MyGeotab & Geotab Drive Release Notes
This document provides a list of release notes for each software release, including bug fixes and functionality improvements.

Support Document

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In this document

This document provides a list of release notes for each software release, including bug fixes and functionality improvements.

Looking ahead

This section highlights upcoming features that are scheduled for release at least three weeks after they’re added to this list.

Upcoming Change


Visual Update to the Drive App Login Flow

Announced: March 5, 2025

As we transition to Central Authentication Access Management (CIAM), we are introducing a small visual update to the Drive App login experience. There is no action needed from the Driver and the change is cosmetic when the driver is entering their password.

Learn more.

MyGeotab Camera and Video Updates

Announced: February 20, 2025

As MyGeotab moves from camera and video add-ins to its native counterparts, we’re introducing new security clearances and an improved media capture setup. Users must take action to ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, there are a few updates to the location of our video features.

Learn more.

Driver logs (Beta)

Announced: February 18, 2025

The new Driver Logs page in MyGeotab provides a more cohesive and efficient way to view and manage driver log data, reducing the need to navigate multiple pages. With a fleet-wide overview and detailed log insights, this update improves usability for compliance teams.

Learn more.

Map Toolbar graduating from Beta

Announced: February 3, 2025

We're excited to share the latest improvements to the Map Toolbar. We’ve made a handful of improvements that will make managing and finding your assets on the map much more seamless.

The new Map Toolbar beta will soon become the new default view.

Learn more.

System Settings graduation from Beta

Announced: February 3, 2025

We've made MyGeotab's System Settings more user-friendly and consistent, ensuring everything is easy to find and understand.

The new System Settings beta will soon become the new default view.

Learn more.

Electrical System Rating Upgrade

Announced: January 27, 2025

The Electrical System Rating (ESR) now provides more accurate battery health assessments with expanded vehicle support. Monthly automated peer group updates ensure new vehicles are covered quickly, while noise removal improves statistical accuracy, building trust in ESR values. These updates address past limitations and enhance reliability for customers.

Learn more

More intuitive locations for Camera and Video Center pages

Announced: January 9, 2025

MyGeotab Cameras and Video Center which currently house our camera add-ins, will be relocating from the Safety dropdown to more intuitive locations.

The Add-ins for Cameras and Video Center will be discontinuing in early March 2025.

Learn more

Automatic On-Duty Timing Change

Announced: November 12, 2024

We currently back-date automatic On-duty status changes to when a vehicle comes to a stop. With this change, automatic On-duty status changes are no longer back-dated, and instead are created six minutes after coming to a stop.

Learn more

Database Best Practices - Request to Purge Historical Data

Announced: March 21, 2024

As part of our data best practices, and in an effort to ensure your system is operating at peak efficiency, we are requesting you remove/purge any of your historical data that is more than two years old.

If no custom data retention schedule is implemented by May 31, 2024, we will set this data retention schedule to 2 years.

March 14, 2025

Patch 11.64

  1. No significant updates this week.

March 7, 2025

Patch 11.63


Electrical System Rating (ESR)

  1. The Electrical System Rating (ESR) now provides more accurate battery health assessments with expanded vehicle support. Monthly automated peer group updates ensure new vehicles are covered quickly, while noise removal improves statistical accuracy, building trust in ESR values. These updates address past limitations and enhance reliability for customers. Learn more.

Geotab Drive / ELD

  1. Automatic ON duty status changes are now created six minutes after the vehicle comes to a stop. Previously, automatic ON duty status changes would be back-dated to when the vehicle came to a stop.
  2. Public Works

  3. A new feature has been introduced that allows users to archive outdated or irrelevant service rules, helping them declutter and optimize their Public Works workflows. This feature also improves database performance by reducing the number of active rules, making it easier for users to manage their service rules. Learn more.
  4. Logs

  5. A redesigned Driver Logs page has been introduced as a Beta feature. The page includes an overview page with high-level information about all drivers and a detailed drill-down view of individual driver status logs. This redesign aims to consolidate information and help you discover issues. Note that this does not replace the previous Logs page. Learn more.
  6. Fixes

  7. Previously, when data sharing failed, a blank error message would appear. The error message now includes informative text.


  1. (Rolled back on March 6) Added a new Odometer API calculator that uses engine data instead of trip odometer (required to comply with certain regulations).

February 28, 2025

Patch 11.62


  1. Added support for EngineHours property to the DVIRLog object.

February 21, 2025 Patch 11.61


  1. A new API entity, EVStatusInfo, has been added to MyGeotab, that provides insights into the current state of an electric vehicle.

February 14, 2025

Patch 11.60


Asset Management & UX Updates

  1. (Rolled back on March 11) Continued the rollout of various improvements to the headers, toolbars, and filters in MyGeotab. Learn more
  2. The new Asset details view is now generally available for all users. This was previously a Beta Feature. Learn more
  3. Video Devices and Recordings

  4. On the New Map Toolbar Beta, relocated the Live Video button when clicking into an Asset to the left hand panel. Learn more
  5. On the New Trips History Beta, you can view any video recordings of an associated Exception (the red Warning icon) and select the exception. Learn more
  6. Improved the built-in video player when watching a video associated with an exception, replacing the separate Add-in exception video tab.
  7. GO Anywhere

  8. Made several Improvements to the GO Anywhere device management:
    1. When editing the GO Anywhere, you can select between a new time or movement-based mode.
    2. When editing the GO Anywhere, you can view the battery estimate/life remaining.
    3. Added a Device Battery Drain rule. You can set a rule to notify you when your GO Anywhere has around 100 days of battery life remaining.
    4. Assets/Reporting: Device not communicating updates for non-GO devices, including GO Anywhere, OEM, and custom devices.
    5. Learn more

GO Plan & Active Tracking

  1. Active Tracking is now enabled by default for all GO devices on the GO Plan, providing enhanced location tracking and movement insights.

February 7, 2025

Patch 11.59


Asset Management, Video Devices, and Recordings

  1. Re-released the new Asset Management experience.
  2. In the new Asset Details Beta, added a new section under the Device & Settings tab for Video Devices.
  3. In the new Asset Management experience, added a new Video Devices tab. This will replace the Add-in under Safety > Cameras, which will be discontinued in the near future. Learn more
  4. Added a new Cameras & Video navigation item to the main menu. This will replace the Add-in under Safety > Video Center, which will be discontinued in the near future. Learn more
  5. Trips History

  6. Launched the new Trips History experience in Beta, which can be enabled either via a blue banner at the top of the Trips History page, or by navigating to User options > Beta features and then enabling the Trips History toggle. Learn more
  7. Safety

  8. Added the ability to download the Risk Analytics Excel report with the new Driver view.
  9. GO Plan & Active Tracking

  10. (Rollout paused on February 21) Active Tracking is now enabled by default for all GO devices on the GO Plan, providing enhanced location tracking and movement insights.
  11. Fixes

  12. Fixed an issue that, in rare cases, caused the login view to reappear after successfully logging in.
  13. Made some visual and UX improvements to the Geotab Ace experience.

January 31, 2025

Patch 11.58


Safety Center - Risk Analytics

  1. (Rolled back on January 31) Added a driver-facing view to the Geotab Drive App, allowing each driver to review their collision risk.
  2. On the Risk Analytics page, added pills under the Risk values (At Risk, Underperforming, Average, Great, Best) which can be clicked to give additional context.
  3. On the Risk Analytics page, added the Drivers tab to view driver based insights. Search for specific drivers and compare their collision risk to other similar drivers.
  4. Maintenance

  5. Launched the new Work Order Management solution as a beta feature. Customers with existing Maintenance Records can migrate to the new tool from the Maintenance Reminders, Upcoming Maintenance, or Maintenance Records pages. As this new solution is rolled out, the Legacy Maintenance Center will be discontinued. Learn more
  6. Geotab Drive - Hours of Service (HOS)

  7. Drivers in the US can no longer automatically exit Personal Conveyance (PC) once they reach the maximum PC distance set for their user. Instead, a new system log is created for Administrators to use that can be reported on. Learn more
  8. Resolved an issue where the Drive app showed an offline reminder popup dialog, regardless of a user's HOS clearance. The offline reminder popup dialog now only appears for users with the required permissions to use HOS.
  9. Added the ability to add and edit Engine Hours and Odometer values on vehicle inspections.
  10. Compliance - Unidentified Driving

  11. Added a new button to the unidentified driving page that allows users to preview edits to a driver's logs before saving.

Geotab Drive - Android 6.7.2

  1. Added a new, redesigned PictureInPicture UI feature. This feature is controlled by both a feature flag and a new option added to the Drive App’s Settings. This feature is disabled by default and must be manually enabled.

January 24, 2025

Patch 11.57


  1. To reduce the load on the new HOS Odometer API, the system now calculates the value whenever a new manual log is added. This ensures a smoother transition when the new API is enabled, because there will be fewer items to calculate, and all logs will already have an odometer value.

January 17, 2025

Patch 11.56


Drive App

  1. Added a new security clearance that, when enabled, removes the option for drivers to use the Clock In/Clock Out feature in the Drive App. This feature is intended for Customers who prefer to have their drivers fully log out of the app at the end of their shifts.

Central Identification Access Management (CIAM)

  1. For all users who have migrated to the CIAM platform, the Drive App now features a new login workflow with a pop-up window for password entry. Upon successful authentication, users will be redirected back to the Drive App.
  2. Continued the rollout of the Snap-to-Road API to the next batch of customers. The Snap-to-Road API, originally introduced in December 2024, more accurately attributes exceptions to the correct road segments when viewing trips on the Map.


  1. Fixed the What’s New and Help buttons under Support navigating to the incorrect page in some cases.


  1. Our API Rate Limit System will move from monitoring-only mode to actively enforcing rate limits. This means that API calls exceeding the defined limits will be blocked. Learn more
  2. Improved the calculation of the IsDeviceCommunicating value for GO Anywhere devices for DeviceStatusInfo. This will improve the calculation based on the device’s configured communication interval and if the asset is in recovery mode.
  3. Added support to display ClockIn/ClockOut features based on Security Identifier (useClockInOut).

January 10, 2025

Patch 11.55


User Experience

  1. (ROLLED BACK on January 10) With the goal of achieving more consistency across MyGeotab, we’ve made some updates to the global header and toolbars across the product. We’ve upgraded the look and feel, added sticky toolbars to reduce unnecessary scrolling, and will gradually implement a global filtering experience. Learn more
  2. Asset Management

  3. New Beta Feature: Asset details. Enable this feature in your user options for a new and improved experience when editing your individual assets.
  4. Added a new View Assets security clearance. Users with this clearance can view, but not edit, asset details. ! IMPORTANT: For this security clearance to function, the new Asset details beta feature must also be enabled.


  1. Editing existing Rules no longer automatically reprocesses past Exceptions - To address performance issues observed on Customer servers, the automatic deletion of exceptions when editing a rule will be discontinued. Instead, users will have to manually trigger the reprocess if they want historical exceptions to be updated based on updated rule conditions. Learn more
  2. Fixed an issue where reports downloaded from the dashboard had incorrect file names.
  3. Filtering by assets on the New Map Toolbar in beta no longer stretches outside the screen if there’s a long list of assets.
  4. Fixed an issue where downloading a report on the Clean Truck Check Program (CARB) page would cause the Download reports button to disappear.
  5. The Asset page now only loads Tracked and Online assets by default, which will speed up loading times in most cases.


