Documento de soporte técnico para el dispositivo GO9+
Obtenga más información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas y características del dispositivo Geotab GO9+, incluido un punto de acceso Wi-Fi a bordo, tecnología GPS, monitoreo de fuerza G, ampliación de IOX de Geotab, evaluaciones de estado del motor y la batería, y la capacidad de comunicarse en la red LTE.


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En este documento

July 2022

I already know how to install a GO9® device, do I need to read this?

Yes. While the installation process for the GO9+ is very similar to the GO9, there is an additional step required to enable the Wi-Fi hotspot. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with all information contained in this FAQ. For GO9 installation instructions, see here.

When should I add the device to my database?

You should add the device to your MyGeotab™ database before installing it in the vehicle. Until you have added the device to MyGeotab, you will not be able to view any vehicle data, and you will not be able to activate the Wi-Fi hotspot, even if you have successfully installed the device in your vehicle. If you do not add the device to MyGeotab before installing it in your vehicle, you will not be able to access any data between the time it was installed, and the time it was added to the database. This feature has been added to keep your data secure while protecting your privacy.

Notification questions

What types of visual and audio notifications should I expect when installing a GO9 device for the first time?

When the device receives power for the first time, you can expect the LED and beeping patterns described below.

Visual (LED) notifications


Blinking LED

Solid LED


Power on and firmware update pending

Power on and latest firmware downloaded


GPS is on but not connected

GPS is on and connected


Cellular modem is on but not connected

Cellular modem is on and connected

Audio (beeping) notifications

Installation Stage




Device detects power

6 rapid beeps


Throughout the installation process

2 rapid beeps every 60 seconds


Before the device restarts to complete the installation

10 rapid beeps

✱ NOTE: Once the device restarts after 10 rapid beeps, standard device notification patterns are restored. It is only during the installation process that GO9 notifications are unique.

Why is my device beeping continuously?

As mentioned in Audio (beeping) notifications, the device will beep twice every 60 seconds throughout the installation process. The process may continue for longer durations in areas with poor network coverage.

What should I do if the LED keeps blinking?

Blue (GPS) and Green (cellular modem) LEDs keep blinking until they connect to their respective networks. If there is no GPS or cellular signal, the blinking continues indefinitely. In this scenario, we recommend that the vehicle be moved to an area with better network coverage. The Red (power) LED blinks throughout the installation process, and can be ignored.

Installation questions

How long should the GO9+ device take to install?

Installing a GO9+ device can take several minutes. Under normal circumstances, with good network and GPS coverage, you can expect the device to completely install in approximately 10 minutes. As the process takes some time, you do not need to monitor the device after the following conditions are met:

  1. Blue and Green LEDs have turned solid.
  2. You have verified the first stage of install:
    1. Navigate to and open MyInstall (public).
    2. Enter your Name and Company Name.
    3. Enter the Device Serial Number. Press Validate.
    4. Ensure you receive PASS for device status.
    5. Enter vehicle name, license plate, VIN, make, model, year, odometer, engine hours, work order reference, and installation comments as needed.
    6. Press Finish Installation.

Does the installation depend on network coverage?

Yes, the device requires network and GPS coverage in order to complete the installation process. If the installation is performed in an area with no wireless coverage, then the provisioning process will only complete when the vehicle regains wireless coverage.

Do I need to keep the ignition ON for the installation to complete?

No. The installation process does not depend on the state of ignition.

Hotspot questions

How do I enable the Wi-Fi hotspot?

Please ensure your device is connected and communicating, then follow the steps below to enable and connect to the Wi-Fi hotspot:


In MyGeotab, navigate to Vehicles & Assets in the main menu.


On the Vehicles & Assets page, select the desired vehicle from the list.

Screenshot of the Vehicles & Assets page on MyGeotab with a sample vehicle's information.


On the Asset Edit page, select the Settings tab.

✱ NOTE: The Wi-Fi tab is only visible after the GO9+ has completed the initial provisioning and the GO9+ has reported data to the MyGeotab database.


Under the Wi-Fi drop-down menu, toggle Enable hotspot to On.

Screenshot of the Settings tab under the Asset Edit page on MyGeotab. Under Wi-Fi, the Enable hotspot toggle is on.


In the SSID field, enter a unique SSID. This field indicates the Wi-Fi network name.


In the Password field, enter a unique password for the Wi-Fi network.


Click Save.


On the desired mobile device, navigate to device settings, select the desired Wi-Fi network, and then enter the password.


