Routing & Optimization – Administration User Guide
Support Document
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This document functions as a reference guide for the Routing & Optimization – Administration module in Fleet Management Application. The Optimization Admin module is used for the initial configuration of Appointment Scheduling, Routing, Dispatch, Territory, and Mobile.
February 2025
This document functions as a reference guide for the Routing & Optimization – Administration module in Fleet Management Application. The Optimization Admin module is used for the initial configuration of Appointment Scheduling, Route, Dispatch, and Mobile. The dashboard includes various configuration options, including order types, Resources and schedules, branches, advanced scheduling rotations, and more.
! IMPORTANT: A subscription to Advanced Routing is required to use this module.
Getting started
Administration can be accessed directly from Fleet Management Application. To access the Administration module:
1 | Log in to the Fleet Management Application. |
2 | Navigate to Productivity > Advanced Routing > Optimization Admin from the main menu.
3 | The Admin page displays. |
Order Types & Groups
Using Order Types
Order Types allows you to create and edit the types of work your business manages. They are also used to identify the type of work a Resource is capable of performing, and are referenced by the Route module when creating daily plans.
Creating new Order Types
Navigate to Configurations > Order Types and Groups. The page refreshes to display a table; click + Order type.
1 | Under the Identification section:
✱ NOTE: Small businesses may choose to keep the name and ID fields linked, while enterprises may choose to unlink the name and ID fields to create more advanced naming conventions. The ID is required for appointments when creating daily plans in Route. |
2 | Click Generate Icon and select a color, or click Upload to add your own icon.
3 | Under the Billing section:
4 | Click Next step. |
From the dropdown menu, select and assign the Order Type to one or more Order Type Groups. This is optional and requires that Order Type Groups are created first.
Click Next step.
Scheduling Parameters
✱ NOTE: Future Use – Leave all values at default and proceed to Save.
Under Basic Parameters, enter the following information:
- Identify the Time Window in which the associated appointment will be scheduled. This is the amount of time between the start and end of the arrival window, set in 30 minute increments. For example, if this value is 60, you would have an appointment such as 12 pm to 1 pm.
Under Advanced Parameters, enter the following information:
- Select a time value for Round to Nearest (this determines the minute value for the appointment time window; for example, 0 would be any minute like 12:11 pm to 1:11 pm, or 15 would be 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm.
- Indicate if the Importance of Timeliness (planned on-time arrival) is Low, Medium, or High.
- Determine the Missed Time Window Cost (the cost of missing an appointment time).
Under Scheduling Parameters, enter the following information:
- Set the Minimum Lead Time (the minimum number of days required to prepare ahead of the appointment date).
- Select Lead Time Days of Week. Choose Branch (no further action), or Specific (then choose the days to be counted as Lead Days for Minimum Lead Time setting).
Once necessary modifications are made, click Save. The new Order Type will appear in the list.
Using Order Groups
Order Groups are categories that you can assign Order Types to. The groups can be assigned to Resources capable of performing all order types within them.
Creating new Order Groups
Select Configurations > Order Types & Groups and click the Groups tab.
Follow the steps below to create a new Group:
1 | Click + Group.
2 | Add a name for your group in the Name field.
✱ NOTE: The ID for the group is automatically generated. To add an ID that is different from the Name, click the lock button to unlink the ID from the group name and enter the ID of your choice. |
3 | Pick a color for the group by clicking the color box (optional). |
4 | Click Save. |
Adding an Order Type to a Group
Once you have created some Order Types and Order Groups, click an Order Type. Under the Organization tab, select the desired group from the dropdown. Click Save.
✱ NOTE: An Order Type is not required to be assigned to an Order Group, but can be assigned to one or more Order Groups as needed.
Using Codes
Codes allows Resources to indicate the type of work performed during an appointment. Codes are used when updating the status of an appointment in both Mobile and Dispatch modules.
Creating new Codes
Navigate to Configurations > Codes. From the table, click + Code.
1 | From the Create Code popup, enter the Code name.
✱ NOTE: The Code name can be alphanumeric, and can include a hyphen or underscore. |
2 | Select the Type* dropdown to select the Code Type.
✱ NOTE: Cancel, Complete, and Not Done Types are primary codes that align with the selected appointment status, and the Work type is a secondary code. |
3 | Add a Description for the code.
4 | Click Save. |
Branches can be imported from Fleet Management Application or created manually.
Importing branches from the Fleet Management Application
1 | Select Configurations > Branches in the right sidebar. |
2 | Click + Upload from MyGeotab.
