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Configuration de Fuel Transaction Provider (WEX) (Fournisseur de transaction de carburant)
Support Document
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Apprenez à mettre en place le processus d’importation systématique des transactions de cartes carburant WEX dans votre base de données MyGeotab, y compris comment configurer l'extension de fournisseur de carburant et d'import de transaction, et configurer le rapport sur les transactions incohérentes et leur affichage sur la carte.
Setup Process
Table of Contents
This document outlines the setup process required to systematically import WEX and EFS fuel card transactions into a MyGeotab database.
If a customer has issues with the reporting (as in issues with mismatches, wrong locations reporting, or more) or needs further training, they can contact Geotab Support.
! IMPORTANT: Clients must work directly with their WEX or EFS Account Manager to have their account added to the daily data feed with Geotab.
This section outlines the process of adding WEX fuel transactions into a database. This process currently only works for WEX fuel cards in the United States. EFS customers, refer to the EFS setup process (BETA) section.
✱ NOTE: If the VINs are not associated with the card numbers, then the transactions will not be matched with the correct telematics. This is the most common reason for mismatched and unmatched fuel transactions.
This step can be completed as soon as a request is submitted. There is no need to wait for WEX to add info to the file.
Clients and partners are advised to review the database after four weeks (30 days) to confirm that transactions are present. They may also contact Support for confirmation.
From the MyGeotab main menu, navigate to Engine and Maintenance > Fuel Transaction Provider. Review the following:
This section outlines the process of adding EFS fuel transactions into a database. This process currently only works for EFS fuel cards in the United States.
! IMPORTANT: This feature is currently in Beta.
Refer to the Data Sharing Preferences user instructions from EFS in order to enable data sharing with Geotab. If you do not have the option to share through your eManager account, you can reach the EFS Customer Service directly at 1-888-824-7378.
This step can be completed as soon as a request is submitted through your eManager account. There is no need to wait for EFS to add info to the file.
Clients and partners are advised to review the database after four weeks (30 days) to confirm that transactions are present. They may also contact Support for confirmation.
From the MyGeotab main menu, navigate to Engine and Maintenance > Fuel Transaction Provider. Review the following:
Fuel transactions will be imported once per 24-hour period. The fuel card provider account number should include leading zeros, no spaces or hyphens, and a minimum of 13 digits. Make sure there are no blank spaces before or after the WEX or EFS account number.
Latest version of the Add-In can be found here:
The Fuel Transaction Provider Add-In enables automated fuel transaction importing.
✱ NOTE: Last Imported automatically populates. Data transfer follows a Monday to Friday midnight UTC schedule.
This section outlines the process of adding the fuel report to a Geotab database. The report can be found here
Table 1: Report Configuration Variables
Options | Field | Field Value |
Dashboard | Dashboard graphic options | Yes |
Display Options | Dashboard viewers | All in Company Group |
Date Range | Last Week | |
Refresh period | Weekly | |
Additional Report Options | Next run | Select the following Monday at 5:00 am |
Belonging to | Everything | |
Include unmatched | Yes |
✱ NOTE: This is not a fraud analysis or detection tool/report. It is designed to help Fleet Managers confirm if fuel card transactions are associated with the correct vehicle in MyGeotab.
To match a fuel transaction to a device, there must be at least one reference between the fuel card data and the device. The following reference fields are acceptable:
✱ NOTE: If fuel card data cannot be matched to a vehicle, it will not appear in MyGeotab or be downloadable from Excel reports.
Look up activity under Engine and Maintenance > Fuel and EV Energy Usage > Fill-Ups.
A fill-up event occurs every time fuel is added to the vehicle. A red warning icon displays for any fill-up row that does not meet validation criteria. Hovering the cursor over the icon will display the reason why the system flagged the fill-up.
Selecting the event will show the details of that particular fill-up event. A matching fuel transaction will also be shown if available. Mismatches will be highlighted in yellow.
Github Repository:Fuel Transaction Provider: Transaction Import:
The Fuel Transaction Import Add-In Tool is used to manually import files (XLSX, XLSM, CSV).