  1. The Wi-Fi network name and password are the same as the information entered in Steps 5 and 6.
  2. For the SSID and password settings to take effect, the vehicle ignition must be OFF for at least 5 minutes before switching ignition back ON
  3. The password set in step 6 may be visible to other users depending on the security clearances set in the database.
  4. In addition to the instructions above, the device will need to be on the ProPlus + Wi-Fi rate plan. Refer to I can’t see the Wi-Fi hotspot settings under my Vehicle settings in MyGeotab for more information.

How do I monitor Wi-Fi hotspot data usage?

GO9+ Wi-Fi hotspot data usage is available to view at any time through the MyGeotab portal — via MyGeotab reports or through the API. To view data usage, navigate to the Vehicles & Assets page, then select the desired vehicle. On the Asset Edit page, select the Wi-Fi drop down menu. The Data usage section displays the monthly data usage and resets on the first of every month.

Screenshot of the Settings tab under the Vehicles & Assets page on MyGeotab. Under Wi-Fi, the Data usage field displays the user's Wi-Fi data usage in GB (gigabytes).


  • This number indicates data usage on a monthly basis and resets on the first of each month. This figure is used to determine the total data usage for the month. Data is capped based on this figure — depending on the Rate Plan.
  • Device hotspot will be throttled for the remainder of the month once you reach the 2 GB limit. Functionality will still be available, but at a slower speed. You are responsible for monitoring your data usage. Geotab will not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages arising from hotspot data throttling once the 2 GB limit is exceeded.
  • This data usage is also available on the Engine Measurement page while filtering for the Wi-Fi data hotspot data usage diagnostic. This can be used to run data usage reports and set warnings via reports or the API.
  • Does Wi-Fi stay on after ignition is turned off?

    By default, the Wi-Fi hotspot will remain active for 5 minutes after the vehicle's ignition is turned off, and the device goes into sleep mode. You can extend this by using the Turn External Devices Off option in MyGeotab by following these steps:

    1. In MyGeotab, navigate to Vehicles & Assets in the main menu.
    2. On the Vehicles & Assets page, select the desired vehicle from the list.
    3. On the Asset Edit page, select the Settings Wi-Fi tab.
    4. Click the Advanced drop-down menu and select the duration to keep the device alive. You can set this to immediately, 10 minutes, 1 hour or 4 hours, and the Wi-Fi will stay on accordingly.

    CAUTION! Using this feature to keep the Wi-Fi hotspot active may lead to battery drain.

    NOTE: A small number of vehicles sound an alert if any On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) third-party device requests data via the OBD port while the vehicle is locked and the ignition is off. As of firmware version x.27.x, GO9 disables this alert by default in order to provide full access to data according to the rate plan, without risk of sounding the alert. For more information, including how to verify and control the alert’s status, please consult the OBD Port Audible Alert FAQ.

    I can’t see the Wi-Fi hotspot settings under my Vehicle settings in MyGeotab

    1. The Wi-Fi tab is only visible after the GO9+ has completed the initial provisioning and the GO9+ has reported data to the MyGeotab database.
    2. Please ensure your device is on the ProPlus + Wi-Fi rate plan. To check the device rate plan, navigate to Vehicles & Assets in the main menu. Then, select the Rate plan tab.

    Screenshot of the Rate Plan tab on MyGeotab.

    My database is on the right version of MyGeotab, but the Wi-Fi settings are still not visible

    The Wi-Fi settings will only show up for the device once the installation process detailed above is completed. Once the device is installed and ready, it will update to the latest firmware version. Once the GO9+ firmware is updated to version 123.29.XX or later, the Wi-Fi settings will then be visible.

    I can set the Wi-Fi settings in MyGeotab, but the Wi-Fi hotspot network is not visible on my electronic device

    For the SSID and password settings to take effect, the vehicle ignition may need to be OFF for up to 5 minutes before switching ignition back ON. After this time the Wi-Fi hotspot should be visible.

    In order for the GO9+ to enable the Wi-Fi hotspot, it must be on the ProPlus+Wi-Fi Plan. The device plan can be changed in MyAdmin.

    Will the hotspot be enabled when the device is roaming?

    Yes, with some limitations to neighboring countries, however permanent roaming is not permitted. The telematics data will continue to operate as expected.

    Known issues:

    The following is a list of known issues that exist during the GO9+. Geotab is working to correct these:

    1. Data usage may slightly exceed the 2GB limit before the Wi-Fi hotspot is throttled.

    If you have confirmed all of the above items, and are still unable to use your GO9+ Wi-Fi hotspot, please contact Support.