  1. Added a feature that allows API users to force the monitor mode for rate limit rules to be disabled. In other words, Rule.MonitorMode = true will become Rule.MonitorMode = false, meaning that the rules, already in production, will become active and will start blocking calls over the rule limit. This feature will be rolling out gradually from January 15 to January 27.

December 16 2024 - January 3, 2025

  1. No releases: development paused during the holidays.

December 13, 2024

Patch 11.51


  1. Updates made to trailer information are now reflected much faster in Geotab Drive, reducing the need for drivers to manually update information.
  1. Under Risk Analytics, Driver risk prediction has been enhanced to consider the last 500 kilometers driven (up to 60 days), enabling more accurate and complete assessments, especially for drivers with limited recent activity.
  2. Introduced a new Snap-to-Road API when viewing trips on the Map, which more accurately attributes exceptions to the correct road segments. This feature will be gradually rolled out to batches of customers over the next few months.
  3. Continued the gradual migration of the next batch of Customers to Centralized Authentication User Management (CIAM) when they log in to MyGeotab.


  1. Added ActivateVitalityDriverRewardsAddIn which allows users to create a plan in the Vitality Rewards program, and EnrollUsersVitalityRewardsAddIn which allows users to manage users in the Vitality Rewards program in the SecurityIdentifier.cs object.
  2. ChargeEvent, ChargeEventSearch, and ChargeType are now out of beta and are generally available to all API users.
  3. Renamed GeotabJsonSerializer2 to GeotabJsonSerializer.

December 6, 2024

Patch 11.50


  1. Started the gradual rollout of the CARB Clean Truck Check Program. This feature is found under Compliance and is for customers operating heavy vehicles in California. Rollout is expected to finish on December 13, 2024.
  2. Upgraded all Customers to the New Asset Management Experience. The previous Vehicles & Assets page will be discontinued. For more information about the new Asset experience, refer to this link.
  3. Upgraded the Zones type page to match the new Zenith design system. Note that the page’s functionality has not changed.

November 29, 2024

Patch 11.49


  1. Redesigned the Faults page to improve the user experience and provide more tools for managing fleet diagnostics.
  2. Added a new beta feature for the System Settings page redesign.
  3. Introduced a new Snap-to-Road API when viewing trips on the Map, which more accurately attributes exceptions to the correct road segments. This feature will be slowly rolled out to batches of customers over the next few months.
  4. To improve system security, removed the ability to change the prefix of the system notification email address in MyGeotab. It is now always NotificationSender.
  5. Updated the SAML login module (used in MyGeotab and the Drive App Android 6.7.1) to work with Google Single Sign-On (SSO).


  1. Fixed an issue that caused trailer inspections to be missing from downloaded Asset Inspection reports when both vehicles and trailers were selected.

November 22, 2024

Patch 11.48


  1. Added a maximum bounding box size limit in order to improve the accuracy of zone stop rule calculations. In particular, this helps address issues with third-party devices that only record start and end coordinates, which could lead to oversized bounding boxes and inaccurate detection of zone entries/exits.
  2. Made some improvements to the Support menu options. Many of the resources can now be found in the Help menu. In addition, added a new What’s New menu with updates from July - August 2024.

November 15, 2024

Patch 11.47


  1. Added a System Setting to Automatically accept incoming Data Share requests. It is set to Off by default.
  2. Added a Security Clearance that, when applied to a user, hides the Risk Management report. It is set to Off by default to prevent any users from losing their existing access to the report.
  3. Fixes

  4. Fixed an error where the calculation for personal conveyance (PC) distance traveled was not taking the driver’s time zone into account.


  1. Added new diagnostic properties (Severity, Effect on Component, Recommendation/Recommended Action) for more descriptive fault data.

November 8, 2024

Patch 11.46


  1. Launched the new EV Charge Monitoring for all Customers.
  2. Added a new Send Feedback to Geotab button to the MyGeotab UI.
  3. When adding multiple assets/bulk uploading, added an option to assign the assets to groups.
  4. Updated the Product Guide found under Support > Help > Product Guide to match the Support site.
  5. Added user-friendly descriptions to diagnostic codes in report tables.
  6. We have introduced new capabilities for you to more easily filter by parts of your group structure. For example, you can use this functionality to help you create columns in your report, allowing you to focus on a particular part of your group structure.
  7. Fixes

  8. Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause users to be redirected to an incorrect URL when logging in to the MyGeotab mobile app.

November 1, 2024

Patch 11.45


  1. Launched the new EV Charge Monitoring for all Customers.
  2. Risk Analytics are now based on distance traveled instead of time spent traveling. This results in a more accurate and fair evaluation, allowing you to more effectively compare assets against the benchmark.
  3. Fixes

  4. Fixed an issue where the Data sharing tab on the individual Asset page would still appear, even when the Device sharing toggle was disabled for that asset.
  5. Fixed some driver-facing notifications not using the driver’s selected unit of measure (imperial/metric).


  1. Added predefined limits to API results. This change is intended to reduce the amount of time it takes Get/GetFeed calls to return a query, increasing the responsiveness of the APIs.

October 25, 2024

Patch 11.44


  1. Launched the new Sustainability Center for all Customers.

October 18, 2024

Patch 11.43


  1. When carrying over defects to a new inspection report, defects now retain their original ID and repair state. This has two key benefits:
    1. Drivers will no longer have to repeatedly mark the same defect as Not necessary to repair for the safe operation of the vehicle since the repair state is now retained.
    2. Integrators will be able to properly reconcile defect data received through the API.
  2. On the New Map Toolbar (Beta), added the option to Select All and Remove All assets in the list.


  1. The Drive App now uses Pub/Sub technology for the TrailerAttachment API, which allows for much faster updates to trailer information and reduces the need for drivers to manually make changes.

October 11, 2024

Patch 11.42


  1. In Public Works, added Tow Plow support to existing Material Management rules and reports where applicable.
  2. On the Risk Analytics page, updated the change in collision risk to be represented in percentage points rather than percentages. In other words, if the collision risk dropped from 10.3% to 10%, it will state a decrease of 0.3%.
  3. Added a new banner to the Vehicles & Assets page to encourage users to use the new Assets page (Beta).
  4. Fixes

  5. Fixed an issue where editing the completed maintenance date of an existing maintenance schedule would incorrectly create a new maintenance record instead of updating the existing record.
  6. Fixed the expand button on the new Assets page (Beta) not working correctly.
  7. Fixed the new Assets page (Beta) not showing the correct filtered device list when being redirected from the Watchdog report on the Dashboard.

October 4, 2024

Patch 11.40 (11.41 delayed)


  1. Launched the new login page.
  2. Launched the new My Reports page, found under Reports > My Reports.
  3. Driver-trip assignment has been improved. A new trip is now created whenever a driver change occurs to ensure accurate tracking and address previous issues like wrongly assigned idling and incorrect driver-vehicle assignment. Impacted pages include Trips History, Exceptions, and any reports or API/SDK relying on trip data.
  4. Added a new Authentication type, Service Account, intended specifically for API users. This allows for clear identification of API users in the system. Service account users are expected to interact only with the API, so certain UI restrictions will apply. Learn more
  5. Added a function to redirect to the new My Reports page from Reports > My Reports.


  1. Updated the Drive app to use the new add-in API and moved to Redux.
  2. Implemented a “what if" mode for last status data before caching data tables. The purpose of this is to increase the confidence that a table has the correct data, and to help with troubleshooting if the data is not correct.
  3. Implemented a new search option to simplify the DutyStatusLog GetFeed. This changes the DutyStatusLog BigQuery Uploader to use this new search option.

September 27, 2024

Patch 11.40


  1. In preparation for the upcoming rollout of CIAM (Centralized Identification Access Management), we have updated username validation rules to enhance security. Existing usernames are unaffected, but all new or edited usernames must adhere to the following validation rules:
    1. The username must be between 4 and 60 characters
    2. Only alphanumeric characters and the following symbols are permitted: @^$.!`-#+'~_.
    3. The username cannot be “none”
  2. In preparation for the upcoming rollout of CIAM (Centralized Identification Access Management), we have removed the User Account Policy settings of System Settings for all users that have those settings set to default.
    1. ✱ NOTE: For users that have changed any User Account Policy settings, their custom settings will be retained and the page will not be removed.
  3. Offline devices now show how many hours they have been offline, up to 24 hours. Previously, devices would only be shown as Recently Offline (less than 1 hour) or less than 24 Hours Offline.
  4. In preparation for an improved feedback button, we have temporarily removed the feedback button from the Dashboard. For more information, refer to the Send Feedback added to the Support menu section in the Fall 2024 Release.


  1. Fixed filters not being applied to Excel reports generated from the New Asset page’s summary tiles.


  1. Added support to search by the IsBuiltIn property on ZoneType objects.

September 20, 2024

Patch 11.39


  1. Active Tracking is now enabled by default for all GO devices (for the GO plan Rate Plan).
  2. On the new Map Toolbar (Beta), users can now search for postal codes with less than 6 characters.


  1. Fixed the Tachograph page not loading in some circumstances.


  1. The ZoneType object now allows for setting colors and comments.
  2. Reduced the rate limit of TachographDrivingTimeStatus objects to 100 per minute, and updated the associated API documentation.

September 13, 2024

Patch 11.38


  1. For devices on Base and Regulatory plans, when users navigate to features that are limited to higher plans, they will now see a message and/or blurred content indicating that the feature is limited to devices on the GO Plan.

September 6, 2024

Patch 11.37


  1. For all Customers except Commercial Government and FedRAMP Customers:
    1. Added the new Collision Detection - Minor rule.
    2. The Collision Detection - Minor and Collision Detection - Major rules are now enabled by default.


  1. Added DutyStatusStates to the DutyStatusLog object:
    1. DutyStatusLogSearch.States will retrieve a list of DutyStatusState (Active, Inactive, Requested, Rejected).

August 30, 2024

Patch 11.36


  1. Permanently migrated all Customers to the new menu navigation, removed the new menu navigation toggle from Beta Features, and discontinued the old menu.

August 23, 2024

Patch 11.35


  1. Devices with no associated ELD or DVIR logs can now be reassigned to trailer, vehicles, and other asset type groups. Previously, trailer assets could never be changed to the vehicle group (and vice versa).
  2. HOS logs that have not been edited will no longer show an Edited date/time. Previously, the Edited field was automatically populated with the creation time.
  3. On the Risk Analytics page, the Collision Risk Trend is now characterized as High Risk, Moderate Risk, or Low Risk, based on the percentage.


  1. Added ViewRiskManagementReportOption to the SecurityIdentifier object. This option controls whether the Run report by: Individual assets or drivers option is available when running a Risk Management report. It is enabled by default for the Administrator and Supervisor clearances.
  2. Removed the obsolete EnergyUsedSinceLastChargeKwh property from the ChargeEvent object.
  3. Added null handling to the Channel and Type properties according to .NET object model expectations for IoxAddOn objects.

August 16, 2024

Patch 11.34


  1. MyAdmin and SAML authentication type users that have accounts on multiple databases will now be asked to specify which database they want to log in to.
  2. The Unidentified Driving page, which provides an improved workflow for users to manage unidentified driving, is now generally available for all users. This was previously a Beta Feature.
  3. With the discontinuation of Active Graphs, users with Active Graph schedules will no longer receive scheduled reports.
  4. Users can now add attachments when creating a support ticket.
  5. For databases that contain HOS or Asset Inspection data, the system now requires a matching data retention schedule for the following three categories: Driving Data & Exceptions data, HOS data, and Asset Inspection data. The main reason for this change is to ensure that HOS data retention requirements are met (minimum of 6 months) while preserving dependencies between the different datasets. For example, previously, DriverChange data could be purged before HOS data because it was under a different data purge category (which could have a different data retention schedule).
  6. API

  7. Added support for a notification ID identifier to TextMessage objects to track objects added by Beep or GoTalk Notification Services.
  8. Added support for nullable properties to the Map object for the following properties:
    1. CannedResponse
    2. DataToComponent
    3. DeviceStatusInfoSearch
  9. Added null handling to the Left, Right, Bottom and Top properties according to .NET object model expectations for BoundingBox objects.

