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Driver Safety Scorecard User Guide

The Driver Safety Scorecard is a powerful, customizable safety report available on the Geotab Marketplace. The following sections describe how to customize, set up, import, configure and automate the Driver Safety Scorecard:

  1. Customizing the Rule Weights and Risk Classifications
  2. Setting up the Exception Rules
  3. Importing the Driver Safety Scorecard

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Customizing the Rule Weights and Risk Classifications

  1. Download the Driver Safety Scorecard Report from the MyGeotab Marketplace.
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    1. Before you begin, review the default settings for rule weights and risk classifications. If no changes are required, proceed to Setting up the Exception Rules. Otherwise, proceed to step 3.
    2. Note: Any adjustments to the default settings must be made before importing the report into MyGeotab.

  • Default Rule Weights

    Default Risk Classifications

    1. Hard Acceleration: 10%
    2. Harsh Braking: 10%
    3. Harsh Cornering: 10%
    4. Seatbelt: 20%
    5. Speeding: 20%
    6. Excessive Speeding: 30%
    1. Low Risk: 90 100
    2. Mild Risk: 75 — 90
    3. Medium Risk: 60 — 75
    4. High Risk: 0 — 60
    1. To adjust the Rule Weights:
      1. Select the Report tab and locate the Rule Weight chart.
      2. In the Weight column, adjust percentage weights as desired. Any weight can be applied to any rule, as long as the total equals 100%.
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    1. The Average Fleet Score, Total Scores and Scoring Classifications automatically update based on the new weight assignments. Each driver receives a score ranging from 0-100.
    2. Note: As performance improves in one area (i.e. speeding), the focus may shift to another. You can adjust the weights at any time.

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    1. To adjust the Risk Classifications Range:
      1. Select the Report tab and locate the Classifications chart.
      2. In the Range column, adjust the baseline ranges as desired.
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    1. The Average Fleet Score and Scoring Classifications automatically update based on the new Risk Classification assignments. The Total Score values remains the same, but are classified differently based on the adjusted risk levels.
    2. Note: After all changes have been made please switch back to the Risk Breakdown tab, and then save the file (this will ensure the correct graph is displayed on the dashboard).

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    Setting Up the Exception Rules

    1. In MyGeotab, navigate to Rules and Groups > Rules and toggle the following default rules to On:
      1. Hard Acceleration
      2. Harsh Braking
      3. Harsh Cornering
      4. Speeding
      5. Seat Belt
      6. Note: The Hard Acceleration, Harsh Braking, Harsh Cornering, and Speeding rules have threshold settings that can be adjusted after toggling to On. For details, refer to the Product Guide.

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    1. Create the Excessive Speeding Rule:
      1. Click the Edit button beside the Speeding rule.
      2. Rename the rule to “Excessive Speeding”.
      3. Under the Conditions tab, click the Sheet icon to open the Advanced Conditions Editor.
      4. Copy and paste the string as shown below into the Advanced Conditions Editor, replacing the previous conditions.
      5. IsValueMoreThan[value=85mph](Speed)

      6. Click Save.
      7. Note: The suggested condition is (speed > 85 mph). For details on changing the speed condition, refer to the Product Guide.

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    Importing the Driver Safety Scorecard

    1. Import the Driver Safety Scorecard:
      1. If you have already performed the steps in Customizing the Rule Weights and Risk Classifications, proceed directly below, otherwise download the report from the MyGeotab Marketplace.
      2. In MyGeotab, navigate to Administration > Reports > Report Views.
      3. Click Add Excel File and drag the report into the designated drop-box. Alternatively, click inside the box to browse for the file.
      4. The Driver Safety Scorecard displays in the Report title.
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    1. To configure the Driver Safety Scorecard:
      1. Navigate to Administration > Reports > Report Views.
      2. Toggle Show report in drop down list to Yes.
      3. Select the following Additional Report Options:
        1. Run report by: select Device or Driver.
        2. Group by: leave the default to None.
        3. Hide rows with zero distance: select ON.
        4. Grouping options: leave set to Individual vehicles or drivers.
      4. Save your changes.
      5. Note: This step allows users to manually run the report through the Risk Management tab by changing the View to Driver Safety Scorecard.

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    1. Assign the Exception Rules (in exact order shown):
      1. Hard Acceleration
      2. Harsh Braking
      3. Harsh Cornering
      4. Seat Belt
      5. Speeding
      6. Excessive Speeding (custom speeding rule)
      7. Save your changes.
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    1. Add the report to the Dashboard:
    2. Under the Dashboard tab, toggle Dashboard graphic options to Yes.
    3. Select the desired Dashboard viewers.
    4. Toggle Include me as a dashboard viewer to Yes.
    5. Select the following Report Data Configurations.
      1. Date range: Last Week is recommended.
      2. Refresh period: Weekly is recommended.
      3. Next run: select the next run time based on Date range and Refresh period. Monday of the following week is recommended.
      4. Belonging to: select the groups to report on. The default is Everything).
    6. Repeat step 2 to select Additional Report Options:
    7. Repeat step 3 to assign the Exception Rules.
    8. Save your changes.
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    1. Email the report:
      1. Under the Email tab, toggle Email options to Yes.
      2. Select the desired Recipient list.
      3. Toggle Email the report to me to Yes.
      4. Leave Redirect report to Off.
      5. Select the following Report Data Configurations:
      6. Type of report: toggle PDF or Excel.
      7. Repeat step 4 to select Report Data Configurations.
    2. Repeat step 2 to select Additional Report Options.
    3. Repeat step 3 to assign the Exception Rules.
    4. Save your changes.

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