User Guide

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Welcome to Extendable Services!

Extendable Services is a secured data sharing technology that allows users to collaborate with trusted business partners by extending their telematics data to other Fleet Management Application users. For example, users can extend safety and performance-driven data to insurance providers to save on coverage, or extend engine diagnostic data with maintenance providers to save on repairs.

Extendable Services starts with a transaction between two Fleet Management Application users; a user from a primary database who makes a request to extend telematics services to a user from a target database, who accepts or rejects the request based on the needs of their business.

! IMPORTANT: In order to improve our products, we may at any time, and without warning, change the design, presentation, or functionality of the software. The images shown here are for illustration purposes and may appear slightly different in the software.

! IMPORTANT: At this time, if the Rate Plan on the target database is higher than the Rate Plan on the primary database, the primary database receives telematics data associated with the higher Rate Plan. This is an anomaly, and will have no impact on current billing rates for either database. However, if the Rate Plan on the target database is lower than the Rate Plan on the primary database, there are no changes to either Rate Plan, and each database receives the telematics data they are subscribed to. We expect to resolve this issue in an upcoming release, where both primary and target databases will receive telematics data based on their respective Rate Plans, in all instances.

Notes and Considerations


  • Telematics services can only be extended between active databases in the Fleet Management Application.
  • To view extended telematics data, users must have an account in the Fleet Management Application.
  • To view extended services, users must have the View device share clearance.
  • To accept/reject requests to extend services, users must have the Administer device share clearance.
  • By default, Administrators have the Administer device share and View device share clearances.


  • Primary Database —The primary database from which the telematics data is being extended.
  • Target Database — The database receiving the telematics data extended by a primary database.
  • Active Database — A database that is currently in use in the Fleet Management Application.
  • Shared Rate Plan — Rate Plan(s) available to the target database at the time telematics data is extended.


  • Extendable Services can only be shared with your Telematics Provider’s devices at this time.
  • Shared Rate Plans are available on Base, Regulatory, Pro, and ProPlus.
  • Primary and target databases do not have to be on the same Rate Plan to use Extendable Services.
  • Only data associated with the Rate Plan can be extended. Billing begins as soon as a request is accepted.
  • Driver names, group names, and zone names are private and not displayed in the extended service.
  • Rate Plans can only be changed by terminating, then re-extending the service on the target database.
  • Only Resellers can terminate an extended service on a target database.

Before you begin

To allow us to improve our products and get to know our users, we release some of our new features in preview, so you can explore new tools and submit your feedback.

Sending an Extendable Services request

These steps are performed by the requestor from the Primary Database. To extend telematics services to a Target Database, follow the steps below. You must have the SecurityEditDeviceShare clearance to extend your telematics services to another database. To learn more, please contact your Administrator.


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.


Select a vehicle from the list, or search by name or device serial number.


Alternatively, use the Select individual option from the dropdown menu to select multiple vehicles, then click the Edit selected devices button.


On the Asset Edit page, click the Extended Services tab. If you selected multiple vehicles, do the same from the Asset Edit Multiple Devices page.


Under the Extended Services tab, click the Add another service button.


Enter the name of the target database under Database. The Rate Plan associated with the device is selected by default. If necessary, select another Plan from the dropdown menu. To learn more about changing Rate Plans, refer to Changing the Rate Plan on an Extendable Service.

✱ NOTE: The Target Database must have at least one asset to successfully send an Extendable Services request.


If desired, repeat step 4 to add more databases.


When you are finished adding services, click the Save button on the top menu, or the checkbox under Action to send your request to the target database.




After saving, a notification displays at the top of the page confirming the request was successfully sent to the target database. The notification remains on the page until it is dismissed by clicking the X symbol.


The Service Status under the Extended services tab changes from New to Pending. The service remains on the page until it is dismissed by clicking the X symbol.


The recipient of the target database can choose to accept or reject the request. If the request is accepted, the Service Status changes from Pending to Active, and billing associated with the selected Rate Plan, begins. If the service is rejected, the Service Status changes from Pending to Rejected, and no billing begins.

NOTE: For more on the recipient’s workflow, refer to Receiving an Extendable Services request.

Canceling an Extendable Services request

Extended Services requests can only be canceled while in the Pending status. If the request was already accepted by the recipient from target database, refer to Removing an Extendable Service.


To cancel a Pending request, return to the Asset Edit page and click the X symbol associated with the request under Actions.


You are asked to confirm cancellation of the request. Review the message and click the Cancel sharing button to proceed, or Continue to continue sharing.


If you clicked Cancel sharing, the Service Status changes from Pending to Canceled.

NOTE: The target database does not receive a notification that the primary database canceled the request.