✱ NOTE: the IDs associated with the branches are provided by the Fleet Management Application. |
3 | Select the branches you would like to import from MyGeotab from the list of Available MyGeotab Groups.
! IMPORTANT: The risk associated with uploading branches from MyGeotab is that there might be missing metadata, which is indicated by warning signs. |
4 | Click Upload at the bottom of the page to import your selected branches. |
Creating a new branch
1 | Select Configurations > Branches in the right sidebar. |
2 | Click + Branch.
3 | Under the Details tab:
✱ NOTE: The ID for the branch is automatically generated. To add an ID that is different from the Name, click the Lock button to unlink the ID from the branch name and enter the ID of your choice.
4 | Under the Address tab, enter the street address, including the city and state/province where the branch is located in the search field. Select the applicable address when it appears. The system auto-populates the city, state, country, postal code, latitude and longitude fields. |
5 | Select the applicable Time Zone from the Branch Time Zone * dropdown.
6 | Click Next Step. |
7 | Under the Branch Hours tab, use the icon list to add Available Time by selecting the square icon. Click the calendar widget to add 30 minutes, or click and drag to add custom amounts of time. ✱ NOTE: The branch hours will also become the default availability pattern, which can be applied to Resources. |
8 | Optional: Add a Break Time Range by selecting the coffee cup icon. Click the Calendar widget to add 15 minutes in a 30-minute range, or click and drag to increase the range. This time period is fluid, and the system will consider the scheduled orders to schedule the best time for the break within the selected range. ✱ NOTE: The range (start and end times) must be greater than the duration of the break, must occur at the specified time. |
9 | Optional: Add Break Time by selecting the moon icon. Click the calendar widget to add 30 minutes in a 30 minute window, or click and drag to adjust the window and duration. This time period is fluid, and the system will consider the planned orders to schedule the best time for the break within the selected time range. ✱ NOTE: You can remove time from the schedule at any time by selecting the garbage can icon to Delete Availability. Click a time range on the calendar to remove a specific 30-minute time period, or click and drag to delete more time. |
10 | Click Save. Your new Branch will now appear in the Branches list. |
Editing branches
You can edit any aspect of existing branches by selecting them from the branch list.
- To edit a branch name, select the branch from the Branch List and edit the Name field.
- When editing Break Time Range, the break time range can be modified once added by clicking the dropdown next to the time, then by selecting an option from the dropdown.
- Alternatively, hover near the border of the break time range until you see the row resize cursor
, then click and drag to expand or shrink the break time range.
- The break time range cannot be longer than the available time range. If you require a break time range that is longer than the values in the dropdown, you must first increase the available time range.
- If the break time range is changed to a value that is equal to the available time range, then the break type will automatically change to Break Time (specific).
- To delete a break, hover over the time slot and click the trash can icon.
- You can delete an entire branch by clicking the trash can icon on the far right side of the branch list.
Use Rostering to create your Resources, such as technicians or drivers.
Creating new Resources
Select Configurations > Rostering in the right sidebar.
Click + Resource.
On the Personal Information tab, under the MyGeotab Driver section, select the Driver you want to add. Some or all of the Persona and Contact details will be auto populated. These can be modified as needed.
Alternatively, you can manually create a profile and not use MyGeotab Driver data. Under the Personal section, enter the Resource’s Name, Unique User ID, and Employment Start Date.
✱ NOTE: The employment start date can be in the future, but the Resource cannot be assigned any available time until that date or later.
Under the Contact section, enter the Resource’s Phone Number (with area code), and Email address. Click Next Step.
Under the Branch Assignment tab, select the branch to which the Resource should be assigned. You can select as many branches as you would like. Click Next Step.
✱ NOTE: You can remove a branch from the Selected Branches list by clicking to deselect it.
Under the Address tab, choose whether the Resource begins the day at a Branch or at a Specific address. For the Specific address option, enter the address in the provided fields.
✱ NOTE: The Branch option uses the predetermined branch address (as configured in Step 3 in the Creating a new Branch section).
Indicate whether the Resource ends work at the same location as they begin by using the End location is same as start location toggle. If the Resource finishes work at a different location, with the End location is same as start location toggle disabled, select Branch or enter a Specific Address. Click Next Step.
Optional: Under the Optimization tab, modify the Efficiency Rate for the Resource by checking the Override the profile efficiency for this resource box and adjusting the sliding scale. The Efficiency Rate refers to the pace at which the Resource completes an order, and is set by default at 100%.
Under the Order Types and Groups tab, select the Order Type Groups to assign to the Resource. You can deselect Order Types within the group on the right side to customize as needed. This assignment defines the type of work the Resource is capable of performing.
