOTE: The hidden plan(s) can be made visible again by selecting the Show option from the Additional Options menu.
- Delete — Permanently delete the selected territory plan(s).
! IMPORTANT: Deleted territory plans cannot be recovered.
Comparing Territory plans
To help you manage multiple territory plans, the Territory module has a Plan Comparison feature that allows you to compare up to four territory plans in a side-by-side format.
You can also choose what metrics you want to see with the filters feature, allowing you to focus on high-priority metrics.
To compare your territory plans, follow these steps:
1 | Launch Territory. |
2 | Click Compare. ✱ NOTE: If the Compare option is grayed-out, use the Filters option to expand the Date Created Range accordingly, so plans are displayed and Compare is available. The Compare Plans panel is displayed.
3 | Select up to four territory plans. ✱ NOTE: You must select at least two territory plans to use this feature. Selected plans displayed on the Compare Plans panel. |
4 | Click Compare. The Plan Comparison page is displayed with the selected territory plans.
Review and compare selected Territory plans
Once you have selected your territory plans, you can use the following features to help you with your comparisons:
- Filter your metrics — Click the Filters icon beside Metrics to show metrics you want to view. You can also deselect metrics you want to hide.
- Swap the positions of your territory plans — Click the Swap icon to move the plan panel left or right, or drag a plan panel to the desired position.
- Replace with another plan — Click Replace with another plan to replace the selected plan with another plan.
- Review each metric — Hover over each metric to highlight it across the plans for easier comparison.
✱ NOTE: The metrics of a plan are compared to the plan positioned to its immediate left. A marker may appear next to the value to highlight if it is greater than or less than
the compared value.
Finding a Territory plan
The Search bar on the Plans page allows you to search for territory plans.
To search for a specific territory plan, enter at least the first three letters of the territory plan name into the Search bar. The table displays the corresponding territory plan in real-time.
✱ NOTE: Apply filters to narrow down results when using the Search feature.
By default, the table on the Plans page displays a list of territory plans created today and over the past 14 days. To refine the list of territory plans, click Filters.
The following filters display:
- Date created range — Select a start and end date for when the territory plan was created.
- Branches — Select branches from a dropdown list to display territory plans with the selected branches.
- Status — Select statuses from a dropdown list to display territory plans in the selected statuses.
- Visibility — Select an option from the dropdown list to display territory plans with selected visibility setting.
- Visible — Select this option to show territory plans that are not hidden.
- All plans — Select this option to show all territory plans, visible and hidden.
- Hidden — Select this option to show territory plans that you have hidden.
Territory Plan Details
Once a territory plan is created, you can view and adjust the plan based on your needs. Territory has features to help you make changes and business decisions for your plan:
- Review analytics to make decisions about service orders and territory management
- Create or import territories
- Analyze revenue and duration of service orders
- Assign and unassign orders in bulk to a selected territory
- Pinpoint areas that have a high concentration of service orders
- Use data to better allocate Resources and plan their routes
From the Plans page, click on a territory plan to view the specific territory plan in detail. The territory plan details display in a map view.
Map overview and features
The Notes icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to add notes to the territory plan. Clicking the Notes icon opens the Notes popup. Enter a note, then click Add.
✱ NOTE: Notes can be edited, but cannot be deleted.
The Layers icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to adjust the layers you want to see on the map. Use the toggle to show or hide the following layers:
- Map Background — Toggle on to show the map, or toggle off to hide it.
- Postal Codes — Toggle on to show postal codes for orders, or toggle off to hide them.
✱ NOTE: You can only toggle one of the following heatmap options at a time:
- Order Heatmap — Toggle on to show heatmap data points that represent individual orders, or toggle off to hide it.
- Order Duration Heatmap — Toggle on to show heatmap data points that represent the duration of orders, or toggle off to hide it.
The Options icon is displayed on the map. It allows you toggle various data types on or off, and set the Icon size.
- Service Orders
- Unplanned Orders
- Service Types
- Consolidate Order Points
- Territories
- Branches
- Convex Territories
- Icon size — Small, Medium, Large
Polygon selection
The Polygon selection icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to select multiple orders to be bulk edited.
Rectangle selection
The Rectangle selection icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to select multiple orders to be bulk edited.
Territory drawing
The Territory drawing icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to create a new territory.
✱ NOTE: Manually created territories cannot be edited and orders cannot be assigned to them. Refer to Recommended use for more information on using this tool.
Zoom in and zoom out
The Zoom in icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to increase the zoom level of your view.
The Zoom out icon is displayed on the map, and allows you to decrease the zoom level of your view.
Reset bearing to north
The Reset bearing to north icon is displayed on the map. You can reset the angle at which the map is displayed.
Service order summary
The Selected Service Orders panel provides an overview based on the selected service orders.
The panel includes the following details:
- Count — Total number of selected orders
- Revenue — Total revenue of selected orders
- Appointment duration — Total duration of the selected orders
Analytics per month
- Count per month — Total number of orders based on selected orders
- Revenue per month — Total revenue based on a month of orders
- Appointment duration per month — Total duration of selected orders based on a month of orders.