The report has the following three sheets:
Field | Type | Description | Sample |
DeviceName | String | Vehicle name in MyGeotab | Vehicle 23475 |
DeviceId | String | Device ID | b3 |
DeviceComment | String | Device Comment from MyGeotab | Fuel Card Number |
DeviceGroup | String | Device Groups | Region A, SUV |
UserName | String | Driver name in MyGeotab (if applicable) | – |
UserId | String | Driver ID in MyGeotab (if applicable) | – |
UserComment | String | Driver comments in MyGeotab (if applicable) | – |
DriverGroup | String | Driver groups in MyGeotab (if applicable) | – |
FuelEventDateTime | Date | Time of device fill up detected (if available) | 31/07/2018 5:45:53 PM |
FuelEventVolume | Number | If we have both the fuel volume from the engine AND a fuel card transaction volume, this will show the fuel transaction volume amount. If there is no fuel card transaction volume, then it will show the fuel volume from CAN (engine). | 111.8000031 |
FuelUpEventTotalFuelUsed | Number | GO device calculated fuel used from the last fill-up/transaction | 46.62024307 |
FuelEventOdometer | Number | Odometer from Geotab | 20550.38867 |
FuelUsedEventDistance | Number | GO device calculated distance from the last fill-up/transaction | 609350.0625 |
FillUpRecordFuelEconomy | Number | Calculated fuel economy using FuelUsedEventDistance and FuelUpEventTotalFuelUsed | 7.65081501 |
FuelEventCost | Number | Fuel card transaction cost | 111.796 |
FuelEventCurrencyCode | String | Fuel card transaction currency | CAD |
FuelEventProductType | Predefined List | Fuel card transaction Product Type | Unknown |
FuelUpEventTankCapacity | Number | Vehicle tank capacity. See possible sources below. | 55 |
FuelUpEventTankCapacitySource | Predefined List | Source of tank capacity value. In order: User Entered Engine Reported Estimate Unknown | DeviceTankCapacity |
FuelUpEventTankLevelLow | Number | Engine fuel level at beginning of fill-up | 7.5 |
FuelUpEventTankLevelHigh | Number | Engine fuel level at end of fill-up | 50 |
FillUpRecordLatitude | Number | Latitude of device location at time of fill-up | 43.80833435 |
FillUpRecordLongitude | Number | Longitude of device location at time of fill-up | -79.55115509 |
FillUpRecordLocation | Address | Location of device fill-up | 3674 Langstaff Rd, Woodbridge, ON L4L 9A8, Canada |
FuelUpEventRiskIsLocationMatch | Boolean | This column is deemed as TRUE if the location from the fuel card transaction was within 1,000 meters (~0.62 miles) from the GO device location at the time of the fill-up. | TRUE |
FuelUpEventRiskIsCapacityMatch | Boolean | This column is deemed as TRUE if the volume added from the fuel card transaction was within 5% above tank capacity. | FALSE |
FuelUpEventRiskIsEngineFuelMatch | Boolean | This column is deemed as TRUE if the timestamp from the fuel card transaction was within 720 minutes from the GO device timestamp at the time of the fill-up. The reason for such a long interval is that we are matching by date time with our other partners, it was found that a lot of fuel sites don't update their internal systems with daylight savings/timezone issues and we found a lot of transactions with up to 5 hours difference that were actual matches as a result. | TRUE |
FuelUpEventRiskIsDerivedVolumeMatch | Boolean | This column is deemed true if the fuel card transaction volume is within 10% greater than the derived volume from the GO device. | |
FillUpRecordTransaction1Vin | String | Fuel Card Transaction VIN | JN1BJ1CP9HW000823 |
FillUpRecordTransaction1Driver | String | Fuel Card Transaction Driver | – |
FillUpRecordTransaction1DateTime | Date | Fuel Card Transaction Date Time | 43312.74236 |
FillUpRecordTransaction1Cost | Number | Fuel Card Transaction Cost | 65 |
FillUpRecordTransaction1CurrencyCode | String | Fuel Card Transaction Currency | CAD |
FillUpRecordTransaction1ProductType | Pre defined list | Fuel Card Transaction Product Type | Unknown |
FillUpRecordTransaction1Odometer | Number | Fuel Card Transaction Odometer | 20550 |
FuelTransaction1Latitude | Number | Fuel Card Transaction Latitude | 43.80533 |
FuelTransaction1Longitude | Number | Fuel Card Transaction Longitude | -79.5647 |
Field | Type | Description | Sample |
Vehicle | String | Vehicle Description | b3 |
Vehicle Group | String | Groups assigned to that vehicle in MyGeotab | — |
Driver | String | Driver Assigned | John Smith |
Driver Group | String | Groups assigned to driver | – |
Date | Date | FuelEventDateTime (Date Time of the device fill-up, if available) | – |
Location | String | FillUpRecordLocation | – |
Fuel Economy | Number | FillUpRecordFuelEconomy | – |
Fuel Added | Number | FuelEventVolume | – |
Odometer | Number | FuelEventOdometer | – |
Cost | Number | FuelEventCost | – |
Currency | String | FuelEventCurrencyCode | – |
Product Type | String | FillUpRecordTransaction1ProductType | – |