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Configuración de Finalización de ruta mediante Shapefile
Support Document
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Más información sobre la configuración de Finalización de ruta mediante una importación shapefile. El proceso de importación convierte cada línea del shapefile en un polígono con extremos redondeados y una anchura configurada (o anchura por defecto de 10 metros) a cada lado de la línea. Estos polígonos son Zonas en MyGeotab y se agrupan en Rutas.
With Shapefile GIS Import
May 2024
The Route Completion Report provides a breakdown of the level of service completion by vehicles over defined routes, such as those for snow plows, street sweepers, sanitation, etc. This report can be used for performance analysis and compliance with maintenance and service standards.
To utilize this report, customers are expected to use their own Geographic Information System (GIS) tool to generate a shapefile that contains a collection of line features representing streets, and attributes related to the Routes, Route groups, and Segments the shapefile represents.
✱ NOTE: The collection of Routes, Route groups, and Segments are imported to a service group in MyGeotab, and used by Route Completion. If configured, optional data, such as road width and pass count, may also be imported.
When a shapefile is imported, every line in the shapefile is converted into a polygon with rounded ends and a configured width or default width of 10 meters on either side of the line. In MyGeotab, the polygons become Zones, and the Zones are grouped by Routes. The Routes are organized into Route Groups based on the route and group entered in each line segment of the shapefile by the Customer.
✱ NOTE: Other custom attributes of the Customer’s geospatial sharefile are ignored during upload process.
The following attributes are required to successfully import the shapefile for Route Completion:
Attribute Column Name | Data Description | Column Type and Size |
Group | A text field naming the Routes Group. | Text (string) 30 |
Route | A text field uniquely naming the Route within a Routes Group. | Text (string) 30 |
Segment | A text field uniquely naming each Line Segment in a Route. | Text (string) 255 |
✱ NOTE: The attributes are not case-sensitive, and must align with the formatting outlined in the table.
The following attributes are optional — either the attribute column is omitted or unpopulated — when importing the shapefile for Route Completion:
Attribute Column Name | Data Description | Column Type and Size |
RoadWidth | An integer in meters indicating the buffer to add to the centerline when generating the enclosing polygon. The value represents the full diameter or width of the road. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100 Default (when the column is omitted or unpopulated): 20 | Integer length 3 |
PassCount | An integer defining how many passes an operating vehicle must pass through the route segment polygon to be considered completely serviced. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 10 Default (when the column is omitted or unpopulated): 2 | Integer length 2 |
✱ NOTE: Columns can be added to a shapefile in any sequence. Column attribute names are not case-sensitive.
The following geometry guidelines are required to successfully import the shapefile for Route Completion:
The following coordinate-related guidelines are required to successfully import the shapefile for Route Completion:
To get started with Route Completion configuration in MyGeotab, you must create a Service Group and upload the shapefile to that group.
A Service Group is where the shapefile is uploaded for Route Completion Configuration, and where the routes, groups, and segments will reside. The shapefile upload process automatically associates the Service Group with a service rule, and assigns all service vehicles.
✱ NOTE: A Service Group used for Route Completions cannot be children of any Built-in Groups. We recommend creating a group called PublicWorks under the Company level, then create your child ServiceGroups under PublicWorks.
1 | Navigate to Groups & Rules > Groups from the main MyGeotab menu. |
2 | On the Groups Tree page, select a parent group, then select the + icon to add a group. |
3 | On the Group Edit page, enter the required information. |
4 | Select Save. |
5 | Assign service vehicles (for example, all snow plows in the database) to the Service Group. You also have the option to assign vehicles to the Service Group after completing the configuration process. |
✱ NOTE: If multiple Service Groups are required for different service tasks, the Service Groups are not required to be under the same branch. Vehicles can be added to the Service Group at any time.
1 | Navigate to System > Settings |
2 | On the Settings page, select the Route completion tab. |
3 | Under the Bulk Route Import section, select Instructions for uploading to review the requirements for the shapefile structure and content. ✱ NOTE: The shapefile must be placed in a ZIP folder, and must only contain the following files:
Upload the zipped shapefile to import the GIS data in MyGeotab.
1 | Navigate to System… > Settings |
2 | On the Settings page, select the Route completion tab. |
3 | Under the Bulk Route Import section, select a Service Group from the dropdown menu. The Service Group is associated with the imported GIS data, and data configuration. ! IMPORTANT: You must select a Service Group when importing a ZIP file; otherwise, the ZIP file cannot be used for Route Completion configuration. |
4 | Upload the ZIP file. Once uploaded, the application reads the shapefile content and automatically create the following require Route Completion Configuration structure for the specified serviced group in MyGeotab:
If the content generated from the uploaded shapefile is no longer needed, associated with the wrong group or projection (for example, not WGS 84 EPSG: 4326), or incorrect shapefile import, you have the option to remove the content.
