Emissions Diagnostics Reporting Frequently Asked Question
Browse frequently asked questions to better understand Geotab's Emissions Diagnostics.


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Frequently Asked Questions

September 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

Program-related Questions

Why should I enroll in this program?

Typically, the estimated cost of downtime for a heavy-duty vehicle is approximately $800 USD for every nine hours. Additionally, pulling medium or large fleet vehicles into a workshop to perform Periodic Smoke Opacity Tests or scanning the ECU with laptop diagnostic tools for compliance with this program has significant administrative overhead. The alternative solution is to outsource to someone with equivalent hardware.

When enrolled in this program, Geotab will provide significant time and cost savings to ensure the process is smooth.

How much will this product cost from Geotab?

The use of this product is available for any device on the GO Plan or ProPlus plan.

Is Geotab certified?

Yes, Geotab was certified on November 21st, 2024. CARB site / EO.

When will the CARB Clean Truck Check Program begin?

The periodic testing requirements will begin on January 1, 2025. The earliest date a fleet owner can submit a Clean Truck Check on-board diagnostics (OBD) scan is October 1, 2024.

Prior to January 1, 2025, fleet owners are required to register their regulated vehicles in the program using the CARB CTC-VIS portal, and clear any registration holds issued due to missing the 2023 registration deadline.

Who is regulated by the CARB Clean Truck Check program?

This regulation is applicable to the 1.2 million heavy-duty vehicles operating in or passing through the state of California. In this context, a heavy-duty vehicle refers to diesel vehicles from 2013 or newer, and alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles from 2018 or newer — with Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 14, 001 lbs or more.

For more information, refer to the CARB Clean Truck Check Program document.

What data is collected and reported?

The GO device functions as a diagnostic tool connected to the OBD port, and collects the following data:

  1. Freeze frame data
  2. Streaming data parameters
  3. Fault codes (including Active, Pending, and Permanent)
  4. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  5. Engine serial number
  6. Engine family
  7. Electronic Control Unit (ECU) number
  8. Monitor use performance ratio
  9. Engine run time tracking data
  10. NOx emissions tracking data
  11. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) tracking data
  12. PM filter regeneration event data
  13. Readiness status of each monitor within a readiness group

How often will collected data be submitted to CARB?

Geotab collects vehicle data at the frequency configured by the customer during the asset enrollment process in the MyGeotab portal. This data is submitted to CARB continuously until a passing result is achieved. Once a passing result is obtained, Geotab will only submit data collected when the next compliance window opens up.

How often is a passing submission required? / How often does CARB require emissions testing?

Per regulation, A vehicle subject to this HD I/M Regulation shall be subject to the periodic vehicle emission testing requirements specified in section 2196.2 according to the frequencies specified below.

(1) Motor homes registered in California and agricultural vehicles shall be subject to an annual compliance deadline.

(2) For 2024, 2025 and 2026 vehicle emission testing requirements specified in section 2196.2, all vehicles other than those specified in (1) shall be subject to semi-annual compliance deadlines.

(3) Three years following the effective date (starting in 2027) of periodic vehicle emission testing requirements specified in section 2196.2, an OBD-equipped vehicle other than those specified in (1) shall be subject to quarterly compliance deadlines.

How is a pass or fail determined?

The criteria for determining a pass or fail have not been explicitly provided by CARB. Geotab is inferring that any Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) that may activate the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will cause a failing submission

How does CARB determine a vehicle’s compliance deadlines?

Per regulation, “Compliance deadline” refers to the deadline by which a vehicle shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this HD I/M Regulation.

(1) “Annual compliance deadline” refers to the deadline once per compliance year for which a qualifying vehicle owner shall verify compliance pursuant to this HD I/M Regulation. The annual deadline is the final day of a vehicle’s compliance year.