August 9, 2024

Patch 11.33


  1. To account for fuel usage while idling, the Fuel and EV Energy Report no longer filters out trips with zero distance.


  1. Fixed an issue that caused trailer inspections to be missing from downloaded Advanced Asset Inspection reports when both vehicles and trailers were selected to be included.


  1. Databases are now categorized into tiers based on the number of active devices, with each higher tiers having a higher base rate limit multiplier. That is, databases with larger numbers of devices have higher API rate limits to accommodate their higher usage requirements. For specific details, refer to the developer documentation. Tiered rate limits will be enabled across all endpoints on August 20 2024.
  2. Created an endpoint to call TachoModule reporting protocol with all telemetries derived from DrivingTimeStatus.
    1. Renamed Crew to isCrew within TacographDriverActivity
    2. Renamed Driver to UserSearch, From to FromDate, To to ToDate in TacographDriverActivitySearch
    3. Added TachographDrivingTimeStatus
    4. Added TachoGraphDrivingTimeStatusSearch
  3. Removed active graphs from dashboards in the Fleet Management Application UI:
    1. Removed ExceptionsSummaryGraph, TripsIdlingSummaryGraph, TripsDensitySummaryGraph, FleetSummaryGraph, CustomerStopGraph from ReportArgumentType
    2. Removed ExceptionsSummaryGraph, TripsIdlingSummaryGraph, TripsDensitySummaryGraph, FleetSummaryGraph, CustomerStopGraph from ReportDataSource
    3. Removed ReportExceptionsSummaryGraph, ReportTripsIdlingSummaryGraph, ReportFleetSummaryGraph, ReportCustomerStopGraph, ReportTripsDensitySummaryGraph from SecurityRole

August 2, 2024

Patch 11.32


  1. We're excited to introduce a new in-app onboarding program for the Drive App, featuring guided tutorials and smart tips. This program is designed to help new drivers quickly get acquainted with navigating through the Drive App for the first time. With this new program, we hope to make the transition smoother for new drivers, ensuring they feel confident and capable from day one.
  2. Added new sorting options to the Users and Drivers page. You can now sort by Name, Username (email), and Login date.
  3. Assets on the Risk Analytics page can now be searched by Serial number, VIN, Engine VIN, License plate, and Comments on the device.
  4. Improved the mobile view for Linked assets.


  1. Fixed dismissed Device faults incorrectly still appearing on the Health tab of the Asset details page.


  1. Updated ZoneTypeSearch to allow for searching zone types based on keywords.
  2. Added support to sort ZoneTypes by name or comments.
  3. Fixed a malformed namespace in SortField.cs: Geotab.Checkmate.ObjectModel.Geotab.Checkmate.ObjectModel corrected to Geotab.Checkmate.ObjectModel.
  4. Added null handling to the Payload and ControllerProtocol properties according to .NET object model expectations for ColdChainContent objects.

July 26, 2024

Patch 11.31


  1. Added a new Beta Feature, the Map toolbar. The toolbar has a fresh new look, helps you filter your assets, and improves the mobile view.


  1. Fixed Work Holidays not processing the correct time and date for time zones East of GMT.
  2. Fixed an issue in the Drive App where drivers were unable to view logs while offline if the logs were created when there was an assigned co-driver.
  3. Fixed the Custom Progress Report showing incorrect start and stop locations.


  1. Added header information for the following items in the C# NuGet SDK:
    1. X-Rate-Limit-Limit
    2. X-Rate-Limit-Remaining
    3. X-Rate-Limit-Reset
  2. Added support for nullable properties to the ColdChainFaultClearContent object.

July 19, 2024

Patch 11.30


  1. For improved clarity, updated the descriptions of Diagnostics, which are found under Faults.
    1. ✱ NOTE: In custom reports, you can retrieve diagnostic events based on the description: [CustomProperty].<Diagnostic Description>. These descriptions must be updated if any of the impacted Diagnostics descriptions are included in your custom reports. For a complete list of updated descriptions, refer to this spreadsheet.
  2. When adding a GO Anywhere device, users are now redirected to the Assets page instead of the Add assets page.
  3. The Audit Log now includes Added Asset Pairing and Unpairing events.


  1. Fixed an issue with Device Sharing that erroneously allowed users to replace devices with active shares. Now, if a user attempts to do this, an error message is displayed and the operation is prevented.
  2. Fixed an issue where clicking the back button on a selected asset caused the map to zoom out completely, instead of returning to the cluster view.
  3. Fixed an issue where some actions on the Installation Pending Changes were missing from the Audit Log.


  1. Added support for sorting work order jobs.

July 12, 2024

Patch 11.29


  1. When filtering offline devices on the new Asset experience Beta Feature, users can now see if devices have had their Device Plan Terminated or Device Plan Suspended.
  2. The Map Auto zoom and list auto update feature, which improves the asset viewing experience on the map, is now generally available for all users. This was previously a Beta Feature.
  3. Made several UI improvements to the Engine Data Profile view to provide better proof of delivery for the Cold Chain solution.


  1. Fixed the Add asset button not appearing on the toolbar.
  2. Fixed an issue in Safari on Mac where expanding the Groups tree would scroll the page away from the selected area.


  1. Fixed issue with DiagnosticsBridge that caused Get and GetCount to incorrectly return different values.
  2. Fixed issue that allowed archived users to be used in a DriverChange.
  3. Added support for the GO Anywhere as a device type in the SDK.

July 5, 2024

Patch 11.28


  1. Launched Benchmarks on the Risk Analytics page. Benchmarks help users compare their fleet's performance with similar fleets and set safety goals around best-in-class safety performance. These benchmarks provide context to determine if the displayed collision risk is considered high or low.
  2. Improved picking a date range (e.g. yesterday, last month, last 12 months) across the system.
  3. The Audit Log now indicates when an email report fails to be sent to the recipients, along with the reason for the failure.
  4. Assets are now automatically unpaired if they have not reported for longer than 7 days.
  5. Fixes

  6. Fixed changes to user HOS settings not appearing in the Audit Log.
  7. Fixed an issue where assets that were online within the previous few minutes were being displayed as offline.
  8. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused devices to be incorrectly shown as being in Restricted Data Mode.
  9. Fixed an issue with Asset Location Sharing that caused all assets to disappear from the list when only one asset was removed.
  10. Fixed the browser’s back button not working correctly on the Asset Monitoring page.

June 28, 2024

Patch 11.27


  1. Made some improvements and fixes to the Public Works interface to optimize the rendering and appearance of routes at all map zoom levels.
  2. Added several new security clearances for the general purpose of restricting access to location data while still providing access to status data:
    1. View Status Data
    2. View Diagnostic
    3. View Custom Data
    4. View Fault Data
    5. View Exception Event
    6. View Rule
    7. View Controller
  3. Added a new Administer service route security clearance, which specifies which users can delete service routes.
  4. Renamed the Email address column to Username (email) on the Users page.
  5. Made some changes to the unpairing logic of the Asset Pairing feature to improve accuracy and reduce false positives.


  1. Fixed Exception icons sometimes not appearing on the Trip History map.


  1. Added support to retrieve diagnostics of more than one Diagnostic Type to avoid having to perform separate front-end requests.
  2. Added several new security identifiers to provide precise access levels to entity types (not features):
    1. ViewStatusData
    2. ViewDiagnostic
    3. ViewCustomData
    4. ViewFaultData
    5. ViewExceptionEvent
    6. ViewRule
    7. ViewController
  3. Added Language and Country parameters. Language is the two-letter ISO primary contact language code with a two-letter region code (for example, en-US for American English). Country is the two-letter ISO country code where the company’s primary office is located.
  4. Added null handling to the EffectiveStatus property according to .NET object model expectations.
  5. Added null handling to the FaultStates property according to .NET object model expectations for FaultStateProvider objects.
  6. Added null handling to the IncludeHourlyData and IncludeBoundaries properties according to .NET object model expectations for FuelTaxDetailSearch objects.
  7. Added null handling to the IsDeviceCommunicating, IsDriving, and IsHistoricLastDriver properties according to .NET object model expectations for DeviceStatusInfo objects.
  8. Added null handling to the CannedResponseOptions property according to .NET object model expectations for CannedResponseContent objects.
  9. Added null handling to the following properties according to .NET object model expectations for FuelTaxDetail objects:
    1. EnterTime
    2. EnterOdometer
    3. EnterGpsOdometer
    4. EnterLatitude
    5. EnterLongitude
    6. IsEnterOdometerInterpolated
    7. ExitTime
    8. ExitOdometer
    9. ExitGpsOdometer
    10. ExitLatitude
    11. ExitLongitude
    12. IsExitOdometerInterpolated
    13. IsClusterOdometer

June 21, 2024

Patch 11.26


  1. Drivers can now edit their own language, timezone, and home terminal information directly in the Drive App. By default, this is not enabled for all drivers. Users who can configure user Clearances (typically Administrators) must enable the Change your own user options clearance under their drivers’ Sub Clearance.
  2. Enhanced asset management with automatic pairing of tractors and trailers for improved route verification.
  3. In the Drive App, messages and notifications marked as Read still appear in the event list. The main intent of this change is to allow drivers to view messages and notifications that may have been marked as Read accidentally.
  4. The system now prevents multiple instances of the same report from being generated. An error message will appear if a user attempts to do this.
  5. Added support for pagination on the Work Requests page.
  6. Based on user feedback, we have reintroduced Asset Labels to the map.
  7. Made some visual and consistency improvements to the Maintenance tab of the Asset Details page.


  1. Made some changes to how OpenCabService checks for credentials. This will reduce the amount of unnecessary logouts.
  2. Fixed Average Fuel Economy not appearing on the Interactive Report if the Number chart type was selected.
  3. Fixed Summary tiles on the Inventory page showing more results than expected.


  1. Established an SDK endpoint to initiate the deletion process of Route Completion service routes.
  2. Added a bridge class that is responsible for getting and setting Range Estimates entities.
  3. Added the ability to search by multiple severities (Unknown, Low, Medium, High, Critical) and by diagnostic source (Engine, Telematics Device) to the backend search.
  4. Added support for predictive workers to report MaintenanceIssues.
  5. Removed feature flags from Email Sender Domains.
  6. Added support for nullable properties to WifiHotspotData objects.

June 14, 2024

Patch 11.25


  1. Made several changes to the Additional Information columns on the Device Installation History page - we have added new columns and renamed some existing columns for clarity. In particular, the new columns are:
    1. User type
    2. Database
    3. Camera ID
    4. Work order services
    5. Service type
    6. Removed device serial number
    7. Last ignition record
    8. Allow downloads
  2. Potential Fuel Risk is now generally available for all users. This was previously a Beta Feature. This feature adds a warning icon to the Fill-Ups page when estimated fuel usage doesn't match actual fuel usage.
  3. Added a new Yellow status for devices with either Low Power Voltage or Loose Connection statuses that are still Online.