1 | Navigate to Groups & Rules > Rules. |
2 | On the Rules page, scroll to the ADVANCED section. |
3 | Select the rule that was created during the file upload process. |
4 | On the Exception Rule Edit page, select the Remove button. Removing the rule will trigger the removal of all exceptions generated for the service rule. ✱ NOTE: The name of the created service rule is displayed as “Service_Group_Name Service Rule''. For example, the rule created for the service group “Mike's Snow Removal” is displayed as Mike's Snow Removal Service Group. |
5 | Navigate to Productivity> Zones > Zones. |
6 | On the Zones page, use the Filter > Filter by zone type dropdown to select all the zones created during the file upload process. Click ‘Remove selected zones’. ✱ NOTE: The name of the created service rule is displayed as “Service_Group_Name Route Segment”. For example, the zone created for the service group “Mike's Snow Removal'' is displayed as Mike's Snow Removal Route Segment. ! IMPORTANT: Filtering by Zone Type is the only way to isolate the zones that need to be removed. Do not proceed to Step 7 without fully completing Steps 5 and 6. |
7 | Select the Types button. |
8 | On the Zone Types page, select the zone type that was used to filter in Step 6. |
9 | On the Zone Type Edit page, select Remove. |
10 | Navigate to Groups & Rules > Groups. |
11 | On the Groups Tree page, select the Route Group and Route structure created under the Service Group.. |
12 | Select Remove. |
✱ NOTE: The removal of polylines now require a support ticket to be submitted to the service desk.
1 | Identify a segment that vehicles are continually missing via Route Completion or navigate to the Productivity > Trips History page by selecting Show hidden zones from the Map options dropdown menu. |
2 | Navigate to Map, select the zones. |
3 | On the map, right-click on the zone and select Change zone shape. |
4 | Adjust the points of zones. |
5 | Select Save. |
1 | Navigate to Zones. |
2 | On the Zones page, select the zones of interest. |
3 | Select the Edit selected zones button. The page refreshes to display a panel to edit the zone. |
4 | On the panel, select Remove. |
Term | Definition |
Service Rule | Monitors vehicle activity in the Route Segments (zones) associated with the parent Service Group. Only one Service Rule can be created per Service Group. A Service Group (with a RouteCompletion base type) is automatically created in MyGeotab, and linked to the specified Service Group when uploading the shapefile. This only applies if a Service Rule does not already exist for the specified Service Group. The Service Rule has the same name as the Service Group, and the InsideAnyArea condition directed at the Zone Type. ! IMPORTANT: A Service Rule cannot be created in the MyGeotab UI. However, MyGeotab users can search for a Service Rule in the list of Rules, and edit the rule to add conditions. For example, users may add conditions relating to inputs received through the IOX-WRKS aux, such as the Plow Down or Main Broom On to the Service Rule. To add conditions:
✱ NOTE: When adding conditions to the Service Rule, ensure you do not alter or remove the “Inside Any Area [group name] Route Segment” condition. |
Routes Group | Refers to a collection of Routes. A Route Group is automatically created under the specified Service Group through the shapefile upload process, and becomes the parent of these groups of Routes. |
Route | Refers to a collection of Segments (or Geozones). Every Route name is unique within a parent Routes Group. Routes are automatically created in the MyGeotab group structure as sub-groups under the configured Routes Group. ✱ NOTE: Routes are the lowest level in the group hierarchy, under Service Group. |
Segment | Represents the geospatial coordinates specified in the uploaded shapefile. Multiple Segments represent a Route on the map, and Segment names are unique within a Route. Segments are automatically created as zones (as a polygon shape) in MyGeotab. The zones created by the shapefile upload process are not visible on the default view of the Map page in MyGeotab, but are visible in the Route Completion view. |
Pass Count | Indicates how many times a service vehicle must travel over a road Segment to be considered completely serviced. If the Pass Count is not provided, the count is set to a default of two passes. |
Road Width | Represents the width of each Segment, and includes some buffer space along the side of the road. If the Road Width is not provided, the width of each segment is set to the default value of 20 meters. Ideally, road width is set to a higher value for larger roads to capture all vehicle trips and passes of the Segment. For example, arterial roads are set to a width of 30 meters, while local roads are set to a width of 20 meters. |