IOX-COLD and IOX-COLD RUGGED — Refrigeration Unit and Accessories Solutions Installation Guide
Refrigeration unit data can then be viewed and analyzed in the Asset Monitoring view in the MyGeotab platform.

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In this document

Refrigeration Unit and Accessories Solutions Installation Guide


Before installation, refer to the Cold Chain Harness Compatibility document to determine which integration products (harnesses) are needed depending on the corresponding cold chain machine. Refrigeration unit data can then be viewed and analyzed in the Asset Monitoring view in the MyGeotab™ platform. For more information, refer to the Asset Monitoring Solution — Implementation Guide.

Note that specific installation instructions depend on the refrigeration unit make, model, and controller. Refer to the following table to find the instructions you are required to use.

Finally, if there is a Thermograph in the installation, refer to the Thermograph Solution Installation Guide.

! IMPORTANT: Once the required installations between the IOX-COLD/IOX-COLD RUGGED and its compatible solutions (Refrigeration unit and accessories, Thermograph, Tachograph, Expansions) have been completed, the IOX-COLD/IOX-COLD RUGGED must be installed with GO9/GO9 RUGGED devices as outlined in the quick start guides.

The quick start guides for IOX-COLD and IOX-COLD RUGGED can be found in the following links:

  1. IOX-COLD:

✱ NOTE: Geotab Cold chain solution integrates with several 3rd-party 1-wire temperature sensors and door sensor switches. The installer, customer, partner or reseller should source their preferred external sensors. To be compatible with IOX-COLD and IOX-COLD RUGGED, sensors must adhere to the following specifications:

  1. Temperature sensors must be a DS18B20-type with the standard 3-wire configuration. Typically yellow for data, red for VCC, and black for GND, but wire colors may vary depending on the manufacturer.
  2. Door sensors must be magnetic, ideally with a normally closed (NC) configuration. See the following diagram for reference:

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Cold chain solution installation - refrigeration unit

Typical installation connection schematic

The following schematic depicts a typical installation, with the required refrigeration unit harness depending on the make, model, and controller. Refer to the Cold Chain Harness Compatibility document to determine which harness is required for your particular situation.

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Installation instructions


Refrigeration unit model/controller

Installation document



Thermo King


Carrier Transicold


Carrier Transicold


Carrier Transicold




Thermo King

Direct Smart Reefer controller (DSR)

Cold chain installation - accessories

Typical installation connection schematic

The following schematic depicts a typical installation, with the required refrigeration unit harness depending on the make, model, and controller. Refer to the Cold Chain Harness Compatibility document to determine which harness is required for your particular situation.

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Preparing for installation

Ensure that you have all of the following:


  1. Ratchet kit
  1. Electrical insulated tape
    1. Cable guide
    2. Cutter plier
    3. Gripping plier
  1. Soldering iron
  2. Solder
  3. Heat gun
  4. Heatable shrink
  5. Cable ties
  • Components

  • Product






    Refrigeration unit communication protocol harness

    Will depend on the cold chain unit model/controller. Refer to the compatibility list and the harness catalog for more information.


  • 1-wire temperature sensors

  • 1-wire temperature sensors allow you to register temperature values in vehicles without connecting to a thermograph.

  • It is possible to connect up to 4 temperature sensors in parallel.

  • Installation instructions

  • 1

    After installing temperature sensor(s) on the vehicle, route their wiring to the IOX-COLD cold chain harness’ loose wires.


    Connect the Red and Black sensor wires to the IOX-COLD cold chain harness’ Green loose wire.

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    Connect the Yellow sensor wire to the IOX-COLD cold chain harness’ Grey loose wire.

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    Make sure to protect each connection to avoid electrical short circuits on the installation.

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    Plug the IOX-COLD to its cold chain harness’ 22 position connector.

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  • Door sensors

  • Door sensors are magnetic switches that detect the status of the trailer doors (open or closed).

  • The IOX-COLD can be connected to up to two door sensors.

  • Installation instructions

  • 1

    After installing door sensors on the trailer, route their wiring to the IOX-COLD.


    Connect one pole of the magnetic switch to the IOX-COLD cold chain harness’ black loose wire.

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    If the vehicle contains a second door sensor, connect one pole of the second door sensor to the same IOX-COLD cold chain harness Black loose wire.

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    Connect the door sensor other pole to the IOX-COLD cold chain harness White loose wire.

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    If the vehicle contains a second door sensor, connect the other pole of this second door sensor to the same IOX-COLD cold chain harness Brown loose wire.

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    Make sure to protect each connection to avoid electrical short circuits on the installation.

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    Plug the IOX-COLD into its cold chain harness.

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  • Accessory wiring overview

  • This table summarizes the previous accessory connections.

  • Cold chain harness loose wires

    Door sensors

    1-wire temperature sensors (up to 4 in parallel)


    Wire color



    Inputs Ground Signal


    Main and secondary doors (doors 1 & 2) first poles.

    Main Input signal


    Main door (door 1) second pole

    Secondary Input signal


    Secondary door (door 2) second pole

    1-Wire Ground


    Red wire, VCC

    Black wire, GND

    1-Wire Signal


    Yellow wire, data


  • Cold chain solution installation - refrigeration unit

  • Typical installation connection schematic

  • The following schematic depicts a typical installation, with the required refrigeration unit harness depending on the make, model, and controller. Refer to the Cold Chain Harness Compatibility document to determine which harness is required for your particular situation.