  1. Fixed edits to distribution lists not appearing in the Audit Log.


  1. Added Coast Pay as a provider to the FuelTransactionProvider object.
  2. Changed the default GeometryTypeSearch to return counts of .Polygon and not .All.
  3. Added null handling to the Volume and Source properties according to .NET object model expectations for FuelTankCapacity objects.
  4. Added null handling to the MaxSpeed and TruckMaxSpeed properties according to .NET object model expectations for MaxRoadSpeedResult objects.

June 7, 2024

Patch 11.24


  1. We have improved the presentation of the In-App Help in the Drive App and are excited to re-launch with a fresh new look!
  2. Added device health details to Public Works Asset Details on the Asset page. Health details include IOX-Works Versioning, last known spreader configuration, and the last timestamp the spreader was active.
  3. End users can now provide feedback about possible collision detection events on the Collision Detection Exception Details page. The purpose of this enhancement is to give users the ability to validate or invalidate whether a detected collision is correct.
  4. The Notification Type option, which lets users choose to see only Notifications, only Messages, or All, is now generally available for all users. This was previously a Beta Feature.
  5. Improved the search feature on the Asset Inventory page.
  6. Updated the Public Works segment colors while in Satellite View.
  7. Inspection Duration is no longer shown to Enforcement Officers in the Drive App's Roadside Check.


  1. Fixed the Download now button not working correctly in the Your report is ready to download popup.


  1. Added support for AutoGroups (Asset Status Groups) to CustomDevice and CustomVehicleDevice.

May 31, 2024

Patch 11.23


  1. Removed the Allow late notification flag for driver alerts; the Fleet Management Application now determines if notifications can be delayed.
  2. The error message that appears when a group cannot be removed (due to dependencies) now includes more details about why the group cannot be removed.
  3. Updates to the Purge functionality:
    1. Removed Forever as a selectable data retention option. More specifically:
      1. Existing purge schedules that have Forever selected will not be changed.
      2. Existing purge schedules that do not have Forever selected will no longer have that option available.
      3. New purge schedules will not have Forever as an available option.
    2. Added 4 and 8 year durations.
  4. Custom chart default names now include the name of the report that was used as a template.
  5. The Audit Log now includes modifications to zone Points.
  6. In the Drive App, renamed Repaired or not a defect to Resolved.


  1. We now allow for retroactive Restricted Data Mode changes when the time of change is more recent than previously ingested data.
  2. Reverted an unintended change that changed the default sort order on the Users page.
  3. Fixed an isolated issue that, in certain scenarios, could cause Trips History to show trips in Restricted Data Mode.
  4. Fixed an issue that caused View Devices entries on the Audit Log to not appear when the new user interface is enabled.


  1. Removed support for go4v3 from the Fleet Management Application source code.
  2. Removed reference to Npgsql Nuget Package in the ObjectModel Project due to a vulnerability issue.

May 24, 2024

Patch 11.22


  1. In the Drive App, drivers can now add and edit trailers while offline.
  2. We've improved Group filtering for Zones in MyGeotab. Previously, choosing a Group filter would display Zones from all parent Groups, causing confusion. Now, the filter only shows Zones from the selected Group and its immediate subgroups.
  3. In accordance with current regulations, users will no longer be allowed to complete a split sleeper berth (SB) break while in violation of any Hours of Service (HOS) rules, including workday, driving, or duty violations.
  4. Added a number indicator to the filter controls on the new Assets page to denote when untracked assets are hidden.
  5. Added two new Supervisor-level security identifiers related to the Risk Analytics feature: View Risk Analytics and View Safety Overview.


  1. Made some improvements related to the reassignment of duty status logs between co-drivers.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused the text in filter textboxes to disappear when the user clicked the filter’s dropdown menu.
  3. Fixed some keyboard navigation issues in the new Navigation layout.


  1. Removed Beta flags from fuel objects in the SDK.
  2. Added handling of null properties to longitude and latitude.

May 17, 2024

Patch 11.21


  1. Made several visual and performance improvements to the Route Completion map overlay in the Public Works Add-In.
  2. To improve usability and reduce ambiguity, the Asset status radio buttons (Active/All) have been replaced by a Show archived checkbox. This checkbox is deselected by default.
  3. Made some visual improvements and fixes to Asset List panel icons.
  4. On the Installation History page, renamed the Vehicle Name column to Asset Name.


  1. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused asset labels to be hidden on the map.
  2. Fixed an issue with strings that include double quotation marks during the Bulk Import workflow.


  1. Added documentation about the specific date property that SortByDate sorts by. This applies to the following: FaultData, StatusData, ExceptionEvent, Audit, DebugData, DriverChange, DutyStatusLog, FuelTaxDetail, LogRecord, ShipmentLog, TextMessage, UserHosRuleSet.

May 10, 2024

Patch 11.20


  1. Added Engine Oil Life Remaining (EOLR) and Electrical System Rating (ESR) to the list of Maintenance Reminders, and users can now create Upcoming Maintenance Reminders based on those values.
  2. Feature Preview has been renamed to Beta Features. We have also added the ability for users to quickly enable or disable all Beta Features via a toggle. Note that if this toggle is enabled, all newly added Beta Features will be enabled.
  3. The default Purge period is 2 years when creating a new Purge schedule.
  4. Users can no longer edit routes directly from the asset card on the map.
  5. On the Assets page, the option to view newly installed devices has been renamed from New Device Installations to Installation Pending Changes.
  6. On the Installation Pending Changes page, renamed the Vehicle Name column to Asset Name and the Installation Date column to Date.


  1. In the Drive App, fixed the Add Logs button being incorrectly included in PDF view.
  2. Fixed a rare issue that sometimes caused users to have more than one Data access filter on the User Edit page.
  3. Fixed an issue where trailer connections would be incorrectly displayed when deleting a group.
  4. Fixed the Locate button on the Map sometimes not responding.
  5. API

  6. Increased the rate limit for GetAllFeatureFlags API from 10 per second to 100 per second.
  7. ZoneTypeSearch is now publicly available.

May 3, 2024

Patch 11.19


  1. The New Menu Redesign is being enabled for all Customers. Specifically, all users that did not already enable the new menu via Feature Preview toggle will now have the feature enabled.
  2. Reverted this previously deployed feature from the April 19, 2024 release (version 11.17): “Removed any references to Rate Plan on the Asset and Asset Edit pages. Instead of Base/Regulatory/Pro/ProPlus, the asset’s subscription status will now be listed as Active, Terminated, or Suspended. ” Users will be again able to see the rate plan details
  3. Made some usability improvements on the Map when hovering over assets:
    1. On desktop, added a small delay to when the popup appears so that several popups do not appear and disappear immediately when moving your mouse through the map.
    2. On mobile, removed hover functionality completely since users can just tap on an asset to display the popup.
  4. Made some visual updates and improvements to system banners and alerts.


  1. Fixed Trips reports containing drivers that are out-of-scope for the user that generated the report.
  2. Fixed the New Installed Devices page including installation types other than New Installation and Installation. Specifically, Swap, Removal, and Service installation types were being incorrectly shown.
  3. Fixed the Nearest (asset) feature on the map not working correctly.
  4. Fixed an issue on the New Installed Devices page that caused the status of Removal installation type to incorrectly appear as Pass instead of Removed.


  1. Added a more meaningful error message when attempting to add or set an AnnotationLog with a null Driver ID.

April 26, 2024

Patch 11.18


  1. The Collision Analytics feature has been renamed to Risk Analytics.
  2. The Share Asset Location feature is now generally available for all users. This was previously in Feature Preview.
  3. The Service performed column on the Device Installation History page now provides more information about the type of installation that was performed. Possible values are New Installation, Installation, Swap, Removal, and Service.
  4. Added a Status column to the New Installed Device page to indicate the device’s status.


  1. Fixed an issue that could, in some cases, allow users with a limited group scope to see other users out of their scope when creating a report schedule.
  2. Fixed an issue that could cause route stop durations to change when a stop is deleted.


  1. Added handling of null properties to RoutePlan, RequestLocation, and CompanyDetails.

April 19, 2024

Patch 11.17


  1. Removed any references to Rate Plan on the Asset and Asset Edit pages. Instead of Base/Regulatory/Pro/ProPlus, the asset’s subscription status will now be listed as Active, Terminated, or Suspended. Also removed the option for users to enable and disable Active Tracking in the Fleet Management Application.
  2. Enabled OpenCab services in the Drive Application.
  3. Users can no longer move Global Report Groups to Non-Global Reporting Groups if that action would cause them to no longer have access to their own groups.
  4. Temporarily removed the Archive and create new asset option from the New Asset Required dialog.
  5. The status icons of unselected assets on the Map are now faded.
  6. The Collision Analytics page now has time range selections of the last 7 days, 30 days, or 12 months.
  7. Removed Logging Parameters from the Asset edit page’s Settings.


  1. Fixed an issue that incorrectly added Status groups when saving an asset.
  2. The redesigned Assets page no longer has untracked assets deselected by default for first-time users. Users who have already used the new Assets page will have their existing selection preserved.
  3. Fixed a cosmetic issue with the dropdown menu when filtering by Routes.
  4. Fixed an issue with the OEM activation process that could sometimes allow users to attempt to activate a VIN that was already in use.


  1. Added handling of null properties to DriverChange, DriverAuthListContent, and FillUpSearch.

April 12, 2024

Patch 11.16


  1. Added support for the Alberta Drivers' Hours of Service Regulation 317/2002 for intraprovincial Alberta carriers and their drivers.
  2. During Asset Inspection, defects marked as Repair not necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle will automatically carry over to the next Asset Inspection, where a decision will need to be made. Drivers will no longer need to remember to manually re-add the defect until a repair is made.
  3. Summary cards have been added to the new Assets page (Feature Preview) for all databases with 1000 or more assets (this was previously only available to databases with fewer than 1000 assets). Summary cards provide a high level overview of listed Assets by showing the number of Not Communicating assets, Loose Installs, and Low Battery assets.


  1. Fixed Battery Electric Vehicles showing fuel level (instead of charge) on the asset’s page.
  2. Fixed a Drive App issue related to security clearances when selecting or adding trailers.
  3. Fixed a Drive App issue related to distance calculation while in Personal Conveyance (PC) mode.


  1. Added handling of null properties for TimeZoneInfo, TimeZoneInfoAdjustmentRule, SecurityFilter, TextMessageSearch, and FieldSelector.

April 5, 2024

Patch 11.15


  1. Made some improvements and clarifications to the text in the Unplug Device confirmation dialog.
  2. Made some improvements and clarifications to the Assets card on the Map. Notably, users can now copy an asset’s current location.
  3. The Trips History report now always includes electrical energy used, even if the vehicle had a non-zero fuel usage.
  4. Fixes

  5. Fixed the HOS Logs Report incorrectly displaying the driver's current ruleset for every Duty Status Log in the past.
  6. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused dismissed events to be missing from the Exceptions Page report when the Include dismissed events option was enabled.
  7. Fixed an issue that could cause categorized trips to be shown as uncategorized.


  1. Removed Beta tag for TachographDataFileSearch and TachographDataFile.

March 29, 2024

Patch 11.14


  1. Weather information on the Map is now generally available for all users. This was previously in Feature Preview. This feature displays the current temperature and the forecast for the day.
  2. The User timeout period Feature Preview flag has been removed. Note that this change does not affect FedRAMP environments or existing users that already have this flag enabled.
  3. Made some UI and layout improvements to the workflows of adding or replacing a device on an existing tracked asset.
  4. Improved system performance when deleting Zones.
  5. Fixes

  6. Fixed the search function on the New Assets Inventory page not allowing users to search for multiple assets at once.
  7. Fixed summary cards (such as Low Asset Battery) sometimes showing incorrect device counts.
  8. Fixed the Groups filter on the Add Asset page not working correctly.
  9. Fixed an issue that caused Device reports to fail if the VIN decoder fails.