Viewing analytics and edit multiple selected service orders
To view analytics on the Selected Service Orders panel, follow these steps:
- Launch Territory.
- Click on a territory plan.
The selected territory plan and map display.
- Select multiple orders— Use the Polygon selection or Rectangle selection tools, or press and hold Ctrl on your keyboard while clicking on multiple orders
The Selected Service Orders panel is updated to display analytics based on the orders you have selected.
- To assign or unassign orders, select one of the following options:
- Assign selected — This option allows you to assign selected orders to an existing territory.
- Create territory and assign — This option allows you to create a new territory, and assign selected orders to it.
- Unassign selected orders — This option allows you to unassign selected orders from their territories.
Assign selected
- Click Assign, then Assign Selected.
The Assign a Territory popup displays.
- Select a territory from the Select a territory dropdown.
- Click Assign territory.
You have successfully assigned orders to the selected territory.
Create territory and assign
- Click Assign, then Create territory and assign.
The Create New Territory popup is displayed.
- Enter a Name for your new territory.
✱ NOTE: The ID field is auto-populated based on the Name field. To change this, click the lock icon to unlock the field and enter another ID.
- Optional: Enter a note about the new territory in the Note field.
- Select a custom color to represent your new territory.
✱ NOTE: You can also select the refresh icon to randomly select a color.
- Click Create territory.
You have successfully created a new territory, and assigned the selected orders to the new territory.
Unassign selected orders
- Click Assign, then Unassign selected orders.
The Success! message is displayed.
You have successfully unassigned the selected orders from their territories.
Additional options for selected orders
Territory offers additional options for selected service orders. To use these, select your orders, then select the ellipsis (…) on the Selected service orders panel.
The following options are available:
- Assign to postal code territories — Creates territories for orders automatically and groups them by postal code or zip code.
- Mark unplannable — Marks selected order(s) as unassigned.
- Revert — Undoes your last action.
- Delete — Deletes the selected order(s).
- Select all — Select all orders in your territory plan.
- Unselect all — Deselect all orders in your territory plan.
View and edit a single order
Right-click an order balloon to view details. To edit an individual order, use available options in the order details popup.
Creating a new territory in your Territory plan
To create a new territory in your territory plan, follow these steps:
- Launch Territory.
- Click on a territory plan.
The selected territory plan and map display.
- Select the Territory drawing icon.
Your cursor changes to a crosshair cursor.
- Click on the map to start drawing your new territory — this is the starting point of the territory. Then, continue clicking along the perimeter of your new territory.
- To finish drawing your new territory, click on the starting point or double-click.
The Create a new Territory popup is displayed.
- Enter a Name for your new territory.
✱ NOTE: The ID field is auto-populated based on the Name field. To change this, select the lock icon to unlock the field, and enter a different ID.
- Optional: Enter a note about the new territory in the Note field.
- Select a custom color to represent your new territory.
✱ NOTE: Click the refresh icon to randomly select a color.
- Click Create Territory.
A new territory has been added to your territory plan.
Editing a territory in a Territory plan
✱ NOTE: Manually created territories cannot be edited.
To edit an existing territory in a territory plan, follow these steps:
- Launch Territory.
- Click on a territory plan.
The selected territory plan and map display.
- In the Filters panel, locate the territory you want to edit, then select the ellipsis (…).
- Click Edit shape.
- Click once on the territory displayed on the map to begin editing.
- Click and drag on the solid circles on the perimeter of the territory shape to resize and reshape the territory.
- Optional: Click and drag the territory shape to move it around the map.
- Click Confirm to save the changes you made to the territory.
The Success! message is displayed.
Edits made to the territory are saved.
Click Cancel if you do not want to save changes.
Refining a Territory plan
Once you have added territories and other data to your territory plan, you may want to refine or tailor the map view to find specific information. You can achieve this by using the Search bar, or Filters.
The Search bar on the territory plan detail view allows you to search for orders, postal codes, and customers (ID).
To search for a specific order, enter the order ID, customer ID or address associated with the order into the search bar. A list of search results are populated as you type.
Select the order from the results list to spotlight the location of the order on the map.
The Filters and Metrics panel is displayed by default.
Select the View icon to display the panel in either of the following formats:
- Collapsed View — Displays the metrics in a floating popup (default view).
- Table View — Displays the metrics in a table format.
Select the Filters tab to access the following filters:
- Territories — Displays a list of territories.
- Select a territory to show the territory on the map.
- Deselect a territory to hide the territory from the map.
✱ NOTE: Orders under Unassigned are those not assigned to a defined territory.
From here, you can also perform the following actions for a selected territory:
- Add a note
- Edit Color
- Edit Shape
- Delete
✱ NOTE: Orders assigned to the deleted territory will become Unassigned.
- Service types — Displays the Service Orders by service type.