Receiving an Extendable Services request

These steps are performed by the recipient from the target database. To accept or reject an extended services request from a primary database, do the following. Only incoming services in the Pending status can be accepted or rejected.

Accepting a request


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.


A notification displays at the top of the page from the primary database requesting to extend telematics services to your target database. The notification remains on the page until it is dismissed by clicking the X symbol.

NOTE: The request is only visible to recipients with the View device share clearance, and can only be accepted or rejected with the Administer device share clearance. If multiple requests are made, multiple notifications display.


Click the View Data button on the notification to view details of the primary database, then enter a name for the service in the Description/Name: field. When finished, click Accept.

NOTE: If multiple vehicles are shared, they are listed in separate Description/Name: fields.


Another notification displays at the top of the page confirming the request was accepted.


Select the new vehicle from the list, and under the Extended services tab on the Asset Edit page, the Service Status changes from Pending to Active.

NOTE: At any time, click the Show Help button to display additional information about the feature.

Rejecting a request


Repeat steps 1 and 2 above to view request notifications on the Vehicles & Assets page.


Click the View Data button to view details of the primary database, then enter a name for the service in the Description/Name: field. When finished, click Reject.


The Service Status under the Extended services tab in the primary database changes from Pending to Rejected.

NOTE: The primary database does not receive a notification that the target database rejected the request.


In the event the target database receives a request to extend services that were already accepted, the request is automatically rejected, and a notification displays at the top of the target database.

Changing the Rate Plan on an Extendable Service

When the sender from a primary database extends a request to extend telematics services to a target database, the sender can select a different Rate Pplan, so that only services associated with the selected Rate Pplan are extended. For example, although devices in the primary database are subscribed to the ProPlus Rate Plan, the sender can choose to limit access to these services by selecting Base from the Rate Plan dropdown menu before sending the request.

When the recipient of the target database accepts the request to extend services from the primary database, they assume the Rate Plan selected by the primary database, and billing begins immediately.

To change the Rate Plan on the target database after accepting an extended service from a primary database, the extended service must be terminated by the Reseller, then re-extended from the primary database under the new Rate Plan.

Removing an Extendable Service

! IMPORTANT: You can remove a device from the target database after accepting a request from an primary database to extend services. However, removing a device does not remove billing for the subscription. To deactivate billing, service must be terminated. To terminate an extended service, please contact your Reseller.


To remove a device from a target database, return to the Assets Edit page, and under the Device tab, click the Remove button.


Review the messages in the Remove device dialog, and when finished, click the Delete button.

Viewing a terminated Extendable Service

Only Resellers can terminate extended services from a target database. When an extended service is terminated, billing is also terminated. After the Reseller has terminated the service, users on the target database can view services that were terminated by following these steps.


To view extended services that have been terminated, return to the Assets Edit page, and click the Extended services tab.


Terminated displays under the Service Status column.

Sending an Extendable Services request

These steps are performed by the requester from the Primary Database. To extend telematics services to a Target Database, follow the steps below.

✱ NOTE: You must have the SecurityEditDeviceShare clearance to extend your telematics services to another database. To learn more, please contact your Administrator.


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.


Select a vehicle from the list, or search by name or device serial number. Alternatively, use the Select individual option from the Multiple Selection Menu to select multiple assets, then click the Edit selected devices button.



On the Asset Edit page, select the Extended Services tab. If you selected multiple vehicles, follow the same step on the Asset Edit Multiple Devices page.


Under the Extended Services tab, click the Add another service button. The page refreshes to display a new row in the table.



In the Database column, enter the name of the target database.


In the Plan column, select another Rate Plan using the dropdown menu, if necessary. The Rate Plan associated with the device is selected by default. To learn more about changing Rate Plans, refer to Changing the Rate Plan on an Extendable Service.


In the Location Data and Speed Data columns, switch the toggle to Off if you do not want to include the location and/or speed information in the Extendable Services subscription.

✱ NOTE: Turning off Speed Data automatically turns off Location Data.

Repeat Steps 4 to 7 for each additional database.


When you are finished adding services and ready to send the request to the target database, Checkbox button in the Action column.

You can also click the Save button at the top of the page.

After saving, a notification displays at the top of the page confirming the request was successfully sent to the target database. Click the X to dismiss the notification.


The Service Status column changes from New to Pending. The service remains on the page until it is dismissed by clicking X.

In the Target Database, the recipient can choose to accept or reject the request. If the request is accepted, the Service Status changes from Pending to Active, and billing associated with the selected Rate Plan begins. If the service is rejected, the Service Status changes from Pending to Rejected.

✱ NOTE: For more on the recipient’s workflow, refer to Receiving an Extendable Services request.