  1. Added EFS as a provider under FuelTransactionProvider.
  2. Added handling of null properties for TripSearch, JsonRpcError, ​​JsonRpcErrorData, and VersionInformation.

March 22, 2024

Patch 11.13


  1. Access to the Data Sharing tab is now restricted until an asset has communicated at least once. The purpose of this change is to prevent users from using data sharing features before an asset has reported, which could cause issues.
  2. Removed the Analytics Lab, as many of its experimental features have already been added as core features within the product.
  3. The Driver's Seat button is now blocked on the Drive App’s Add Co-Driver page.


  1. Fixed an issue where, after adding assets, the user was redirected to an incorrect page.
  2. Fixed users being unable to change asset type from Vehicle to Trailer if the asset has custom properties.
  3. Fixed newly added asset types not appearing in the Asset type filter on the new Assets page.
  4. Fixed hubometer readings sometimes being inconsistent across different reports.
  5. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused trailers to not be included in ELD transfer files.


  1. Added beta support for ChargeEvent, which represents a vehicle being charged.
  2. Added beta support for ChargeType, which represents the current type of the charge event.
  3. Added beta support for ChargeEventSearch.

March 15, 2024

Patch 11.12


  1. Added the Collision Analytics page as part of the Safety Center launch.
  2. Trailer type assets can now be archived.
  3. Made an improvement to the Drive App where any Add-Ins that use the startup method can now be initialized on any page (except the login and logout pages).
  4. The Drive App’s automatic 14-day session expiry will no longer log out a user while they are in the middle of an important task. In particular, users cannot be logged out while driving, while the lock screen is active, or during start or end of day workflows.
  5. The Drive App now displays the driver’s name or initials during the login and logout workflows to reduce confusion for co-drivers.
  6. Made some layout improvements to the Asset Details component.
  7. Made some improvements to the Asset card on the Map.
  8. Removed the Diagnostics page from the main navigation menu. Note that users can still access this page by searching for it.


  1. Fixed the Maintenance Records bulk import feature incorrectly being case-sensitive.
  2. Fixed the Map not loading on some mobile devices.
  3. Fixed the Select all/Deselect all buttons not working on the new Assets page filter.
  4. Fixed users being unable to edit Rule Conditions in some scenarios.


  1. The MaxRoadSpeedResult object is now public.
  2. Added missing type info to PostedRoadSpeedOptions.
  3. Added new type NoRepairNeeded to DtcSeverity.
  4. Replaced the Drive App’s API call to get Device instead of Trailer.

March 8, 2024

Patch 11.11


  1. Added support for Malaysian HOS ruleset.
  2. Summary cards have been added to the new Assets page (Feature Preview). Summary cards provide a high level overview of listed Assets by showing the number of Not Communicating assets, Loose Installs, and Low Battery assets. Note: This is currently only available for databases with fewer than 1000 assets.
  3. Benchmarking information on the Collision Analytics page has been temporarily removed while we work to improve the feature. It will be reintroduced in a future patch.
  4. The Asset Type dropdown on the Add Assets page is now limited based on the type of device being added or edited. For example, containers are no longer shown when you are adding a telematics device.
  5. Made various improvements and fixes to the System Settings page.
  6. Negative fuel used and energy used values are now hidden on the Fuel & Energy Usage page, even if the total usage is positive (which can happen with PHEVs, for example).
  7. Built-in groups can no longer be selected as service groups when importing a shapefile.
  8. Added an improvement where both a child group and its parent group can be selected in the Group dashboard viewers option on the Report Setup… > Dashboard page.
  9. Improved the Fleet Management Application workflow for asset inspections where repairs are not necessary.
  10. Both the Default and Advanced Materials Management reports have been enhanced to show more material type codes and the associated material type description in the Materials tab.
  11. Fixes

    1. Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed for the removal of access group filters that are being used by another user or report schedule.
    2. Fixed an issue where the user’s initials in their profile picture were getting translated.
    3. Fixed an issue where the Manage User Display Profiles security identifier could visually, but not actually, modify their own bookmarks when Change your own user options was disabled.
  12. API

  13. The maximum number of faults per request per DeviceId is now limited to 200. If a device has more than 200 faults, they will be retrieved in batches of 200 faults per request.
  14. Implemented web layer APIs/wrappers to check for user overlay permissions, and to ask for permission if not granted.

March 1, 2024

Patch 11.10


  1. Extendable Services has been renamed to Data Sharing.
  2. Added bulk upload functionality for GO Anywhere devices.
  3. Made various functionality and cosmetic improvements to the Additional Properties tab of the System Settings page.
  4. Overhauled the look and feel of the Add-Ins tab on the System Settings page to make it easier to see installed Add-Ins.


  1. Added device license information to the Drive App’s Canadian ELD compliance print.
  2. Fixed Upgrade Server and Upgrade Database logs not appearing in the Audit Log.
  3. Fixed the Dismiss button not disappearing after a notification is dismissed.
  4. Fixed an issue in the Drive App where the lock screen would be incorrectly cleared if the device’s GPS stopped reporting for more than 5 seconds.
  5. Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed drivers to exceed the Personal Conveyance (PC) limit.
  6. Fixed an issue where, in certain scenarios, drivers would be incorrectly notified that they are near their Personal Conveyance (PC) limit.


  1. DeviceStatusInfo in the DDIS is now calculated for devices with no GPS data. In addition, control whether the DeviceStatusInfo object is generated with an updated DateTime or not.

February 23, 2024

Patch 11.9


  1. If a device has data sharing enabled, but is not added to any shared database after 7 days, the device will automatically stop sharing
  2. Added a status filter to the Advanced Maintenance Reminders report, which allows users to search for reminders due in a specified number of days.
  3. Devices offline for less than 24 hours now show how many hours they have been offline. Previously, the field would only state <24 hours.
  4. Made some usability and layout changes to the bottom bar of the new Navigation layout.
  5. Removed the legacy version of Safety Center from the navigation menu.
  6. The Audit Log now records specifically what was changed when a rule is edited.
  7. The Emailed Reports option in System Settings > Restrictions is now generally available for all users. This was previously in Feature Preview.
  8. Added a clarifying message to help reset the password of users whose username is not an email address.
  9. Made some minor wording updates to the General tab of the System Settings page.
  10. Added the ability to import assets by providing only their serial numbers.
  11. Added a Serial Number column to the Asset Inventory page (hidden by default).
  12. The Filter, Search, and Options buttons are now hidden when editing a zone.
  13. User Map customizations are now saved and loaded by default when they revisit the Map.
  14. Added a filter option for Untracked assets on the Asset Inventory page. Untracked assets are filtered out (hidden) by default.


  1. Fixed an issue related to Drive App Add-In initialization.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused an extra blank day to be displayed on the HOS Logs page.
  3. Fixed errors being generated when users attempt to transfer HOS logs by vehicle.
  4. Fixed incorrect French translations on the Submit ELD Logs page.
  5. Fixed Maintenance Reports not using predictive reminders
  6. Added a FedRAMP option to the Jurisdiction dropdown on the legacy Registration page.
  7. Fixed the Engine Oil Life Remaining (EOLR) Predictive Maintenance distance prediction not appearing.
  8. Change Pre-trip-DVIR rule to create instantaneous events


  1. Updated the API reference section on the SDK page with documentation on rate limiting for APIs. Note that these are intended changes, which are not currently available.
  2. On the SDK reference page, GetPostedRoadSpeedsForDevice is now public and GetRoadMaxSpeeds is now deprecated.
  3. Removed ElectricDistanceKm from ChargeEvents.

February 16, 2024

No release deployed this week.

February 9, 2024

Patch 11.8


  1. Made some usability and workflow improvements to the Share Asset Location feature.
  2. Removed Electric Energy Economy from the Default Charge Event and Advanced Charge Event reports and from the EV Charging page.
  3. Removed Electric Energy Economy from the EV Charging page.
  4. Added the Add group device audit type to the Audit Log page. This log is generated whenever a device is added to a group.
  5. Added new built-in zone type InHouseServiceCenter, allowing for more specific categorization.


  1. Fixed some issues with HOS log assignment between drivers with shared access restrictions.
  2. Fixed an issue that, in certain scenarios, allowed drivers to create duplicate trailers.
  3. Fixed an issue on the Assets page where a device’s termination date could be incorrect - specifically, the incorrect termination date was shown as the current date.
  4. Fixed an issue where the Groups search bar would clear any input text when a filter is applied.

February 2, 2024

Patch 11.7


  1. Administrators can now terminate Extendable Services device data sharing.
  2. The recently-introduced Enhanced Major Collision rule has been renamed to Major Collision. The Possible Collision rule has been renamed to Possible Collision (Legacy).
  3. Added new built-in zone type VendorServiceCenter, allowing for more specific categorization.
  4. Added a default rule for Enhanced Minor Collision.


  1. Fixed a Drive App issue that caused Canadian HOS rules and violations to always be displayed in English, regardless of the selected display language.
  2. Fixed an issue that occasionally caused HOS log reports to be blank.
  1. Fixed several issues with the new toolbar layout.
  2. Made several usability changes and improvements to the Additional Properties page under System Settings.
  3. API

  4. Added EV Real Time Range API. Note that this is an interpolated value, and is not the range data pulled from the vehicle.
  5. Added a description for the AutoGroups property (in the UntrackedAsset object) to the SDK reference page.

January 26, 2024

Patch 11.6


  1. Updated the Exception Details graph for the recently launched Enhanced Major Collision rule.
  2. Improved the loading time of the Unidentified Driving page.


  1. Fixed an issue that caused the Drive App to time out when creating an asset inspection.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused the Unidentified HOS Log page to not load (“Trying to reach server” error message).
  3. Fixed On Duty logs missing Engine Hours when HosDisable is enabled.
  4. API

  5. Generic exception changed to "Invalid group id used. {ID} is not a valid group id." when an invalid group ID is provided.

January 19, 2024

Patch 11.5


  1. Deprecated the Active Graphs feature and all related pages.
  2. Added more detailed descriptions for J1939 protocol vehicles to the Description column on the Engine Faults page.
  3. (Feature Preview) Made some improvements to the Rate Plan column on the new Assets page:
    1. Added a Suspend option.
    2. Any listed trailers are flagged as Not Applicable.


  1. Fixed some issues with the default Route Completion Report template.
  2. Fixed the Fuel and EV Energy Usage Report not showing Energy Used for devices with 0 energy in or out when Energy Snapshots is enabled.
  3. Fixed the Trip Summary Report not correctly filtering out archived data when Include archived (historical) data is disabled.
  4. Fixed some Map settings (such as the Group and Status filters) not being saved correctly when the view is saved.
  5. Fixed two issues on the Select Trailers page of the Drive App:
    1. Archived devices are no longer displayed.
    2. The sort order of the list of trailers is no longer different from the sort order on the Assets page of the Fleet Management Application.
  6. Fixed an issue with split sleeper berth (SB) for passenger rulesets.
  7. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Intermediate logs (INT) to have an incorrect driver assigned to them.
  8. Fixed invalid On Duty logs sometimes being created while the driver is driving.