(2) “Semiannual compliance deadline” refers to the deadline twice per compliance year for which a vehicle owner shall verify compliance pursuant to this HD I/M Regulation. Semiannual deadlines occur on a vehicle’s compliance year expiration day in months six and twelve of each compliance year with the deadline in month twelve being the final day of a vehicle’s compliance year. If the semiannual compliance deadline would be a higher number than the total number of days in month six or twelve, the semiannual compliance deadline shall be the last day of that month.

(3) “Quarterly compliance deadline” refers to the deadline four times per compliance year for which a vehicle owner shall verify compliance pursuant to this HD I/M Regulation. Quarterly deadlines occur on a vehicle’s compliance year expiration day in months three, six, nine, and twelve of each compliance year with the deadline in month twelve being the final day of a vehicle’s compliance year. If the quarterly compliance deadline would be a higher number than the total number of days in any of the months three, six, nine, or twelve, the quarterly compliance deadline shall be the last day of that month.

What are the fines from CARB for not being compliant?

Always check the CARB site for the most current versions, however this was the most recent version we’ve reviewed.

Who is regulated by the CARB Clean Truck Check program?

This regulation is applicable to the 1.2 million heavy-duty vehicles operating in or passing through the state of California. In this context, a heavy-duty vehicle refers to diesel vehicles from 2013 or newer, and alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles from 2018 or newer — with Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 14, 001 lbs or more.

How or does opacity testing relate to Clean Truck Check?

CARB’s opacity testing (regulation) is related to the J1667 protocol, not the J1939 / J1979 interfaces and is not related.

Key terms



Clean Truck Check

CARB renamed the “Heavy Duty Inspection & Maintenance(HD I/M)” program to the “Clean Truck Check” in April 2023.

Additional regulation-specific nomenclature can be located in “2195.1. Definitions” in Attachment A-1 Final Regulation Order and “PART 1: Definitions” in Attachment B: California Standards for Heavy-Duty Remote On-Board.

Hardware-related Questions

Will using the OBD port void my warranty?

No, under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act in the United States, vehicle manufacturers cannot void warranties based on the utilization of aftermarket telematics devices, such as OBD diagnostic tools provided by the Geotab GO device.

However, when evaluating a new or current Geotab GO device installation, it's essential to consider the advantages and compliance offered through the CARB Clean Truck Check Program — previously known as the Heavy Duty Inspection & Maintenance Program. The Geotab GO device, in conjunction with the OBD port, provides a seamless solution to achieve optimal fleet performance and environmental compliance.

For over two decades, the OBD port has remained the industry benchmark to grant vehicle owners, technicians, and service providers dependable access to crucial diagnostic and monitoring data. The compatibility of the OBD port with an extensive range of vehicles ensures that diagnostic tools and equipment can be effectively utilized across various makes and models.

As mandated by the CARB Clean Truck Check Program, the OBD port is essential for confirming that your vehicles comply with environmental standards.

The use of the OBD port for diagnostics, maintenance, and repairs with the Geotab GO device will not jeopardize the vehicle warranty. Under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act in the United States, vehicle manufacturers cannot void warranties based on the utilization of aftermarket telematics devices, such as the OBD diagnostic tools provided by the Geotab GO device. For more information, refer to section six of the Geotab OBD FAQ.

For more information or questions, please contact your Partner Account Manager. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your fleet’s success and compliance with the CARB Clean Truck Check Program.

Which devices are certified?

Geotab’s GO9, GO9+, and GO9B devices. You can see the list of certified Geotab devices here.

Can a fleet plug in a Camera provider's 9-pin T-harness to a Geotab T-harness for power, is the vehicle still CARB compliant?

No, based on the latest CARB's EO, only a combination of the below HW is compliant. Any additional harnesses going in-between would render the configuration non-compliant. Below are the full harnesses that may be used.

What harnesses can I use to fulfill this requirement?

