Driver’s Guide to Data Transfer at Roadside Checks
Learn how to data transfer during roadside checks using telematics transfer, which electronically transfers data to an authorized safety officer via wireless Web Services and email.

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Driver’s Guide to Data Transfer at Roadside Checks

! IMPORTANT: This document must be kept in the Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) at all times, and made available during a roadside check in accordance with ELD regulations in the US & Canada.

! IMPORTANT: In order to improve our products, we may at any time, and without warning, change the design, presentation, or functionality of the software.


Roadside Check is at the bottom left of the main dashboard

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Optional PIN dialog that appears

when starting a Roadside Check

Roadside Checks

In the event of a roadside check:

  1. From the Dashboard, press Roadside Check.
  2. (Optional) For your privacy, you can choose to specify a 4-digit PIN that is required to exit Roadside Check mode. Either enter a PIN and press Set PIN, or press No PIN to proceed without one.
  3. The next part of the workflow differs slightly based on your current location (USA or Canada) — see the bottom of this sheet for examples. Do one of the following:
  4. To transfer HOS logs, enter the Transfer Code or Email Address provided by the officer, and then press either Email or Web services for drivers in the US, or Transfer (Canada) for drivers in Canada.
  5. If these transfer services fail (such as in areas with poor cell coverage), press Compliance print to display the report on your mobile device. The officer can use the arrows to move between days, and scroll through each report to display all information for that day.
  6. To review previous asset inspections, press the Asset Inspection tab at the top of the screen and then press View. To see the list of defects used in each inspection, scroll down and press View.
  7. To exit the Asset Inspection view, close the defects list and then press the arrow at the top left of the screen.
  8. To exit Roadside Check, press Exit at the top right and then enter the PIN (if one was specified).

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Step 3 — Sample transfer screen

for a driver in the USA

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Step 3 — Sample transfer screen

for a driver in Canada

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Press Exit at the top right

to return to the Dashboard