January 12, 2024

Patch 11.4


  1. Added a confirmation prompt to the Add Assets page that appears when the user tries to navigate away from the page when there are unsaved changes.
  2. (Feature Preview) On the Assets page, updated the filters for the summary tiles to show devices that are flagged as either Low Asset Battery or Loose Installation that are also offline.
  3. A new onboarding and configurations wizard is available for newly created databases. For more information, refer to this document.


  1. Fixed stop Comments being incorrectly added to zone objects instead of route stops.


  1. Added the ChargeEvent object to GetFeed. For more information about ChargeEvent, refer to this document.

January 5, 2024

Patch 11.3


  1. Safety Rule Collision detection (Active Insights) is now out of Feature Preview. It is now generally available within Safety rules under the name Enhanced Major Collision.
  2. Improved the back button on the Asset Monitoring Manage Presets view to clarify the button navigates to the previous page.
  3. The Status column under Asset Monitoring page now displays zone information separately from address information to better understand the location of the assets.


  1. Fixed an issue where certain report templates referenced incorrect columns.
  2. Fixed an issue with the Groups Filter feature disappearing when users navigated from the Audit Log page to any other page.
  3. Corrected first and last name for primary contact as part of the new registration flow.
  4. Fixed some issues with the chart legends of the Collision Risk and Collision Analysis Charts.
  5. Fixed an issue with the Drive App that was incorrectly creating On Duty logs.
  6. Improved the way Shipment Sync errors are handled, which was causing performance issues in the UI.
  7. Fixed an issue where some automatically generated logs were not retroactively deleted when the PC log is received by the server.

December 22, 2023

Patch 11.2


  1. Renamed French Canadian to Français (Canada) to differentiate it from the newly supported Français (France).
  2. Increased the allowed range of values for the refrigeration unit Setpoint temperature to -50°C to +30°C on the Settings tab of the Asset Edit page.


  1. Fixed an issue that caused the distance of trips with incomplete energy consumption data to be included in the Fuel & EV Energy Usage and displayed in the UI.
  2. Fixed Run Time and Total Distance (hubometer) not being displayed for trailers.
  3. Fixed an issue that prevented users from adding assets to maintenance reminders.
  4. Fixed an issue where the Advanced HOS Logs report would display incorrect distances if any statuses are filtered.
  5. Fixed an issue with HOS logs where the odometer value would not be populated if the vehicle was switched to HosDisabled status.

December 15, 2023

Patch 11.1


  1. The new Menu Navigation is now enabled by default for any newly created databases. This was previously in Feature Preview. For more information about this redesign, refer to this document.
  2. The new Assets page is now enabled by default for any newly created databases. This was previously in Feature Preview. For more information about this redesign, refer to this document.
  3. Per regulations, split sleeper berth (SB) breaks are now invalidated when taken while the driver is in HOS violation.
  4. Added the vehicle’s odometer value to DataTransferCompliance logs.
  5. Tachograph vehicles are now available in the Demo Database tool.
  6. (Feature Preview) Updated the Audit Log filter on the Dashboard page.
  7. Tachograph overviews being sent are now listed in the Audit Log.


  1. Fixed some issues with Drive App logs regarding Yard Move (YM) and Personal Conveyance (PC) for drivers in the USA and Canada.
  2. Fixed a Drive App issue that could sometimes count a single driving segment multiple times towards a violation’s driving duration.
  3. Fixed a Certificates issue where SAML users would be incorrectly redirected to a numbered Fleet Application URL after logging out.
  4. Fixed the browser’s Back button not working on the Asset Monitoring and Linked Assets History pages.
  5. (Feature Preview) Fixed some minor wording issues on the summary cards on the new Assets page.

December 8, 2023

Patch 11.0.6844


  1. Added an asset filter to the Asset Monitoring page. You can now filter assets by name, VIN, or serial number.
  2. Improved messaging when archiving assets, and trailers can no longer be archived.
  3. Updated the database registration process for customers and partners.
  4. Updated the End User License Agreements (EULA) of the Fleet Management Application and the Drive App.


  1. Reverted the EULA update from the previous release due to a common issue caused by a database flag being enabled.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused DutyStatusLogs to have an incorrect location.
  3. Fixed a Drive App issue where the “An undefined exception has occurred” message would sometimes appear during ELD file transfer.


  1. Fixed an issue where the startOfDay property could be null, instead of having a fallback default value (the default value is midnight, 00:00:00).

December 1, 2023

Patch 11.0.6682


  1. Removed Start of Workday from the HOS Violation Report for non-workday-related violations such as Daily Off, Daily Rest, Cycle, Daily Driving and Daily Duty.


  1. Fixed an issue that caused company information (name and address) to not be shown in the Drive App.
  2. Fixed the Drive App compliance print having two duplicated Total Hours in Work Shift entries.
  3. (Feature Preview) In the new navigation layout, fixed an issue where Add-Ins could be placed in the top level of the menu. They are only allowed to be placed under the Add-Ins category or as a sub-option under other categories.
  4. Fixed an issue with the Driver Safety Scorecard template that caused inconsistencies with the headings.

November 24, 2023

Patch 11.0.65xx


  1. Made various improvements to the appearance and wording of toast messages in the Drive App.
  2. The Primary Language drop-down field is now blank on the new registration page. Previously, the field defaulted to English and non-English users would often continue without changing the field. With the field blank, users are now forced to consciously select the correct option.
  3. Improved the error messaging on the Reset Password page when a user attempts to enter a previously used password.


  1. Fixed an issue with the Contact button on the mobile view of the Assets page.
  2. Fixed the Maintenance Reminders Report not having Due Soon as a selectable option.
  3. Fixed an issue with the asset inspection workflow where users would be unable to repair defects if they did not have permission to view which administrator users had repaired other defects.
  4. Fixed users incorrectly being able to remove groups that are a part of a group filter condition.

November 17, 2023

Patch 11.0.63xx


  1. Removed popups for runtime errors in the Drive App to improve usability.
  2. Hovering over asset icons on the Map now displays the same information available when hovering over asset labels.


  1. Fixed an issue with the Canadian Split Sleeper Berth Rulesets to save the Sleeper Berth periods necessary to provide the driver with the split that maximizes their availability at any point.
  2. The ELD Diagnostics and Malfunctions Report no longer reports cases with the malfunction type "None" as malfunctions.
  3. Fixed a sorting issue affecting the display of HOS logs on the HOS Logs page in the Fleet Management Application and Drive App.
  4. Reduced unnecessary warnings related to CAPTCHA during the password reset process.
  5. Fixed an issue to allow users to filter out archived (historical) data from the Trip Summary Report.
  6. Updated the CSV file for Canadian ELD transfers to display four characters in the UTC timezone header and delete special characters from license information.
  1. Updated the PDF file for Canadian ELD transfers to delete special characters from license information.

November 10, 2023

Patch 11.0.62xx


  1. On the Asset Edit page, users can now engage with and provide feedback on the accuracy of Device not Communicating alerts.
  2. Made various improvements to the Asset Details card on the Map. In particular, users can now assign a driver to the asset directly from the card.
  3. Made various improvements to the Add User page, including reorganizing the information fields to be in a more user-friendly order.
  4. Increased the time before new databases with no device data are deleted from 2 months to 3 months.
  5. Renamed the Engine Measurements and Engine Faults pages to Measurements and Faults, respectively.
  6. Made some corrections and improvements to the Audit Log for when an inactive driver is reactivated.
  7. Improved the Electric System Rating (ESR) model. In particular, ESR Active Insights have been updated to have increased vehicle coverage, and data runs daily and for longer windows of time for higher volumes of data.
  8. Added support for European French (FR-FR).
  9. Add-In pages can now be bookmarked.
  10. Deprecated

  11. (Previously in Feature Preview) The Road Speed Details card on the map has been deprecated. Note that users can still view road speed by clicking on a road segment.


  1. Fixed some Add-Ins not being shown in the Drive App.
  2. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused On Duty logs to be duplicated in rare scenarios.
  3. Fixed demo databases being created without any vehicles.
  4. (Feature Preview) In the new navigation layout, Add-Ins can now be nested in sub-menus.
  5. Fixed an issue with the mobile view of the Trips History page where the trip details card could sometimes not be closed.
  6. Fixed an issue that prevented users from being able to clear a user’s Driver license number and License state/province fields.
  7. Fixed an issue that caused the User Edit page to sometimes show incorrect user data access information.

November 3, 2023

Patch 11.0.60xx


  1. Added Charge Viability Analysis to the Electric Vehicle Suitability Assessment Add-In. Charge Viability considers where and for how long vehicles are located in order to check whether they could be charged using the proposed charging infrastructure.
  2. Added a Duration column to the Asset Inspection Report page, that indicates how long drivers took to perform each inspection.
  3. (Feature Preview) Made the following changes to the New Navigation layout:
    1. Track menu renamed to Productivity.
    2. Public Works is now a sub-menu option under Productivity.
  4. The EV Battery Health Report is now generally available (that is, it is no longer in Feature Preview).
  5. Zones are now sorted alphanumerically on the Map and the Trips History page.
  6. Improved the look and feel of the default Aggressive Driving Report when there are a high number of exception rules.
  7. On the Asset Edit page, users can now engage in verification of Device not Communicating alerts generated by the telematics provider’s big data models.


  1. Fixed the Duty Status Violation page sometimes not showing violations for certain dates.
  2. Fixed an issue where the system would sometimes create MissingElementCompliance diagnostic logs for devices other than the current device.
  3. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an incorrect driver to be shown for previous trips on the Unidentified Driver Logs page.
  4. Fixed a bug that caused the action/context menu to appear after closing a point of interest on the Map.
  5. Fixed an issue where edits to Rule Conditions would not appear in the Audit Log.
  6. Improved the performance of the EngineHours calculation.
  7. In the Maintenance Center, fixed the Complete button under Upcoming Maintenance not auto-populating the data fields.
  8. Fixed the Groups filter and the search field having reversed behavior on the Trips History page (that is, the search field showed groups, and the Groups filter behaved like a text field).
  9. Fixed an issue where the offline reason for some terminated devices was being incorrectly listed as Unknown.


  1. Added property "isIgnored" and removed property "isHidden" from the DutyStatusLog object.
  2. LogRecords are no longer interpolated when no device is provided. Interpolation is now gated behind a custom code.
  3. "cycleDriving" property was added to the DutyStatusAvailability object. "CycleDriving" property is also added to the DutyStatusViolationType object.
  4. In order to reduce round trips, search by id was added for ControllerSearch, DiagnosticSearch and FailureModeSearch components.
  5. Removed all logic related to Viewport in ZoneSearch, since it has been deprecated for some time. If a ZoneSearch is provided with Viewport, an error message is returned.
  6. Added "minYear '' parameter to rules so that adjustment rules are returned only for the year 2000 and onward. Previously, years going back to 1920 were stored causing a large amount of wasted localstorage.

October 20, 2023

Patch 11.0.57xx


  1. When selecting a custom monthly date range, the BEV Range Capability Report now only allows whole months to be selected. You can no longer, for example, specify a range from 10th July to 10th August. You can only specify ranges from the start of a month to the end of a month.
  2. The Fuel economy measurement and Electric energy economy measurement preferences are now drop-down menus.


  1. Fixed a missing page title when viewing Trips History on mobile devices.
  2. (Feature Preview) Fixed Administration Add-Ins incorrectly being listed under Groups & Rules instead of System in the new navigation layout.
  3. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused odometer values to not appear on Duty Status Logs.
  4. Improved display of errors in the UI.
  5. Fixed some HOS-related options not being grouped together on the System Settings page.