  • document Image

  • Installation instructions

  • Manufacturer

    Refrigeration Unit Model or Controller

    Installation Instructions Document

    Thermo King

    Smart Reefer 2 (SR-2)

    Smart Reefer 3 (SR-3)

    Smart Reefer 4 (SR-4)

    Thermoguard V controller (TG-V)

    Thermoguard P P-IV controller (P P-IV)

    Thermoguard uP-IV multi-temp controller

    Thermoguard uP-V controller (uP-V)

    Thermoguard VI controller (TG-VI)

    Thermoguard uP-VI controller (uP-VI)

    Carrier Transicold


    Carrier Transicold


  • Cold chain installation - accessories

  • Typical installation connection schematic

  • The following schematic depicts a typical installation, with the required refrigeration unit harness depending on the make, model, and controller. Refer to the Cold Chain Harness Compatibility document to determine which harness is required for your particular situation.

  • document Image

  • Preparing for installation

  • Ensure that you have all of the following:

  • Tools

    1. Ratchet kit
  • Electrical insulated tape
  • Cable guide
  • Cutter plier
  • Gripping plier
  • Soldering iron
  • Solder
  • Heat gun
  • Heatable shrink
  • Cable ties
  • Components







    Accessories interface harness



    1-wire temperature sensors

    1-wire temperature sensors allow you to register temperature values in vehicles without connecting to a thermograph.

    It is possible to connect up to 4 temperature sensors in parallel.

    Installation Instructions


    After installing temperature sensor(s) on the trailer, route their wiring to the IOX-COLD RUGGED.


    Connect the Red and Black sensor wires to the harness’ HRN-RCCAC Green loose wire.

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    Connect the Yellow sensor wire to the harness’ HRN-RCCAC Grey loose wire.

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    Make sure to protect each connection to avoid electrical short circuits on the installation.

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    Plug the IOX-COLD RUGGED into the HRN-RCCAC harness.

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    Door sensors

    Door sensors are magnetic switches that detect the status of the trailer doors (open or closed) to efficiently track and troubleshoot temperature delivery during transport.

    The IOX-COLD RUGGED can be connected to up to two door sensors.

    Installation instructions


    After installing door sensor(s) on the trailer, route their wiring to the IOX-COLD RUGGED.


    Connect one pole of the magnetic switch to the harness HRN-RCCAC Black loose wire.

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    If the vehicle contains a second door sensor, connect one pole of this second door sensor to harness HRN-RCCAC Black loose wire.

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    Connect the door sensor other pole to the harness HRN-RCCAC White loose wire.

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    If the vehicle contains a second door sensor, connect the other pole of this second door sensor to the HRN-RCCAC Brown loose wire.

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    Make sure to protect each connection to avoid electrical short circuits on the installation.

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    Plug the IOX-COLD RUGGED into the HRN-RCCAC harness.

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    Accessory wiring overview

    This table summarizes the previous accessory connections.

    HRN-RCCAC loose wires

    Door sensors

    1-wire temperature sensor


    Wire color



    Inputs Ground Signal


    Main and secondary (Door 1 & 2) doors first poles.

    Main Input signal


    Main door (Door 1) secondary pole

    Secondary Input signal


    Secondary door (Door 2) secondary pole

    1-Wire Ground


    Red wire, VCC

    Black wire, GND

    1-Wire Signal


    Yellow wire, data

    Important Safety Information and Limitations of Use

    For the latest version of the Limitations of Use, please visit:

    WARNING! Do not attempt to install, configure or remove any product from any vehicle while the vehicle is in motion or otherwise in operation. All installation, configuration or removal must be done only in stationary vehicles which are securely parked. Attempting to service units while being operated could cause malfunctions or accidents, leading to death or serious personal injury.

    WARNING! All in-vehicle devices and related cabling must be securely fastened and kept clear of all vehicle controls, including accelerator, brake and clutch pedals. You must inspect devices and cabling on a regular basis to ensure that all devices and cabling continue to be securely attached. Loose cabling or devices may impede the use of vehicle controls, resulting in unanticipated acceleration, braking or other loss of vehicle control, which could lead to death or serious personal injury. Improperly fastened in-vehicle devices may detach and impact operators upon sudden acceleration or deceleration, which may cause injury.

    WARNING! If, at any point after an in-vehicle device is installed, a warning light illuminates on the vehicle dashboard or the vehicle stalls or has a marked drop in performance, shut off the engine, remove the device and contact your reseller. Continuing to operate a vehicle with these symptoms can cause loss of vehicle control and serious injury.

    WARNING! Your in-vehicle devices must be kept clear of debris, water and other environmental contaminants. Failure to do so may cause units malfunctioning or short-circuiting, which can lead to a fire hazard or vehicle damage or serious injury.

    WARNING! Do not attempt to remove the devices from the vehicle they were originally installed in for installation in another vehicle. Not all vehicles share compatibility, and doing so may cause unexpected interactions with your vehicle, including sudden loss of power or shutdown of the vehicle's engine while in operation or cause your vehicle to operate poorly or erratically and cause death or serious injury and/or vehicle damage.

    NOTICE: This product does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Configuration, servicing and repairs must only be made by an authorized Reseller or installer. Unauthorized servicing of these products will void your product warranty.

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