- Select a service type to show those orders on the map.
- Deselect a service type to hide those orders on the map.
- Date Range — Displays a list of dates by month.
- Select a date range to show orders scheduled for the specified month.
- Deselect a date range to hide orders scheduled for the specified month.
Analyzing metrics in aTerritory plan
You can view and analyze metrics in your territory plan to understand how it is performing.
The Filters and Metrics panel is displayed by default. Select the Metrics tab to access metrics in your territory plan.
From the Filter Metrics dropdown, you can select and view metrics:
- By month — Displays the selected territory’s order metrics (Count, Revenue, and Job Duration), broken down by month. Click Show more for the metric detail.
- By service type — Displays the selected territory’s order metrics (Count, Revenue, and Job Duration), broken down by service type. Click Show more for the metric detail.
- By postal code — Displays the selected territory’s order metrics (Count, Revenue, and Job Duration), broken down by postal code. Click Show more for the metric detail.
- Postal code by month — Displays a postal code’s order metrics (Count, Revenue, and Job Duration), broken down by month. Click Show more for the metric detail.
- Postal code by service type — Displays a postal code’s order metrics (Count, Revenue, and Job Duration), broken down by service type. Click Show more for the metric detail.
- Postal code by territory — Displays a postal code’s order metrics (Count, Revenue, and Job Duration), broken down by territory. Click Show more for the metric detail.
View order details
You can view details about a specific order in your territory plan. Right-click on any order balloon on the map to display a popup with more details.
This popup displays the following information:
- Order ID — Displays a unique identifier for the order.
- Date — Displays the scheduled date of the order.
- Status — Displays the status of the order (Planned, Unplanned).
- Assigned resource — Displays the name of the Resource assigned to the selected order.
- Preferred resource — Displays the name of the Resource that is preferred to be assigned to the selected order, if applicable (upon CSV file import).
- Do not send resource — Displays the name of the Resource that must not be assigned to the selected order, if applicable.
- Territory — Displays the territory the order is assigned to.
- Service type — Displays the service type of the order.
- Service groups — Displays the service group the service type of the order belongs to, if applicable.
- Revenue — Displays the estimated revenue of the order, if value is provided.
- Duration — Displays the scheduled duration of the order.
- Customer — Displays the customer ID.
- Address — Displays the order address.
From this popup, you can also perform the following actions:
- Unassign territory — Unassign the order from the assigned territory
- Assign new territory — Create a new territory and assign order to it. Refer to Create territory and assign for more information.
- Mark unplannable — Set the selected order to unplannable. Unplannable orders are not included in your metrics, and have no Resource assigned.
* NOTE: this action cannot be undone
- Delete — Permanently deletes the selected order.
✱ NOTE: Unassign territory, Assin new territory, Mark unplannable, and Delete options are displayed after you select More.
Viewing metrics
You can view metrics for your territory plan using the Filters and Metrics panel. Click the View icon to display the panel in either of the following formats:
- Collapsed View — Displays the metrics in a floating popup (default view).
- Table View — Displays the metrics in a table format.
To view your metrics, follow these steps:
- Launch Territory.
- Select a territory plan.
The selected territory plan and map display.
- Select the Metrics tab on the Filters and Metrics panel.
- From the Filter Metrics dropdown, select one of the following options:
- By month
- By service type
- By Postal Code
- Postal code by month
- Postal code by service type
- Postal code by territory
✱ NOTE: For more information on each Filter Metrics option, refer to Analyzing metrics in your territory plan.
- Select the filter name (territory or postal code) to expand the view.
The view expands and displays Count, Revenue, Job Duration, Count Per Month, Revenue Per Month, and Job Duration Per Month.
- Click Show more to display the metrics broken down further.
✱ NOTE: Metrics are displayed based on your selections in step 4. Select the filter name to expand the view.
Metrics are now displayed under the Filters and Metrics panel.
Features on the Metrics tab
The Metrics tab also has the following features:
Optimize a Territory plan (Future Release)
Once a territory plan has been created, you can optimize it. This function will create daily plans in the Route module for each date with orders in the territory plan. For more information on optimized routes, refer to the Optimization Route User Guide.
To optimize a territory plan, follow these steps:
- Launch Territory.
- Create a territory plan or use an existing plan.
- Click the Optimize territory plan button that is in-line with the plan you want to optimize.
- The Optimize territory plan popup is displayed, with the selected plan name across the top,
- Configure the selections as needed:
- Select the Route Destination branch where you want to create the daily plans.
- The Date range is automatically defined by the order dates in the territory plan. Modify if needed, ensuring selected dates are within the predefined range.
- Choose the applicable Vehicle Type to define optimization for Car or Truck routing.
- Select the desired Optimization Profile for the plans.
- Optional: Click the Add note button to add a note to the plans.
- Click Optimize.
To view the optimized plans, launch Route and set the Plan date range accordingly. To further filter the Plans page, select the Branch, or input the territory plan name in the Search function.