Canceling an Extendable Services request

Extended Services requests can only be canceled while in the Pending status. To cancel an extended services request, follow the steps below.

If the request was already accepted by the recipient from Target Database, refer to the Removing an Extendable Service section.


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.


Select a vehicle from the list, or search by name or device serial number. Alternatively, use the Select individual option from the Multiple Selection Menu to select multiple assets, then click the Edit selected devices button.



On the Asset Edit page, select the Extended Services tab. If you selected multiple vehicles, follow the same step on the Asset Edit Multiple Devices page.



Under the Extended Services tab, click the X under the Actions column for the associated request.


On the Cancel extended services popup window, review the message and click the Cancel sharing button to proceed, or Continue to continue sharing.



If you click Cancel sharing, the Service Status changes from Pending to Cancelled.

✱ NOTE: The Target Database does not receive a notification that the Primary Database canceled the request.

Receiving an Extendable Services request

The recipient from the Target Database accepts or rejects an extended services request from a Primary Database. Only incoming services in the Pending status can be accepted or rejected.

Accepting a request


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.

The page displays a notification at the top to notify that the Primary Database is requesting to extend services to the Target Database. Click the X to dismiss the notification.


✱ NOTE: The request is only visible to recipients with the View device share clearance, and only recipients with the Administer device share clearance can accept or reject requests. If there are multiple extended services request, the page displays multiple notifications.


Click the View data button on the notification to view the details of the request from the Primary Database.


In the New extended services window, enter a name for the service in the Description/Name: field, then click Accept.

If the request includes multiple assets, the New extended services window lists the information for each asset separately, as well as a checkbox that allows you to select specific requests to accept.

The request includes a single asset:

The request include multiple assets:



Once complete, another notification displays at the top of the page confirming the request was accepted.

On the Asset Edit page, the Service status under the Extended services tab changes from Pending to Active.

✱ NOTE: At any time, click the Show Help button on the Asset Edit page to display additional information about the feature

Rejecting a request


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.

The page displays a notification at the top to notify that the Primary Database is requesting to extend services to the Target Database. Click the X to dismiss the notification.


✱ NOTE: The request is only visible to recipients with the View device share clearance, and only recipients with the Administer device share clearance can accept or reject requests. If there are multiple extended services request, the page displays multiple notifications.


Click the View data button on the notification to view the details of the request from the Primary Database.


In the New extended services window, enter a name for the service in the Description/Name: field, then click Reject.

If the request includes multiple assets, the New extended services window lists the information for each asset separately, as well as a checkbox that allows you to select specific requests to reject.

The request includes a single asset:

The request include multiple assets:



Once complete, another notification displays at the top of the page confirming the request was accepted.

On the Asset Edit page, the Service status under the Extended services tab changes from Pending to Rejected.

✱ NOTE: At any time, click the Show Help button on the Asset Edit page to display additional information about the feature

Changing the Rate Plan on an Extendable Service

When the sender from a Primary Database requests to extend telematics services to a Target Database, the sender can select a different Rate Plan, so only services associated with the selected Rate Plan are extended. For example, although devices in the Primary Database are subscribed to the ProPlus Rate Plan, the sender can choose to limit access to these services by selecting Base from the Plan dropdown menu on the Asset Edit page before sending the request.

When the recipient of the Target Database accepts the request to extend services from the Primary Database, the recipient assumes the Rate Plan selected by the Primary Database, and billing begins immediately.

To change the Rate Plan on the Target Database after accepting an extended service from a Primary Database, the extended service must be terminated by the Partner, then re-extended from the Primary Database under the new Rate Plan.

Removing an Extendable Service

! IMPORTANT: You can remove a device from the Target Database after accepting an extended services request from a Primary Database. However, removing a device does not automatically stop billing for the subscription. To deactivate billing, services must be terminated. To terminate an extended service, please contact your Partner.


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.


Select a vehicle from the list, or search by name or device serial number. Alternatively, use the Select individual option from the Multiple Selection Menu to select multiple assets, then click the Edit selected devices button.



On the Asset Edit page, click Remove at the top of the page.


In the Remove device popup window, review the message, then click Delete.

Viewing a terminated Extendable Service

Only Partners can terminate extended services from a Target Database. When an extended service is terminated, billing is also terminated. After the Partner has terminated the service, users on the Target Database can view services that were terminated by following these steps.


From the Fleet Management Application navigation menu, click Vehicles & Assets.


Select a vehicle from the list, or search by name or device serial number. Alternatively, use the Select individual option from the Multiple Selection Menu to select multiple assets, then click the Edit selected devices button.



On the Asset Edit page, select the Extended Services tab.


Under the Extended Services tab, the Service Status column displays a Terminated label for terminated extended services.