Under the Availability tab, select a pattern to add Resource availability.
✱ NOTE: You can select an End date for the pattern by disabling Repeats forever and using the End date calendar widget.
Click Save. Your new Resource will now appear in the Rostering list.
Pattern List
A Pattern is a schedule that repeats and can be assigned to multiple Resources.
Creating new patterns
Select Configurations > Pattern List in the right sidebar.
Click + Pattern.
Create a unique Name that represents the pattern’s purpose, and select the Branch to which the pattern will belong. This also determines the branch in which the available hours will apply when assigned to a Resource.
✱ NOTE: The ID for the pattern is automatically generated when a Name is added. To add an ID that is different from the Name, click the lock button to unlink the ID from the pattern name and enter the ID of your choice.
Add Available Time to your pattern by selecting the Available Time icon from the icon list. Click the calendar widget to add 30 minutes, or click and drag to add custom amounts of time.
To customize additional variables, such as Begin Location, for a given day, click on the gear icon to edit. Modify variables as needed and click Save.
Add a Break Time Range by selecting the coffee cup icon. Click the calendar widget to add 15 minutes in a 30-minute range, or click and drag to increase the range. This time period is fluid, and the system will consider the planned orders to schedule the best time for the break within the selected range.
✱ NOTE: The range (start and end times) must be greater than the duration of the break.
Add Break Time by selecting the moon icon. Click the calendar widget to add 30 minutes in a 30-minute window, or click and drag to adjust the window and duration. These breaks are not fluid and must occur at the specified time.
Add Meeting Time by selecting the camera icon. Click the calendar widget to add 30 minutes, or click and drag to add more time.
Remove available hours by selecting the trash can icon. Click the calendar widget to remove 30 minutes at a time, either at the start or end of the shift, or click at the start or end of the shift and drag to remove.
To Duplicate or Delete the selected week, hover and click the Actions menu. Then select the desired function.
✱ NOTE: The Delete function only applies to a week in the pattern, not the pattern itself. It is only enabled when there is more than one week in the pattern.
Click Save to create your new pattern.
Editing patterns
You can edit existing patterns by selecting them from the Pattern List.
✱ NOTE: edits to patterns that are assigned to Resources will automatically update accordingly in the Availability Calendar
- To edit a pattern name, select the pattern and edit the Name field.
- When editing Break Time Range, the break time range can be modified once added by clicking the dropdown next to the time, then by selecting an option from the dropdown.
- Alternatively, hover near the border of the break time range until you see the row resize cursor
, then click and drag to expand or shrink the break time range.
- The break time range cannot be longer than the available time range. If you require a break time range that is longer than the values in the dropdown, you must first increase the available time range.
- If the break time range is changed to a value that is equal to the available time range, then the break type will automatically change to Break Time (specific).
- To delete a break, hover over the time slot and click the trash can icon.
- You can delete an entire pattern by clicking the trash can icon on the far right side of the pattern list.
! IMPORTANT: deleting a pattern that is assigned to Resources will automatically clear all associated availability in the calendar for the affected Resources.
Availability Calendar
The Availability Calendar is the second level of scheduling, where patterns can be partly or completely overridden. This is where you can customize a Resource’s schedule outside their regular pattern.
For example, if a Resource works in Location A, but is needed in Location B for two weeks, you can use the Availability Calendar to create the new shifts in Location B for the specified date range. The Resource’s schedule will then return to the normal schedule after the two weeks are finished.
Alternatively, if a location has three Resources who normally work in rotation, but require two Resources from another branch to handle busy periods, the extra Resources can be added via the Availability Calendar.
Customizing Resource Availability
1 | Select Availability Calendar from the Configurations menu. |
2 | Select the Branch where the Resource is assigned. |
3 | Select the date range in which you want to make changes for the Resource. |
4 | Click any time period in the calendar of the specific Resource to edit that period.
5 | Use the icons at the top of the calendar widget to edit the events for the Resource. ✱ NOTE: Past dates are grayed out, and can be reviewed but cannot be edited; current and future days are green and can be reviewed and edited. |
6 | To remove an override before saving, click the trash can icon in the upper right corner of the event.
7 | To reset and remove all overrides created before saving, click the blue X below the date.
8 | Use the buttons at the bottom of the page to Close, Save, or Save and close (5). If you click Close before saving your changes, a window will appear to confirm the action.
Configuring the Availability Calendar further
You can further configure the Availability Calendar by clicking the buttons below:
- Copy days: Use this feature to apply one Resource’s attributes to one or more Resources.