Our CARB-compliant aftermarket telematics solution includes the required combination of the following elements:

  1. One of the following GO devices:
    1. GO9®
    2. GO9B®
    3. GO9+®
    4. GO9 Rugged® device
  2. One of the following T-harnesses:
    1. HRN-GS09K2
    2. HRN-GS09K2-A
    3. HRN-GS16K22
    4. HRN-GS16K22-A
    5. HRN-GR09K1
    6. HRN-GR09K1-A
    7. HRN-BD16S5
  3. A CARB EO label, which needs to be applied under the hood. The installation instructions accompanying the label describe the appropriate installation location where it should be affixed in the vehicle.

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The solution was developed to address the following CARB requirements:

  1. No changes or alterations done to the CARB-approved OEM emissions control system, including the on-board diagnostic (OBD) system.
  2. T-harnesses (HRN-GS16 and HRN-GR09 SKUs) will not be made available without dust-caps, as required by state law.

A CARB-compliant sticker must be located within the engine compartment of the vehicle.

Is using the HRN-CG13S1-A adapter for Volvo/Mack vehicles compliant?

Geotab legal has performed a review of using the HRN-CG13S1-A adapter and has determined that it has no effect on the operation of the vehicle’s pollution control system or the GO device. As such, Geotab has taken the position that the HRN-CG13S1-A adapter, when installed between a HRN-GS16K22-A harness and the GO9, GR9 or GP9 device, is compliant with the executive order received from CARB.

What ports should I use to install my GO device for CARB-compliance?

The physical interface is for the OBDII Port only. ✱ NOTE: The data obtained from the RP1226 port is not compliant with the CARB Clean Truck Check Program.

GO devices installed to RP1226 will not be able to collect the required data for the following reasons:

  1. The RP1226 port is not a CARB-regulated diagnostic port, and thus any enforcement action cannot be taken based on that data.
  2. The RP1226 port often only provides broadcast data, while the Clean Truck Check program requires both broadcast and targeted data.
  3. The RP1226 port often has a gateway through which an OEM filters the data available to the diagnostic tool.
  4. The OBDII is stated to be the only method in which data can be collected for the use of Clean Truck Check compliance.

If an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) would like to pursue compliance through the RP1226 port, they will need to discuss with CARB directly.

GO devices installed using the CAN bus direct wire installation cannot be used to be compliant with the Clean Truck Check Solution as seen in §E.1.2 of Appendix B in the regulations.

MyGeotab or Feature-related Questions

What does the status of “Not Ready” mean?

"Not Ready" is the response from CARB servers after a scan has been submitted. The customer can login to their CTC-VIS account for more guidance.

A detailed overview of OBD readiness can be found here: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/board-diagnostic-obd-readiness-criteria and the following is a high level summary of the requirement.

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Is this compliant with FedRAMP?

This product is not yet offered as being FedRAMP-compliant. It is planned for future iterations, but the timeline has not yet been determined.

Can I bulk register my devices?

Yes, you can register devices in bulk. Customers are able to upload a CSV file with the required enrollment information. See the . All assets must be enrolled on the Clean Truck Check-Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) which is a platform owned by CARB.

How do I get set up on the MyGeotab platform to begin data collection?

Getting Started with Data Collection on MyGeotab


  1. Subscription: Ensure you're on either the ProPlus plan or GO Plan.
  2. Hardware: Install the CARB-approved HW kit.

Once these requirements are met, you can begin collecting data on the MyGeotab platform.

How am I notified that a pass or fail has occurred?

Within MyG users can view their devices' CARB compliance status. Customer can also configure any number of Geotab users to receive a notification when a failure occurs. See Configuring Notifications on the.

Will Geotab notify CARB if an unregistered unit has crossed into California for the first time?

We are currently developing this functionality. Customers can replicate this functionality by creating a Zone around the state of California and configuring email reports.

When enrolling vehicles for CARB. Should the DMV registration date be the Issued Date or Expiration Date from the vehicle registration?

Use the vehicle’s expiration date for vehicles which are registered in California, unless they are DMV exempted vehicles. DMV exempted vehicles should use Other for the registration state.


  1. The Aftermarkets EO