October 13, 2023

Patch 11.0.56xx


  1. On the Map, driver-related features are no longer shown when a user is interacting with any asset outside of the vehicle group.
  2. On the Add Assets page, made some usability improvements to the asset type selection. In particular, the autocomplete is now smarter, detecting whether the provided text is a serial number or a VIN, and the asset type dropdown is now sorted in a more user-friendly way.
  3. When generating Exception Detail Reports, GPS and status data lookups are now limited to a maximum of 10 days.
    1. Some more context for this change: the majority of issues related to the Exception Detail Report were caused by very long-running exceptions. While the report works correctly for shorter duration exceptions (such as speeding, harsh braking, and so on), there are some exceptions that can last for months or even years (for example, some zone-related exceptions). When the report is generated, these long-running exceptions can cause various performance issues.
  4. On the System Settings page, made some usability improvements to the workflow of adding a Support contact without a phone number.
  5. (Feature Preview) Added the user configuration menu to the new navigation layout.
  6. Fleet Size is now a mandatory field in the new database registration workflow.
  7. Device software version and IOX-GOTALK version information has been moved from the database About page to the Settings tab of the Asset Edit page, since that information is more related to the asset, not the database in general. Move IOX version from about page
  8. On the System Settings page, HOS-related options are now grouped together.
  9. On the login page, updated the password show/hide icon.


  1. Fixed an issue where various pages were failing to load.
  2. Fixed a Drive App issue that incorrectly allowed drivers to create duplicate trailers.
  3. Fixed some issues with the default template of the Max Speed Report.
  4. Fixed an issue on the Map where the Transparency slider’s value was the opposite of what is expected (100% transparency was incorrectly setting 0% transparency/100% opacity).
  5. Fixed the Asset Monitoring view always showing measurements in metric units, even if imperial units are selected in the User Options.
  6. Fixed an issue with time zones that sometimes prevented Share asset location from working correctly.
  7. Fixed a sorting issue with the list of trailers on the Asset Selection page.

October 6, 2023

Patch 11.0.54xx


  1. Searches on the Users page can now return users with spaces in their first name (for example, if a user’s name in the database is first name “John A” and last name “Smith”).
  2. On the Trips History page, driver-related features are no longer shown when a user is interacting with any asset outside of the vehicle group.
  3. On the System Settings page, the order of the Support and Certificates tabs has been swapped.


  1. An error message now appears when a user creates a maintenance reminder due today and adds an asset with the last maintenance date set for the same day.
  2. Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed rules to be changed on built-in dashboards.
  3. Fixed the Assets page incorrectly showing actively communicating assets as being 1 day offline.
  4. Fixed the Asset Monitoring page incorrectly showing archived devices.
  5. Fixed some issues related to timezone changes on PCs.
  6. Fixed an issue with violation filtering for daily violations where in some scenarios, a ruleset could return violations outside of its valid date range.
  7. Fixed an issue where certain errors could prevent the Drive App from loading.

September 29, 2023

Patch 11.0.52xx


  1. Added a section to the Route page that shows drive time and drive mileage when an optimization is run (currently in Feature Preview).
  2. Added a banner indicator to the Asset Location Sharing page that indicates when a shared link is successfully copied to clipboard.
  3. Added several drill-down actions to the Maintenance Backlog page:
    1. Clicking light blue numbers navigates you to the Maintenance Records page, filtered by the currently selected date.
    2. Clicking blue numbers navigates you to the Upcoming Maintenance page, showing the maintenance reminders due on the currently selected date.
    3. Clicking dark blue numbers navigates you to the Upcoming Maintenance page, showing any newly added maintenance reminders for the selected date (any new rule that was added and is now overdue).
    4. Clicking See Details navigates you to the Upcoming Maintenance page showing all maintenance due within the report’s timeframe (7 days by default).
  4. In Asset Information, the offline status/reason of devices in Restricted Data Mode is now displayed as Unknown.


  1. Fixed an issue with the new navigation design (currently in Feature Preview) where searches would not return any Add-Ins.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused the Asset Edit page to display an incorrect Last Communicated time when the user’s system time zone is different from their Fleet Management Application time zone.
  3. Fixed an issue on the Maintenance Reminders page where clicking Cancel incorrectly removed assets from the reminder being edited.
  4. Fixed the Bulk import maintenance records tool not checking for duplicates.
  5. Fixed an issue where drivers were sometimes unable to view logs in the Drive App. This was caused by devices with large numbers (thousands) of malfunction/diagnostic events attempting, and failing, to download all events at once.
  6. Fixed an issue with trailers where removing an asset would incorrectly not also remove previous associations.
  7. Fixed an issue with SAML authentication.
  8. Fixed some issues with manually entered addresses on the Unidentified Logs page.

September 22, 2023

Patch 11.0.50xx


  1. Release Notes are now embedded in the Fleet Management Application (excluding some custom portals), and a link to the Updates Blog has been added.
  2. Speed limit details for individual exceptions are now included in exported Exception Details Reports.
  3. Made some layout and usability improvements to the mobile version of the Inventory page.


  1. Fixed some issues with the Big Day rule’s logic and implementation.
  2. Fixed an issue with the Standard and Advanced Maintenance Reports where no data was being displayed in the EventOccuranceEventDate and EventOccurranceComment columns.
  3. Fixed an issue where Area Activity searches could sometimes return incomplete trip results for customers with large fleets (over 3,000 assets).
  4. The Exceptions Summary Report now correctly includes global groups when filtering for unknown drivers.

September 15, 2023

Patch 11.0.49xx



  1. Custom Code functionality has been deprecated to allow the Telematics Provider to implement an improved alternative.
  2. Removed group and type sorting from the Zone List page.
  3. Added the option to export the current grid data from the Engine Data Profile view.
  4. Reporting

  5. Improved the naming and navigation of some Tachograph modules, specifically Infringements and Reports.


  1. Fixed an issue that prevented truck speed limits from being updated.
  2. Fixed the Satellite view not being visible on the Add/Edit/View Route pages.
  3. Fixed an issue on the Exception page that caused speeding rules to not show the truck speed limit when truck speed limit is set to -1 (which is used to denote that truck speed = max speed).
  4. Fixed an issue with the creation of EngineSyncCompliance diagnostics.

September 8, 2023

Patch 11.0.48xx


Built-in asset groups

  1. Added Container and Equipment asset group types (in addition to Vehicle and Trailer).


  1. Added back-end indexing to trips, which improves the performance of the Vehicle Utilization Report.
  2. Removed the Sub-period option from reports where that option is not applicable or doesn’t add value, in particular the EV Charging Report.


  1. Fixed a Drive App issue where trailers were sometimes not correctly classified as trailer objects, which could cause syncing errors.
  2. Fixed an issue with the Share asset location feature that would prevent users from zooming in or panning around the map.
  3. Fixed some fields on the Device Status page (such as GPS data) incorrectly showing the current datetime when the actual last reported datetime is missing.


  1. Fixed an error when retrieving DutyStatusLogs for all drivers.

September 1, 2023

Patch 11.0.46xx


  1. Re-added the barcode scanning feature, which was temporarily removed due to a security vulnerability.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused information to be missing from Maintenance Reminder emails.
  3. Add-Ins under the same primary grouping are now sorted by name. They were previously sorted by the order in which they loaded, which appeared random and was not useful to users.
  4. Fixed an issue with interactive reports where, when going from a company group to a subgroup, the interactive reports would incorrectly display the company group assets instead of the subgroup’s assets.

August 25, 2023

Patch 11.0.45xx



  1. Added a toggle to the Trips Summary Report options that allows users to choose whether or not to include 0-distance trips in the report.
  2. Added a group filtering component to the Customer Visits Report (currently in Feature Preview).


  1. Fixed users not being able to select multiple groups when importing an asset on the Groups page.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused the Bulk Import feature to not work correctly.
  3. Fixed an issue with how the Quick import tool handles assets with no specified name.
  4. Fixed an issue with the Drive App where trip categorizations could be lost in certain scenarios.

August 18, 2023

Patch 11.0.44xx



  1. Added a message to all rules that include a zone type element (such as Fleet Idling, Vehicle Movement Within Zones, and so on), reminding users to ensure that the selected zone type has zones associated with it. (If a zone type has no zones associated with it, no exceptions can be generated.)
  2. Reporting

  3. For clarity, we renamed some elements in the Planned vs. actual route report page: "define stop offset" is now "define arrival window", and "stop offset" is now "arrival window".


  1. Fixed an issue where misconfigured Add-Ins could sometimes prevent users from logging out of the Drive App.
  2. Fixed a hardware caching issue that could sometimes result in drivers being automatically assigned to archived (historical) vehicles.
  3. Fixed issues with French translations in the Drive App's ELD transfer PDF.
  4. Fixed an issue where, when a user registers a database on certain servers, an invalid session error would incorrectly appear, despite the database being created successfully.
  5. Fixed the Device Status page showing no data for offline or non-communicating devices when the DEVICE_UPTIME custom code is used.
  6. Fixed the Maintenance Backlog widget not applying group filtering at the device level, which could result in incorrect counts/values being displayed in the widget.
  7. Fixed IFTA reports incorrectly including trailers when all vehicles are selected.
  8. Fixed some display bugs related to the main menu and submenu: hovering over a main menu item no longer changes the opacity of the icon, and clicking a submenu icon now hides the help tooltip that appears when hovering over it.
  9. Fixed the Maintenance Reminder page returning incomplete search results when filtering by groups in some scenarios.

August 11, 2023

Patch 11.0.43xx



  1. Imported shapefiles now have their road length represented in kilometers instead of meters. This is meant to align shapefile distances with the units that are used for exception events.
  2. Reporting

  3. For performance reasons, fuel usage columns (Fuel Used and Fuel Economy) have been removed from the default Risk Management report. However, those columns can now be added to your custom Risk Management report templates.
  4. Maintenance Center

  5. The Maintenance Bulk Import process now ignores letter casing. This is a quality of life change that should reduce the amount of errors and failed uploads - for example, previously, an upload for maintenance type “Oil change” would fail if the existing maintenance type had a capital C in “Oil Change”.


  1. Added new icons to the new navigation workflow, which is currently in Feature Preview.


  1. Fixed some issues with the Conditions builder that occurred when the USE_COMPLEX_TREE flag was enabled.
  2. Fixed database registration emails showing DNS name instead of server URL.
  3. Fixed an issue where route completion lines could sometimes disappear and reappear when panning around the map, or when zooming in and out.
  4. Fixed an issue with group filtering that could sometimes occur when generating a Risk Management report.
  5. Made several fixes and usability improvements to the Bulk Import workflow.
  6. On mobile devices, fixed bulk actions appearing twice when a user selects and deselects the same asset.
  7. Fixed an issue where Drive App users would have to enter their credentials twice after updating from version 8.0 to 11.0.
  8. Fixed an issue where API calls made with users that only have the View trailers and Administer trailers permissions would incorrectly return both tracked and untracked assets (instead of only untracked assets).
  9. Made performance improvements to the Unidentified Logs page.

August 4, 2023

Patch 11.0.41xx



  1. Added Malay language support.


  1. Offline devices on the Assets page now show potential reasons for loss of connectivity. The Possible issues are displayed on the Device Status page, and include:
    1. Device rate plan terminated
    2. Device rate plan suspended
    3. Low asset battery
    4. Possible loose device installation
    5. Replaced device
    6. Unknown reason


  1. Added new, more detailed, notification tokens related to asset inspection to help fleet managers follow up and take appropriate action based on the type of DVIR that was created. The new tokens are available in Notification Templates > Add email template, and are as follows:
    1. Asset Inspection Defect
    2. Asset Inspection Defect Remark
    3. Asset Inspection Driver Remark
  2. Users can now dismiss notifications from the list view. Previously, users had to open a notification to dismiss it, which could be slow to load for customers with large numbers of messages.