- Remove availability: Use this feature to delete a Resource’s availability for any given week(s).
- Assign pattern: Use this feature to assign a new pattern to one or more Resources.
- Time Off: Use this feature to remove scheduled shift days in full from a Resource.
Using the Copy Days feature
1 | Click Copy Days. |
2 | Select the Resource(s) to which you would like to apply the attributes. ✱ NOTE: The total count of selected Resources will appear next to the Resources to apply.
3 | Select the Resource you would like to copy from using the dropdown menu.
4 | Click on the calendar widget to select a date or date range to attribute to the selected Resource.
The system indicates the number of days and the date range you have selected. |
5 | Select the Attribute(s) to copy.
6 | Click Copy days for the (amount of) selected resources.
When viewing the calendar, the Resources will now have identical schedules and custom attributes, and the customized days of the Resource (‘copied to’) will have an override indicator on it |
Using the Remove Availability feature
1 | Click Remove availability. |
2 | Select the Resource whose availability or customizations you would like to clear.
3 | Select the date or date range to be cleared from the Calendar widget. The system indicates the number of days and the dates you have selected. |
4 | Select one of the options below:
Using the Assign Pattern feature
1 | Click Assign pattern. |
2 | Select the Resource to which you would like to apply the Pattern.
3 | Select a Pattern. ✱ NOTE: You must provide an End Date if you wish to save the Pattern as an override: toggle off Repeats forever, then enter an End Date. |
4 | Select one of the options below:
Using the Time Off feature
1 | Click Time Off. |
2 | Select the Resource to which you would like to assign Time Off.
3 | Select the date or date range from the calendar widget. |
4 | Click Apply Time Off for the 1 selected resources on the bottom of the page. ✱ NOTE: This will remove all scheduled available hours from the selected date(s). When viewing the calendar, the Resource(s) will now have time off successfully applied, indicated by the umbrella symbol. |
Download Center
Use the Download Center to mass download images (including signatures) and codes that have been captured by Resources as they complete their assigned appointments through Mobile (Geotab Drive > Advanced Routes).
Using the Download Center
Navigate to the Download Center by clicking on the download icon to the right of the Configurations menu. The page refreshes to display the download options.
1 | Set the date range by clicking on one of the predefined durations or manually set a start and end date:
2 | In the next section, ✱ NOTE: If not specifired, then data for all Branches, and by default - all Resources will be returned. ✱ NOTE: All Resources are considered If no Resources selection(s) is made.
3 | In the final section, . |
Term | Definition |
Assign Pattern | A feature to assign a new pattern to one or multiple Resources. |
Availability Calendar | View all Resources scheduled by date and Branch. Customize a Resource outside a pattern. |
Branches | View, create, and edit your operational Branches. |
Remove Availability | A feature designed to delete a Resource’s availability or remove overrides for any given week(s). |
Contractor Cost Rate | Cost per hour that the Resource will receive for time worked (optional). |
Copy Days | A feature designed to apply one Resource’s attributes to one or more Resources. |
Default Service Order Duration | Input in minutes, with a minimum of one minute (time to complete the order). |
Efficiency Rate | The pace at which a Resource completes an order (for example, 100% = 1hr for a 1hr order). This can be overridden (increased or decreased). |
Importance of Timeliness | How important it is for the Resource to arrive on time. |
Latitude | One of the fields when entering an address. It is automatically generated, but it can be edited as needed. |
Longitude | One of the fields when entering an address. It is automatically generated, but it can be edited as needed. |
Missed Time Window Cost | The cost of missing an appointment time. |
Minimum Lead Time | The minimum number of days required to prepare ahead of the appointment date. |
Order Types | Service or job types. Assigned to Resources to define the type of work they are capable of performing. |
Order Groups | Categories/groupings of Order Types. Assigned to Resources who are capable of performing all Order Types within them. |
Pattern List | This page allows you to create or edit a repeating schedule for your Resources. |
Resource | A Driver or individual (ig: Installer) that is scheduled and assigned a route. |
Rostering | This page allows you to create or edit your Resources (for example, Technicians or Drivers). |
Revenue | A dollar value associated with an Order Type (optional). This value can help you prioritize the assignment of orders. |
Round to Nearest | This determines the minute value for the appointment time window. For example, 0 would be any minute like 12:11pm to 1:11 pm, or 15 would be 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm). |
Time Off | A feature designed to give the Resource time off (remove available hours). |
Time Window | The appointment time window size, set in 30 minute increments. For example, if this is 60, you would have an appointment time of 12 pm to 1 pm, or 11am to 1 pm if 120. |