  1. Fixed an issue where additional clearances (other than View dashboard) were incorrectly required to view the Dashboard page.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused Route segments to have distorted/jagged edges, particularly for narrower segments.
  3. Fixed an issue where the counts shown on slices of the Maintenance Type chart would be different than the counts shown on the Maintenance Records page.
  4. Fixed the map zooming out when adding a new zone.
  5. Fixed an issue that caused the EventType column to not be included in Event History reports.
  6. Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, logs could be incorrectly assigned to a driver who was not assigned to a vehicle.
  7. Fixed some display issues on the HOS Logs page when an address is not found.

July 28, 2023

Patch 11.0.40xx



  1. For convenience, Add-Ins can now be placed in any top-level main menu category of your choice. For example, you can have a maintenance-related Add-In (such as a tire pressure monitor) appear under Engine & Maintenance in the main menu.


  1. Fixed an issue where Welcome and Reset Password emails had text the same color as the background, making the body text unreadable.
  2. Made several bug fixes and improvements to the Seat Belt Violations interactive report.
  3. Fixed an issue where verified logs would sometimes be shown as unverified when viewed from a different time zone.
  4. Fixed an issue where trailer asset inspections would not appear on the DVIR screen if they were created while the driver was on-duty.


  1. Added API support for EmissionVehicleCycle and EmissionVehicleCycleMessage to facilitate the California Air Resource Board’s (CARB) Emission Reporting Service.
  2. Added GetRegions and GetLanguages methods that return labels and values for regions and languages, respectively.

July 21, 2023

Patch 11.0.39xx



  1. Added labels for general speed limits and truck speed limits to the card that appears when you hover over a vehicle.
  2. Routes

  3. The Optimize route button is now always visible when adding or modifying stops to a route, and the Revert button now only appears when there are changes to revert.


  1. Fixed some tachograph diagnostic data being lost during processing.
  2. Made several bug fixes and improvements to the asset location card on the map.
  3. Fixed an issue where the legend text for Maintenance Type charts would not dynamically wrap when viewed on smaller screens.
  4. Fixed an issue that caused the Engine Measurements page to time out when retrieving Cargo Door diagnostics.
  5. Fixed Active Insights table titles not updating when the date filter is changed.

July 14, 2023

Patch 11.0.60xx



  1. Changed the default duration of Stops from 5 minutes to 60 minutes.
  2. Filters

  3. Added a Groups filter to the Customer Stops page.
  4. Compliance

    1. Improved the performance of the Duty Status Logs report.
  5. System Settings

    1. The Password Policy options in System Settings are now hidden if they are the same as the default values. We are making these changes to prepare for a change to a centralized access management system. For more information about Centralized Identification Access Management, refer to this blog post.
    2. ✱ NOTE: Databases with custom password policies can still view and modify their Password Policy options.
  6. Fixes

  7. Fixed audit logs incorrectly showing group IDs instead of group names.
  8. Fixed empty Maintenance Backlog charts showing a blank chart instead of a No data message.
  9. Made several bug fixes and performance improvements related to the engine sync compliance diagnostic.
  10. Fixed an issue where critical defect notifications would still be shown after the defect was repaired.
  11. Fixed an issue where duty status would not automatically change from Yard Move to On Duty when the Yard Move exemption rule is broken (for example, when vehicle speed goes above the specified threshold).
  12. Fixed an issue where driver logs could have a datetime stamp in the future.

July 7, 2023



  1. Re-added the option to show hidden zones on the Map page.


  1. Fixed an issue where removed co-drivers would still be shown as co-drivers on the Assets panel of the Map page.
  2. Fixed an issue on the Trips History page where disabling the Include archived (historical) data toggle would not correctly hide data from archived drivers.
  3. Made the appearance of various Advanced Exceptions reports more consistent.
  4. Fixed an issue where edits to a zone shape would sometimes not be saved.
  5. Fixed an issue with the Costliest Asset widget in the Maintenance Center where clicking the first asset in the list does not preselect that asset on the Maintenance Records page.

June 30, 2023


  1. Fixed some multi-select dropdown menus not working in the Safety Center.
  2. Fixed the Show/hide archived assets button not working on the Maintenance Reminders page.
  3. Fixed the search field not working correctly on the Maintenance Records page for customers with very large databases.
  4. Fixed an issue where editing an asset on the Cameras page would cause the Save and Cancel buttons to no longer work.
  5. Added missing Speed Details graph to the Collision Detection Exceptions page.

June 23, 2023


Exceptions Page

  1. On the Exceptions page, removed the Speed Details graph from rules/exceptions where it is irrelevant or not useful (such as After hours usage).

Engine Faults

  1. Added a notification to the Engine Faults page when a search returns more than 50,000 items.
  2. Fill Ups

  3. Added a time selector to the date picker on the Fill-Ups tab of the Fuel and EV Energy Usage page.


  1. Fixed ELD transfer PDFs missing information when there is an unidentified driver.
  2. Fixed the Support Ticket form getting reset when the groups filter is changed.
  3. Fixed the BEV Range Capability report not appearing in the navigation menu.
  4. The “Contact us” link in the Add a New Asset workflow is now hidden for users that do not have the appropriate permissions.
  5. Fixed the Zone Type associated with a rule being removed after a unique condition is added to the rule.
  6. Fixed J1939 diagnostics being incorrectly categorized as faults.
  7. Fixed maintenance reminder emails not being sent when there are multiple Email to group recipients.

June 16, 2023


Maintenance Center

  1. Clicking an asset in the Costliest Asset widget now navigates the user to the Maintenance Records page with that asset preselected.
  2. Clicking an asset in the Upcoming Maintenance widget now navigates the user to the Upcoming Maintenance page with that asset preselected.
  3. Fixes

    1. Fixed errors in fuel economy calculation when a refuel occurs during the driving portion of a trip.
    2. Fixed labels not working correctly on the Trips History page.
    3. Fixed some reminders on the Maintenance Reminder page showing incorrect values.
    4. Fixed the Audit Log search not returning any results when searching for a specific vehicle.
    5. June 9, 2023

    6. Enhancements

    7. Tachograph

    8. Replaced previous Tachograph Add-In solution with native Tachograph module. For more information, refer to the Transition from Tachograph Add-In to Tachograph Module document.
  4. Fixes

  5. Fixed various issues with the trip pointer on the Trips History page on mobile devices.
  6. Fixed the zoom in (+) button on the map occasionally zooming out if multiple vehicles are selected.
  7. Fixed the Cancel button in the Filter by group dropdown not correctly discarding any changes.
  8. Fixed dates on the x-axis of dashboard graphs sometimes not appearing in chronological order.
  9. Fixed bulk edits on the Vehicle & Assets page not correctly saving changes to device behavior settings.
  10. Fixed selected columns on the Vehicle & Assets page (such as Current driver, VIN, License plate, etc.) not appearing on mobile devices.
  11. Fixed the Possible Collisions dashboard having an invalid default configuration.

June 2, 2023



    1. Added various items to the default template of the Possible Collisions report:
      1. Device ID and Vehicle ID are now included by default, allowing users to drill down for deeper insights.
      2. If Interactive chart is selected in the report options, a bar chart with predefined default settings is now included.
    2. Fixes

      1. Fixed an issue where zones, routes, and route groups would sometimes be duplicated when the same shapefile is imported multiple times to the same Service Group.
      2. Removed excess padding around the map panel on the New Zones page.
      3. Fixed maintenance notifications being incorrectly sent to users without access to the associated vehicle.
      4. Increased the maximum download retry count for importing Fuel Transactions.
      5. Fixed some maintenance information (Overdue and Upcoming Maintenance) not appearing on the Health tab of the Asset Edit page.
      6. API

        1. Added support for the AddIn search object.
        2. Device license plate is now updated if the device license plate field is empty but the VLR (Variable Length Record) has registration (Tachograph processing).
        3. Added ability to configure the time window of route stops. The default is 1 hour.
      7. May 26, 2023

      8. Enhancements

      9. Asset

      10. Added functionality to specify the groups that assets should belong to in the Add Multiple Assets workflow.
      11. Dashboards

      12. Created empty view for the dashboard page.
      13. Created charts with sample data
    3. Safety Center

      1. Created a View Safety Center permission to control access to the Safety Center.
    4. Maintenance Center

      1. Introduced the following permissions to provide better control over access and functions of the Maintenance Center:
        1. View Maintenance Center — Provides access to the Maintenance Center.
        2. Ability to Skip Maintenance Reminder — Enables functionality to skip maintenance reminders.
        3. Ability to Snooze Maintenance Reminder — Enables functionality to snooze maintenance reminders.
    5. Fixes

    6. Fixed visibility issue for the X button to close tooltips.
    7. Fixed various issues in the Canadian ELD PDF: blank Distance Today field and missing values for Current total engine hours and Vehicle distance.
    8. Enhanced Vehicle Groups rules condition to generate cleaner code.
    9. Improved messaging when attempting to remove trailers associated with duty status and/or Asset Inspection logs.
    10. Fixed inconsistency between maintenance reminder odometer and/or engine hour values when events have the same date.
    11. Assets not showing stop in zone icon correctly.
    12. Trips History report returns all drivers rather than selected drivers.
    13. API

      1. Added the jobPriorities property to the user object. This property stores the list of selected job priorities.
      2. Added the activeDefaultDashboards property to the user object. This property stores the list of default dashboards.
      3. The GetDaylightSavingRules method now only returns rules from the year 2000 onwards by default.
    14. May 19, 2023

    15. Enhancements

    16. Tachograph

    17. Created a new Tachograph section on the Rules page with two Tachograph rules:
      1. Company Cards Availability — Provides notification when company cards are no longer connected to the system for a time period exceeding 96 hours.
      2. Weekly Status Overview — A weekly notification that reflects outstanding downloads, expired company, and driver cards.
    18. Fixes

    19. Fixed group filtering functionality on the Trips History page.
    20. Fixed visibility of RouteCompletion legend.
    21. Fixed Assets panel on mobile devices to remain expanded when toggling between tabs.
    22. Fixed issue that caused Group Filtering AND conditions to not function as intended on the Map.
    23. API

      1. Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the PropertySelector would incorrectly return more properties than were specified.
      2. Removed sealed objects from NuGet classes.
      3. Added the "BC Logging Truck" ruleset.
    24. May 12, 2023

    25. Enhancements

    26. Maintenance Center

      1. Added functionality to click segments of the Maintenance Type chart and access the Maintenance Records page with data for the corresponding vehicles.
    27. Map

    28. Updated font and background colors while on the Satellite view for improved visibility.
  • Routes

    1. Removed the restriction preventing multiple or consecutive stops to the same zone or address.
  • Fixes

    1. Fixed incorrect Odometer values when FromDate is inside a Trip stop.
    2. Fixed issue that did not allow removing zones connected with expired shareable links.
    3. Fixed issue that caused Web Report and Map panels to overlap when resizing the browser.
    4. Fixed issue that did not consistently bring users to their saved Map views.
    5. Fixed issue that caused route stops that are unreachable to break the route.
    6. Fixed issue that auto-populated the Selected driver field while assigning a driver.
  • scroll-up